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Thursday, August 15, 2024

Reflections of Michael Trilogy by L. J. Ambrosio - Book Tour - Author Interview - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Reflections of Michael Trilogy
by L. J. Ambrosio


GENRE:   Literary Fiction / Coming of Age



A Reservoir Man, critics have hailed this explosive and timely work as “a must-read coming-of-age story of 2022.” Twists and turns further pull the reader in to Michael’s action-packed tale, with powerful themes, from betrayal and family to secrets and identity. “Be sure not to blink because you just might miss a pivotal moment in Michael’s rousing, larger-than-life story.” -- R.C. Gibson, Indiestoday.com. “This book is a dream, a gamble, a utopia, even.” -- Kalyan Panja, Bookmarkks.



Michael's story continues from A Reservoir Man (2022) where we find him teaching at a university ready to retire. He unexpectedly meets a young man named Ron who becomes his protege and journeys in a haphazard adventure with him throughout America and Europe, each twist and turn of the road bringing unexpected adventures. The journey taken is one of joy, friendship and discovery.



In this final chapter, Ron's story concludes from Reflections on the Boulevard (2023). Michael's wish was for Ron to exile himself in the heart of Paris with its beautiful culture and citizens as they protest and fight for the soul of the city. Ron's journey is met with life-affirming friendships and lessons along the way. The final book in the Reflections of Michael Trilogy, which started with A Reservoir Man (2022).



From A Reservoir Man - Book One:

Michael had now become, after these last six months, a little more world weary and worse for the wear. Sitting on his bench, entering his last year at college. Michael still had not found his soul or his truth. His emphasis on sex was unfulfilling and empty. He wandered in the shadowy corners, the lightless streets, leading to a dead end and the darkness of an empty truck. Loneliness had become a fixture of Michael’s being. He longed for a few hours to be with Carol, Claire, or Raphael.

One day, while sitting on the bench, Michael heard in the distance Otis Reading’s “The Dock of The Bay” playing on a portable radio. The music came closer and closer and then quickly turned to the Four Tops' “Reach Out (I’ll be There).”

Picking up his head, Michael saw this extremely attractive ethnic guy standing right above him. Michael said ‘hello,’ and the young man answered.

“My name is Nick. Do you dance?”

Michael said, “Sort of, but I do not have much of a chance to go dancing.”

“You want to go tonight?” Nick asked with a smile, and he started to sing “Baby I Need Your Loving” by the Four Tops.

Michael became a little concerned about the message of the song, so he suggested that they might talk over coffee before they venture out dancing. Michael decided to cut his next two classes and have coffee.

They spent hours talking about their lives. Nick was older than Michael by nine years. Nick said he had to prepare for graduation as did Michael. He was in the school for Education and would be graduating that year.

He was first generation Greek from Cyprus and spoke fluent Greek. His family lived in Harlem on 137th Street off Broadway. He had siblings, a brother and sister. Michael was taken by him.

He made him laugh and feel amazingly comfortable. Nick invited Michael to dinner Saturday night. His mother would make Doimadakia, Humus, Tzataki and Moussaka. Michael agreed to go.

Nick’s parents were great. His mother was shy, his father a little less. They spoke with a broken accent, which Michael loved. They had a great dinner and talked a lot. Michael learned a lot about Cyprus.

Nick said after dinner, "Dancing, right?”



Good morning L. J. Ambrosio and welcome back to Fabulous and Brunette!! Congrats on completing your trilogy!! We are excited to learn more about you and your intriguing new book series, "The Reflections of Michael Trilogy."

Tell us how you decided on the names of the book titles and book series.
All three are metaphors. The Reservoir Man is like corruption in the form of love, deceit,  anger, and  disrespect of our neighbor. Reflections on the Boulevard is like a mirror reflection of us ourselves, who we are, and our loves. Ron finally sees Michael at the end -  Michael’s reflection. Ron permits himself to continue his journey having the right of passage to freedom liberty and truth. Exiles is like the exit door to explore new paths, finding creative and political freedom

How would you describe your books in just one sentence each?
Reservoir Man is searching, experience of a young to old man.
Reflections is the journey of leaning all truth.
Exiles is finding peace and the union for those who care and understand.

