An Open Letter to My Very Missed Cat, Adrina
Happy Birthday Adrina Renee!!!

Wow, my sweet little girl, you would be 13 years old today!!! But no matter how old you get you will always be my little one!!! I wish you were here to help us celebrate this special day of yours!!!
Even though it’s been five years since you went to Kitty Heaven, we have still thought of you and missed you EVERY SINGLE DAY!!!! We have of course kept your photos up all over the home, we are continuing to feed your squirrel friends, and we keep a close eye on your car dealership lol... Your sister Dolce still misses playing with you!!! Sadly, she spent several months looking for you and crying out for you…
We could NEVER replace you nor would we want to, but with soooooo many kitties needing homes and Dolce seeming so sad without a playmate we decided we needed to help so we brought home Bailey Jean…
Unfortunately, Bay is NOT a fan of Dolce and there has been soooooo much stress and tension… It’s truly heartbreaking to see them refuse to get along and be forced to live on separate sides of the home… I keep thinking if only you were here, you could talk some sense into these silly little girls… Their lives would be soooooo much better if they could just get along… Instead of having to split my day going back and forth between them, we could all spend the day together and they wouldn’t have to be left alone for part of each day… Hopefully one day we’ll finally get to that point and be able to live in harmony…
We also started taking care of a new kitty we’ve seen in the neighborhood… We named her Lily and we’ve been inquiring about her home status… So far, we haven’t been able to turn up any family members, but we’re still trying… She’s usually pretty clean, but SUPER skinny!!! And every time we feed her, she quickly gobbles it down like she hasn’t eaten since we last fed her… I’m soooooo worried about her being outside all day and night, especially with these crazy hot summer weather we’ve been having most days…
Unfortunately, since we don’t know if she has FeLV or if she’s been vaccinated, we can’t bring her inside if she could potentially infect Dolce or Bay… And we’re not certain if she has fleas so we just can’t take those risks… I’m sure you remember those couple times we had to flea bomb the house, wash down EVERYTHING, and you had to take that horrible flea bath that you were NOT too happy about lol… But we did get to go on that fun road trip up to the mountain while we waited for the house to be safe again… Still, not exactly what we need right now and as you may remember, Dolce HATES car rides… But feeding Lily 2-3 times a day is not healthy or fair to her… So, hopefully we will find her owners soon… But if we can’t find anyone, we talked about taking her to one of the shelter’s we work with so she can find her furever home and have a good life…
So, if you have any kitty pull up there, please help us find Lily’s family or give us the strength to be able to say goodbye to her and take her to the shelter… She’s such a sweet kitty, but we just don’t have the space or resources to have three cats in our small home… Plus, Bay and Dolce are both going through some medical issues that require a lot of time, money, and care… Hopefully, you can also continue to keep an eye on them and keep them in your prayers… Sadly, with the pandemic right now vet care is still not up and fully running so there’s so many labs and tests that are on hold… Hopefully, we will be able to find out something soon and can start getting them the proper treatments they need to get better… Oh, you would soooooo hate the prescription cat food diet both girls are on lol… I think about that quite often – there’s NO way you would eat this stuff lol…
Hopefully, you are enjoying the good life up there and getting to eat all those yummy, delicious cat treats and the lip-smacking people food that you often tried to get away with eating lol… I hope you have made LOTS of wonderful furry friends to play with and are enjoying endless kitty cuddles and tummy rubs…
We miss you soooooo VERY much!!! But we are grateful that you are no longer in pain!!!
You brought us soooooo much love, joy, happiness, and laughter!!! We will NEVER forget you!!! THANK YOU for being such a FABULOUS cat and allowing me to be your mom!!!
<3 MOM
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