Jury Duty Is Murder
by Kate Damon
GENRE: Cozy Mystery
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In the beginning, a tragic event started me on my journey to a destination and my love for helping children of all ages and their families.
However, what I was not prepared for was that the people who assisted me and paved the way for my advancement in my chosen career in Child Protection were the same people who tried to bring me down.
This book will give you insight into what it is like to work in Child Protection. It will show you the difficulties and sometimes dangers workers face on a daily basis. Furthermore, the novel will also highlight the satisfaction you get when you can assist a child and their family through a traumatic event.
My career at Child Protection spanned nearly a decade, and during that time, I was bullied by management. I observed management bully other workers; I was also aware of workers consuming drugs, both outside work hours and during work hours.
This novel is a behind-the-scenes look at what really happens at Child Protection when the public is not watching or listening.
Child Protection is not an easy career path, but it can be a good job if you like long hours, have a thick skin, keep your head down, keep your mouth shut, and abide by everything that management wants you to do, even when you know it is wrong or unfair.
Because this book contains content that is 18+ with various trigger warnings, we do not feel excerpts will be applicable. It discusses Jo’s time as a child protection worker and features substance abuse, sexual assault and various other triggering topics.
This story is about a mother's great accomplishments, although we mustn't forget that her children also travelled this hard road alongside her.
When Child Protection workers saw Miss Daisy’s name come through on the daily reports with yet another notification, they would shake in their boots. For 14 years, Miss Daisy was a regular client of the Department, raising concerns of drug and alcohol abuse. Coupled with criminal activity to support her daily drug habit and extreme violence, especially towards Child Protection Workers, it’s no wonder no one put their hand up to investigate this family.
When I became involved with Miss Daisy, she had just had her three older children removed from her care for the umpteenth time, ranging from ages 14 to 10, and was pregnant with her fourth child. Miss Daisy had become legally blind after being involved in a serious car accident years previously and relied on her biker husband with questionable associates to inject her with her daily drugs.
When Child Protection has been involved with a family for an extensive period of time and are aware of a mother's pregnancy, we can make a report on a baby prior to birth. This is a fantastic way to work with the mother to put all protective measures in place before the birth and hopefully prevent the baby from being removed from the mother’s care after birth. Unfortunately, in this case, those measures were unsuccessful. (Because under the current act, a foetus is not a legal ‘human being’, Child Protection can only work with a mother voluntarily until the baby is born).
The next step was to organize with the hospital to have them contact me once the baby was born. Once the baby was born, I arranged for hospital security to stand by in case Miss Daisy attacked Child Protection staff, hospital staff, or put the baby in danger, as she had done over the past fourteen years. As they say, past behaviour predicts future behaviour.
Upon my arrival at the hospital, Miss Daisy had a few people in her room, which is understandable as she had just given birth to a beautiful baby boy. I introduced myself and apologized for being there so soon after her giving birth. Furthermore, I explained that I needed to take out a Protection Application on the baby. However, I clarified that I was not removing the baby from her care, but the baby was not to be removed from the hospital. Miss Daisy surprised me with her response: “I have been waiting for you to turn up.” There was absolutely no aggression, not even a raised voice.
When the matter went to Court, an Interim Accommodation Order was made for three weeks. During these three weeks, Miss Daisy went into the hospital every day, did drug screens three times a week, and abided by every condition agreed upon in the order.
Prior to returning to Court, I became aware that Miss Daisy had separated from the father as I received a threatening phone call from him, demanding that I disclose the location of his son. This action from Miss Daisy further highlighted to me that she was doing everything in her power to put the safety and well-being of her children before her own needs, which is something she had never done in the past fourteen years.
When the matter returned to Court, the order was extended to allow for an interview and a home inspection of a person Miss Daisy had nominated to reside with. This placement would also provide her assistance in caring for the baby and adhering to the court conditions. Over the three weeks, interviews and home visits occurred to assess whether this placement would be appropriate for Miss Daisy to reside at for a period of time or until it was deemed that she could return to her own property. The interviews were lengthy and were approved by my Team Leader and the High-Risk Infant Team Leader.
