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Wednesday, July 10, 2024

The Silvery Path: The Underworlds Series (Book 4) by Dennis Scheel - Book Tour - Guest Post - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

The Silvery Path:
The Underworlds Series
Book 4
by Dennis Scheel


GENRE:  Fantasy, Science Fiction



Will it end in peace or a silvery dose of fate?

Henna’s manipulation knows no bounds,
Denida is still the object of her prophecy, while Lucifer, God, and Gabriel remain in her sights.

Having seen her son, Nina is more determined than ever to bring him back from Henna’s world of dead souls. Meanwhile, the Darkness runs rampant across the Underworlds and on Earth as Lucifer’s grief over Heavani’s death overwhelms him.

Everyone has their own goals and ends, but one thing is inescapable: the bright silvery path that Henna willed.

Can these characters escape destiny’s hold on them, or will they become pawns in Henna’s quest for revenge?



Den, Denida’s human form, trotted from his grandparent’s house with a smile painted across his face. He admired the sunny sky before skipping down the road, humming to himself.

He’s barely grown. Odin clenched his scepter. “We have to do it within one week.” He glared in through a window, then turned to Loki. “I’ll leave the task to you; don’t fail me.”

Loki chuckled. “Why bother? They’re lowly humans.”

“I want to expedite Henna’s prophecy. We have waited in this world long enough. This is your chance to show me that I can rely on you, Loki.”

“But what I still don’t understand is: why? Isn’t that kid Henna’s chosen one?”

Odin adjusted his grip on his scepter. “His soul form is, not the boy, but certain events must fall into place to achieve Henna’s desired outcome, instead of a less desirable one.”

“Understood.” Loki smirked.

“You must use dark magic to kill the boy’s grandmother within one week. I can’t specify how important that is.”

Loki’s eyes widened. “To frame Lucifer?”

 Odin sighed. “Aren’t you attentive today.” He leaned closer to Loki. “Correct.”



My book cover depicts a man staring at a silver path that twists and branches in a few directions. One path leads to a divine, godlike figure. Another path leads to a devilish figure, and two paths lead beyond them, up to a pair of rainbow-colored eyes that seem to be watching over everything.

My idea for my book’s cover came to me about halfway through writing the story when I was thinking about my characters and their place in my series. My main character, Denida, has experienced God and Lucifer’s quarrels firsthand throughout the series. They are constantly advocating for him to join them as an ally, so they use him as a pawn to try to tear each other down. In The Silvery Path, their conflict escalates into a cataclysmic war, creating an unbreakable divide between them. To make matters worse, choosing one or the other will destroy the precarious balance between white and black magic, forces bigger than both God and Lucifer. Having two separate paths, one leading to each of them, is meant to show the irreparable nature of their relationship, and the unbridgeable gap between them.

More importantly, Henna’s rainbow-colored eyes loom over them because Henna, through her foresight, has fueled their divide. Her prophecy that Denida will help her get revenge on them for their past transgression against her has only amplified their mistrust for one another. Still, she plays with all the tools in her arsenal and has made strides to manipulate Denida directly to try to get him to bring about her desired end. As she abuses her ability to oversee the paths of fate by manipulating its direction with her silvery magic, all paths lead back to her and her omniscient, all-seeing gaze.

As a final note, I quite like how this is the last book in the Underworlds saga, and Denida’s on the cover to face fate once again, just like he did on the cover of my first book, No Way Back. On that cover, he is helplessly trying to reach his son as he’s disappearing through a Gate. But this time, Denida’s aware of all the larger forces at play, namely God, Lucifer, and Henna. His initial microcosm from my first book’s cover has now expanded to show his might, represented by his ability to face divine beings, and the gravity of the apocalypse he now faces. In other words, he’s no longer just a father running to save his son. He is now a being who is ready to contend with divine forces and fight the arbiter of fate herself. It’s a parallel that demonstrates his growth, and the escalation of the entities he faces. In this thrilling conclusion to the series, he must see just how much he’s grown since No Way Back if he has even the vaguest hope of combatting the new magnitude of dangers, he’s up against.



Wring about myself… oh, the horror!

As a Christmas Child, I believe magic is everywhere, especially during the winter, and I try to weave that magic into my stories. After all, my firm belief in karma and destiny has shaped who I am, so it should guide my stories, as well.

I was born and raised in Denmark, but faced many challenges during my life, one of which was my inability to write my stories in Danish! I’ve had my stories brewing in my head since I was a child and struggled for years to express them properly. After recovering from a diabetic attack that left me hospitalized, I managed to find my writer’s voice in English, and am thrilled to now have the ability to share my tales with you.





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Dennis will award a $15 Amazon OR Barnes and Noble (Winner's Choice!!!) Gift Card to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

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