In previous interviews, you have described your books as "buddy books." Can you elaborate on that description?
In my understanding the buddy book is a staple of American story telling. Jerry Lewis, Dean Martin, Abbot and Costello, Laurel and Hardy, Bing Crosby, and Bob Hope. They were helping each other in their relationship. They took us through adventures, escaping evil, corruption and more. They all have some way to escape and were safe. Their relationship was caring and was no different than Ron and Michael’s relationshp or Ron and Louie’s relationship.

As these books are extremely personal and based on your life and experiences, has publishing these books changed you or your life in any way and if so, how?
It has liberated me. I can forgive those who hurt me and embrace, even closer, those who love me. I want to celebrate my feelings. My memories are much clearer. The path to the end is clear.

How have your friends and family responded to your books? Have they identified themselves as any of your characters?
Family and friends' responses are personal to them, I don't want to violate their privacy, but it was incredibly positive.

Now that you have your story out and completed your trilogy, what is next? Do you have plans to continue authoring books?
One last book which will be the continuation of the Ron and Louie relationship and their journey. The novel will begin at that moment on Walden Pond as “Exiles” ended. They have a few dragonflies circling near them as Rhonda lies on the shoreline of the Pond sleeping. Our courageous young men are fascinated by the ripples in the water.

Wow, three books in three years, how did you keep focused, stay on schedule, and meet deadlines?
The deadlines were the next day. That is all the deadlines I had. I wrote two hours per night five days a week. Saturday if I was home. The next morning, I would re-read, making any additional changes.

In previous interviews, you have identified yourself being new to the writing and publishing industries. What steps or skills did you seek out to help you write this series?
I ran two major theatres; I had a bi-coastal talent agency  that produced numerous films I just jumped in and asked a lot of questions and moved on and did it. The skills were the same skills I used in my other ventures…“just do it,” it all comes together.

As you started writing the first book did you plan on it becoming a trilogy?
No! Not at all I just wanted to talk about the rite of passage and its journey. The second and third book I had more to explore in the characters as well as myself.

Can these books be read as standalones and/or read out of order?
Reflections and Exiles can easily be read out of order. Reservoir Man stand alone.

If someone could only read one of your three books, which one would you recommend to them and why?
Reflections because it has great insight in what is the right of passage and growth for a young person—the ordeal of sorry, anger, loss,  and love. It is also funny and demonstrates the best-off America’s beautiful locations also gives you a peek of Paris but that is Exile

Do you read your book reviews? If so, do they have any impact or influence on your writing style or how you approach writing your next book?
Oh yes, they are important. Reviews give someone else's insight into the book.  They are constructive.  There is never a bad review---what I like about the reviews among these host that reviewed my book is their honesty and support towards all writers they encounter 
I will never adjust the way i write.

Do you respond to readers' questions and comments? If so, and as a new author, what has been your overall experience with book tours, book reading events, and social media? Has it helped you engage with readers, as well as reach and target new audiences?
I always respond to readers' statements.
I like book tours. The longer ones are good but not always. I like the blast,I think they are more productive.

If you could co-author a book with any writer, who would you choose and why?
JD Salinger

Who are three celebrities you wish would read your books?
Anyone---from independent film or theatre.

What insight, messages, or take-aways do you hope your readers will gain after reading your books?
The reader should take aways the enjoyment of the book and then the lessons of the characters'  lives.  It is not for me to teach just to tell.

Looking back on your writing journey, what are some of your favorite moments or highlights over the course of completing this trilogy?
 All the journeys the characters took. I still get emotional just thinking of them and their journey to their freedom.

Thank you so much for spending time with FAB readers and sharing your intriguing new book trilogy with us!! We wish you all the best on your book tour!!



Louis J. Ambrosio ran one of the most nurturing bi-coastal talent agencies in Los Angeles and New York. He started his career as a theatrical producer, running two major regional theaters for eight seasons. Ambrosio taught at seven universities. Ambrosio also distinguished himself as an award-winning film producer and novelist over the course of his impressive career.











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L. J. Ambrosio will be awarding a $20 Amazon OR Barnes and Noble Gift Card (Winner's Choice!!!), a Print Copy of the book, or a Dragonfly Necklace to THREE randomly chosen winners via Rafflecopter during the tour.


a Rafflecopter giveaway

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