Miss Daisy and I went to Court, and an Order was made for Miss Daisy to reside with her baby at the approved nominated placement. Everyone was happy. Miss Daisy and I left Court and drove to the hospital to pick up the baby.
Upon arriving at the hospital, I received a phone call from my Team Leader. She stated, “You need to breach the order.” I replied, “There is nothing to breach. She has not breached any of the conditions. She’s been with me.” My Team Leader stated, “The High-Risk Infant Team Leader has concerns about the placement.” I informed my Team Leader, “That is not a breach. The High-Risk Infant Team Leader approved the placement; they can’t change their mind and class it as a breach.” I told my Team Leader, “If you want to breach the order, come down and do it yourself.” Obviously, I was directed to breach the order.
I went upstairs and informed Miss Daisy that I was being directed to breach the order. However, I went on to inform her that the matter would return to Court the next day. Child Protection would get reprimanded, and the same order made today would be made tomorrow. I apologized profusely to Miss Daisy. I took her to the shops and bought her some food that she could heat up at the hospital. (Child Protection Workers are not supposed to be transparent, are supposed to abide by Management directives, and not tell their clients that Management made a mistake).
The next day in Court, I informed my solicitor that my Team Leader directed me to breach the order even though I told her that no breach had occurred. When the matter went in front of the Magistrate, he was furious. Thankfully, my solicitor jumped to my defence and informed the Magistrate that I had told the Team Leader that it was not a breach (of course, I provided my Team Leader’s name).
I drove Miss Daisy to the hospital, where we picked up the baby and went to their placement. I was a regular visitor there to ensure everything was going well. Within three months, Miss Daisy was back in her own home with all four children, and I am pleased to announce there have been no further reports twelve months later.
Over the course of my work with Miss Daisy, she went from not cooperating with Child Protection for fourteen years, with an extensive drug history, extensive domestic violence, and neglect, to working tirelessly on all aspects of her life. Believe it or not, she was producing clean drug screens, which is not easy given her lengthy drug history. Miss Daisy worked successfully on all aspects of her life and has all her children back in her care.
During one of my visits, the children asked me if I knew how to make custard. Therefore, on my very last visit with Miss Daisy and the children, I taught her how to make custard, with the children eagerly waiting for us to finish. By the look of the empty bowls, I think they liked it.
I class Miss Daisy as a success story. This was all Miss Daisy’s doing. It might have taken her a long time, but I reckon Miss Daisy’s a legend and finally a hero in her children’s eyes.
I asked Miss Daisy why, after fourteen years, she decided to work with Child Protection and change her life around. Miss Daisy responded, “Because you treated me like a human being.”
Everybody has the ability to change,
Everybody deserves encouragement,
Everybody deserves to be treated with respect and dignity,
Sometimes people can surprise you.
The life of Jo Cooling is like living in a theme park: one minute, it's like riding a roller coaster, baking cupcakes, cookies, and slices. With a kitchen covered with chocolate, flour, and cooking utensils. Also trying to develop new tastes and ideas for her growing baking business.
Sometimes, she feels like she travels through life in a Dodge 'em car. All the while, she works to complete two novels while caring for two Cavoodles, who believe their mother was placed on this earth purely to play with them 24 hours a day.
But no matter how out of control her life can be at times, eventually, she ends up sailing around on the Walt Disney teacup ride on top of the world. However, when she relaxes, the Cavoodles see this as an opportunity to snuggle on Mum's lap.
Jo's work career has been just as colorful as her current life. She has worked in horse and car racing, sold lingerie, designed websites, been a Personal Assistant, and worked as a Law Clerk.
Jo looks at life like a box of chocolates: each day unwraps a new layer, revealing unexpected flavors and textures.