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Thursday, July 18, 2024

Beautiful One by Mary Cope - Book Tour - Guest Post - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Beautiful One
by Mary Cope


GENRE:  Young Adult Romance



Transformation, empowerment, love and music come together in the book, Beautiful One.

Elizabeth Ryan is a beautiful, shy, naïve high school senior. Having never dated she meets the boy of her dreams, Aidan Mitchell. Despite his history of womanizing Liz is drawn to him. Soon Liz becomes the envy of all the girls on campus, when they become a couple and her dream boyfriend sweeps her off her feet and into the dating world that is all too new and strange for her. When other guys start to take notice of Liz, Aidan is troubled with fits of jealousy.

Elizabeth then meets the ruggedly handsome, Spencer Hayes and they quickly bond over their passion for music. Liz begins to struggle with the feelings that spark between them. In the end Elizabeth finds herself torn between helping Aidan overcome his jealousy and anger and giving into what her heart truly wants.



“Elizabeth.” My heart leapt as I opened my eyes, and my breathing stopped for a second. My eyes roamed over his handsome face. His jaw was slightly swollen and bruised, but other than that, his face was untouched. His grey eyes were unusually light from the angle where I sat, and his dark hair was tousled in a way that made me ache to run my fingers through it.

“May I?” He motioned to the bench next to me.

I was still surprised to see him, so I just nodded.

Spencer sat and shifted his body so it was facing mine. “I’ve been looking all over for you. Didn’t you get my calls?”

In my rush to see Aidan, I had left my cell phone at home, so I shook my head no.

Spencer gave me a ghost of a smile and softly chuckled. “Are you gonna talk to me or just nod your head?”

“I’m sorry. I’m just shocked to see you.” I shifted my body so it was facing his.

“After last night, I wanted to make sure you were okay.” His soft gaze traveled from my face to the length of my body. When he saw the bruises, his jaw clenched before he frustratingly blew out a breath of air. He gently lifted my arm to examine it further. I could sense he was trying to rein in his anger. “Did he hurt you anywhere else?”

Spencer reached to place a stray lock of my hair behind my ear.

My eyes didn’t leave his. I whispered, “No.”



My Take on Critique Groups

When I began my writing journey, I knew absolutely nothing. The only thing I did know was that I needed help. So, I decided to look up writing groups in my area. I found a critique group at a local bookstore, and since it was not too far from my home, I decided to give it a try.

Talk about intimidation…

I walked into a room surrounded by a bunch of strangers. Some were welcoming and friendly, while others were not. As the newbie, I was quite aware that all eyes were on me. I quickly pulled up a seat and sat across from an elderly gentleman with a warm smile. He introduced himself as Mike. I would later refer to him as “Beta Mikey.”

The group consisted of approximately fourteen novice writers, but one of the attendees was published. I remember being in awe of her, wondering if that would ever be me.

Each person sat with their chapters in front of them. The group had a mediator who handed out red pens to everyone and began the group. The mediator explained that we would be critiquing each other's work and that each person would have a chance to share their writing while the rest of the group provided feedback. My heart raced as I realized I would be sharing my story for the first time.

When it was my turn, I nervously read the opening chapter. As I read, I could hear the sound of their red pens scribbling. When I finished, there was a moment of silence before the group began offering their feedback. Some of the critiques were great, while others were tough to hear. Then there was Mike, offering constructive criticism with a kind smile.
As the weeks went by, I grew more comfortable with the group. I learned so much from their feedback and the discussions we had about writing techniques and storytelling. I started to feel more confident when I returned after missing a few weeks, and the group was excited to hear the continuation of my story.

One day during class, it was suggested that we pair up and become each other’s beta readers. Mike offered to be mine. During that time, Mike became more than just a critiquing buddy; he became a trusted friend. As our friendship deepened, I learned more about Mike’s own journey as a writer and his battle with cancer. Despite the challenges he faced, he remained optimistic and full of life. When his cancer returned, I was devastated. Months passed, and I watched helplessly as my dear friend became frail; then eventually, Mike passed away.

After Mike’s passing, I found it difficult to return to my writing. The pain of his absence was too raw, and every time I sat down at my computer, I was reminded of all the moments we had shared. I would often find myself re-reading a chapter he had edited, his humorous comments and gentle critiques still echoing in my mind. It brought me comfort but also deep sadness, knowing that he was no longer here.

So, I stopped going to the critique group; I stopped writing.

Despite the pain, I knew Mike would have wanted me to continue writing. He was my biggest fan and supporter, always encouraging me to pursue my passion. I could almost hear his voice urging me on, telling me not to give up. And so, after much time had passed, I made the decision to continue to write. But I can honestly say, even now, every time I finish a chapter, I think of him. Missing his sense of humor, wisdom, and support is something I will always cherish.

I had planned to write solely about critique groups, but I couldn't do so without mentioning my dear friend. Critique groups, in my opinion, are a valuable tool for your writing journey, offering not only feedback and encouragement but also the opportunity. 



Mary Cope is a passionate romance writer known for her ability to craft characters that feel undeniably real. Drawing inspiration from both her personal experience and vivid imagination, Mary’s words resonate with readers. A romantic at heart, Mary believes true intimacy is what love is all about.









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