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Tuesday, October 1, 2024

The Scheme by Amethyst Drake - Book Tour - Guest Post - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

The Scheme
by Amethyst Drake


GENRE:  Mystery



Katherine Carson, a former intelligence operative turned private detective, has never been in it for the money. But when a desperate CEO offers double her usual fee to find his missing daughter, she can't refuse.

Set in Baltimore, 2009, what begins as a simple missing person inquiry transforms into a complex case of espionage, financial crime, and deep-seated grudges. For Katherine, this case strikes a personal chord, stirring up haunting memories from her own past. As unexpected connections emerge, she must confront her unresolved guilt.

Can Katherine and her team of private detectives solve the case before it's too late, or will the turmoil of her past consume her?



Katherine’s mixed emotions reflected the muddle of the Ames’ case. The chilly silence was broken by the ring of her BlackBerry. She answered on the second ring.

"Hey, Katie."

"Hi, Jake." Katherine unbuckled her seatbelt and straightened up in her seat.

"Did you make it inside your apartment?"

Katherine slumped back. "You always know, don't you?”

"You okay? Seems like this case is getting to you.”

"I guess so. I wanted this to be easy money…find a run-away heiress, let the family figure out the relationship mess." Katherine got out of her car and climbed the steps to her apartment.

"I suppose nothing is ever that simple."

"I suppose not.” Katherine unlocked her apartment door and stepped into the nearly bare living room. “I just wish we had more to go on. The clues we do have seem to conflict with each other. And I think Sammi is on strike.”

“Again?” Jake chuckled.

Katherine huffed as she removed her coat and bolted the door. “What does she think detectives do? We can’t find missing people by looking into a crystal ball.” Katherine lowered herself onto the soft couch, the only piece of furniture in the room.

"Even if we could, she’d probably think that was spying, too.” Jake chuckled louder. “Cut her some slack, Katie. We were all young and naive once.”

Jake knew better than most people exactly how young and naive Katherine had once been. He was the closest thing to family she had. 

“Anyway, I’d like to believe Olivia wouldn’t run off..."

Jake finished her thought. “But it’s possible that this Robert character manipulated her into doing something she would not normally do."

"If that’s the case, then I want to find Olivia before she does something she’ll regret. I hope it’s not too late."



The Craziest Thing I’ve Done in the Name of Research

Writing a novel is an adventure, but sometimes, the research that goes into it becomes an adventure in itself. Earlier this year, I embarked on a journey to Baltimore to dive deep into its culture, streets, and history for my latest book. While my husband and I had visited Baltimore before, this trip was different: it was all about research. With notebooks, maps, and endless curiosity, we set off to explore every nook and cranny that could inspire my writing.

Amethyst at Pachanga Cocina Mexicana

Baltimore is a bustling, lively metropolis with the charm of a close-knit community. It’s one of the reasons I chose it as the setting for my latest novel. I wanted to capture that unique vibe of a place that can feel as intimate as a small town while still boasting the sprawling nature of a big city. To truly understand the pulse of Baltimore, we decided to experience the city in a way we never had before.

Inner Harbor

Our adventure began in late March. Spring had just started to warm the streets. We visited all the iconic spots, like the Inner Harbor, Lexington Market, and Fell's Point. Each stop gave me more insight into the people that roam my fictional version of Baltimore. Standing in Fell's Point, I could easily imagine my protagonist, Katherine Carson, grabbing a quick bite at a corner café between solving mysteries. We ate at local favorites like Vaccaro's in Little Italy and Miss Shirley's Cafe in Roland Park. Every interaction and sight gave me ideas for details to add to my story.

Breakfast at Miss Shirley's Cafe

We rode the bus around a full loop, getting a feel for the various neighborhoods. From the historic Mount Vernon to the artistic vibe of Station North, every area has its own story to tell. We also spent a lot of time driving around the city, or I should say my husband drove, and I took pictures. Hundreds of pictures. I wanted to drink in all the atmosphere I could, from the traffic at different times of the day to the stillness of Druid Ridge Cemetery.

Druid Ridge was a hauntingly beautiful place. It had towering monuments and quiet corners where time stood still. It’s here that I found inspiration for a dramatic scene in my book. As we wandered through the gravestones, I could almost hear the whispers of the past, their stories waiting to be told.

We visited many locations that I planned to include in The Scheme like John's Hopkins University. We also found locations that are important to the story, even if they aren't mentioned specifically. For example, I chose what buildings in my fictional world would hold Carson Investigations' office, Katherine's apartment, and the secret CIA recruitment facility. Having these locations help me as a writer anchor my characters in reality. I also found inspiration for future novels such as the Walter's Art Museum which will feature in my next novel.

One of the Many Beautiful Buildings in Baltimore

By the time we returned home, my phone was packed with photos, my notebook filled with thoughts, and my heart overflowing with ideas. Each picture of Baltimore’s beautiful architecture, every memory of the hustle and bustle of Lexington Market, and even the calm afternoons spent riding buses through the city’s various neighborhoods are weaving themselves into the fabric of my stories.

Writing is often seen as a solitary act. But, this research trip reminded me of the need to experience the world firsthand. The craziest thing I’ve done for research? Spending days roaming every corner of a city just to capture its essence—but I wouldn’t have it any other way.



Amethyst Drake is a passionate storyteller. She excels at crafting delightful characters and enjoys developing com-plex relationships among them. Mystery has always been her favorite genre to read, making it a natural choice for her writing. She aims to blend her personal experience with mental health and the moral complexities of intricate interpersonal relationships into engaging novels.

Amethyst loves reading all kinds of mysteries, suspense, and thrillers and enjoys watching classic detective and espionage dramas like "Murder, She Wrote," "Perry Mason," and "Mission: Impossible." 

She also loves hearing from readers! Connect by signing up for her newsletter at amethystdrake.com or email amethyst@agswordsmiths.com.





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Amethyst Drake will award a $25 Amazon Gift Card AND a Signed Book to ONE randomly drawn winner, a $10 Amazon Gift Card AND a Signed Book to a SECOND randomly drawn winner, and a Signed Book to a THIRD randomly drawn winner.

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