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Thursday, August 1, 2024

Heart & Soul: The Soul Lives in What the Heart Loves by Toby Negus - Book Tour - Blurb Blitz - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Heart & Soul:
The Soul Lives in What the Heart Loves
by Toby Negus


GENRE:  Lyrical Inspirational Prose



Truths beautifully expressed.

Toby Negus, author and illustrator of The Heart Knows What the Mind Cannot See, has created a collection of lyrical inspirational prose messages coupled with colorful and mesmerizing symbolic illustrations that speak to the soul.

The author has continued his exploration of the most transformational psychospiritual concepts that lie deeply within all humans, bringing the wisdom of heart and soul into the light for our minds to connect with and grow from. He weaves his messages through a variety of topics, including love, freedom, choice, truth, self-awareness, the now moment, healing, peace, and most importantly, the role of the heart and soul in enlightening humanity’s journey on Planet Earth. Connections are made among these concepts to help readers make the same connections in order to find peace in their own lives.

As an artist, the author takes his ethereal subject matter, fuses it with the colors and shapes presented by his own spiritual muse, and gives the reader a visceral inner transformation through symbol, intense color, and cosmic shape.

Heart and Soul creates a deep and beautiful immersion for the reader into their own heart’s beautiful depths.



There is a direct correlation between the amount of love we feel in life and the freedom we give to our soul.

It is true that the heart knows what the mind cannot see, and it is also true that the soul lives in what the heart loves.

The loves we have in  life allow us to know the soul’s resolve. They are urges of the soul’s wish to know life. They give us signposts of our soul’s intention, and where the heart can find joy.

They are the aspects of life where the soul seeks freedom; the times and places where we become, in that loved moment, set free from our labour and become the dream that we love.

We are then both lost and found at the same time. Lost to the mystery of life and found within the company of the love we have made.

If we do not love we confine our soul, for it is in the quest of love that the soul fulfils its purpose on earth.

Our love may be known from a sight in nature, a piece of art, a song, within the company of loved ones, or any of the thousand things that lighten the heart and inspire the mind.

Our loves are always close, beckoning us to adventure. Their presence has pushed and pulled us throughout our life.

Their persuasion is for us to make a way that is true to ourselves; an indigenous journey that honours the deeper truth of who we are.

They light the path to our true happiness, and often, to our greatest self-learning. For the journey that loves take us on is often not what we expect.

They will cause us to dig deep into the mystery of ourselves in order to summon the courage to surrender our old security for the adventure that love will always bring.

But when we love what we do, put our heart into it, then love’s providence empowers the heart and inspires the mind.



Toby Negus is an artist, both with paints and of the spirit. His work reflects a deep commitment to meeting life on its terms and an equally deep understanding of human nature.

Toby has studied and taught spiritual and personal development in the UK and around the world for over two decades. He is qualified in advanced counselling, as a life coach and as a Cognitive Behaviour therapist. He is an Amazon best-selling author of a collaborative Conscious Creators book and has illustrated and self published two books on the subject of self-awareness and the spiritual journey. He has articles published in national magazine and has given talks and run workshops in support of his published work within the UK.

In the last few years, he has created many pieces of artwork that are a reflection of his spiritual journey. These have appeared in magazines and have been exhibited in the UK.






Amazon Author Page:



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Toby will be awarding a $10 Amazon OR Barnes and Noble (Winner's Choice!!!) Gift Card to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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