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Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Legacy of the Witch by Kirsten Weiss - Book Tour - Guest Post - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Legacy of the Witch
by Kirsten Weiss


GENRE:   Paranormal Women's Fiction Mystery



Seeker: As societies grow increasingly fragmented, hopelessness, nihilism, and division are on the rise. But there is another way—a way of mystery and magic, of wholeness and transformation. Do you dare take the first step? Our path is not for the faint-hearted, but for seekers of ancient truths...

All April wants is to start over after her husband’s sudden death. She’s conjuring a new path—finally getting her degree and planning her new business in bucolic Pennsylvania Dutch country. Joining an online mystery school seems like harmless fun.

But when a murdered man leaves her a cryptic message, she catches glimpses of another reality she’s unwilling to acknowledge. A reality where bygone enchantments cast cryptic shadows, and the present brims with unanswered questions.

As April works to unearth the mystery, every step brings her closer to a truth she’s been evading. And to a conspiracy of hexes that may end in her demise.

Legacy of the Witch is a spellbinding, interactive tale of a woman’s midlife quest to understand the complexities of her own heart. A paranormal women’s fiction murder mystery for anyone who’s wondered if there might be more to their own life than meets the eye…

Book 1 in the new Mystery School Series featuring the UnTarot, a deck of cards for meaning making. Start reading now!

UnTarot deck app included!



And there was someone inside the yellow coat. A silver-haired man. 

For a moment I thought it was a bad joke, he wasn’t real. Then, heart banging, I hopped over the stone ledge. 

Heedless of the brambles tugging at my clothes, of the muck squelching beneath my shoes, I stumbled to the supine man. He lay staring with one broad hand pressed to his chest. Blood stained his neck and pooled in the hollows around him.

“Oh my God,” I breathed, fumbling for the phone in my jacket pocket.

His head turned toward me, and I yelped. 

I dropped to my knees beside him. “You’re alive. It’s okay. I’m calling for help now.” What had happened to him? Had he tripped and fallen? But what had he been doing in the circle? 

“Can you put pressure on the wound?” I asked. If he couldn’t, I’d need to. I’d need a cloth, something to staunch the flow. 

But first, help. Hands shaking, I called 9-1-1.

He lifted a hand and pointed toward the trees. “Look beneath,” he whispered. “The brotherhood.”

“It’s okay,” I said. “I’m calling now.” I pressed the phone to my ear. “I’m calling...” My voice faded.

His blue eyes grew as cold and impersonal as the Atlantic, and he stared without seeing at the sky. A thick dullness fogged my chest. I was too late. He was dead.



Crafting Fierce Female Leads: Strong Role Models in Writing

In literature, the portrayal of strong female characters has evolved dramatically over the years. From damsels in distress to fierce warriors, the spectrum of female representation in literature has widened. In today's era, creating strong female lead characters has become not just a choice but a necessity for writers. So, how can writers ensure they create compelling, authentic, and empowering female protagonists?

1.)  Complexity and Depth: Just like any other character, a strong female lead should have strengths, weaknesses, fears, and desires that make them relatable and three-dimensional. Starting with what the character wants vs. what they need, and weaving those wants and needs with their emotional wounds, can be a powerful starting point for creating a multifaceted personality that resonates.

2.)  Agency and Independence: Empower your female lead with agency and independence. A heroine isn’t the victim of things happen to her. She makes things happen. She takes action. Female leads should be proactive in driving the plot forward, making their own choices, and influencing the world around them.

3.)  Resilience and Perseverance: Life isn't always easy, and it shouldn’t be for your protagonist. How boring would it be if their challenges were easy. Infuse your leads with resilience and perseverance in the face of adversity. Let them overcome challenges, learn from failures, and emerge stronger, inspiring readers to face their own obstacles with courage and determination.

4.)  Authenticity and Vulnerability: Strength doesn't mean invincibility. Showcasing emotional and physical flaws and vulnerabilities in your female leads make them more authentic and relatable. There’s a reason why the perfect “Mary Sue” character is widely disliked. She isn’t real, and she isn’t relatable. And we want our heroines to struggle and overcome. Allow readers to see them struggle, doubt themselves, and make mistakes. True strength comes from acknowledging and confronting one's imperfections.

5.)  Positive Influence and Impact: Strong female leads should inspire readers to be their best selves and to effect positive change in the world. Whether through acts of kindness, pursuing justice, or pursuing their passions, let your characters leave a lasting impact on both the fictional world they inhabit and the readers who journey alongside them.

By imbuing our female leads with complexity, agency, resilience, authenticity, and positive influence, we contribute to a literary landscape that inspires. So, to all the writers out there, embrace the challenge, and let your female characters shine as beacons of empowerment.



I believe in free-will, and that we all can make a difference. I believe that beauty blossoms in the conscious life, particularly with friends, family, and strangers. I believe that genre fiction has become generic, and it doesn’t have to be.

My current focus is my new Mystery School series, starting with Legacy of the Witch. Traditionally, women’s fiction refers to fiction where a woman—usually in her midlife—is going through some sort of dramatic change. A lot of us do go through big transitions in midlife. We get divorced or remarried. The kids leave the nest. Our bodies change. The midlife crisis is real—though it manifests in different ways—as we look back on where we’ve been, where we’re going, and the time we have left.

Now in my mid-fifties, I’ve spent more time thinking about the big “meaning of life” issues. It seemed like approaching those issues through witch fiction, and through a fictional mystery school, would be a fun and a useful way for me to work out some of these ideas in my own head—about change and letting go, faith and fear, and love and longing.

After growing up on a diet of Nancy Drew, Sherlock Holmes, and Agatha Christie, I’ve published over 60 mysteries—from cozies to supernatural suspense, as well as an experimental fiction book on Tarot. Spending over 20 years working overseas in international development, I learned that perception is not reality, and things are often not what they seem—for better or worse.

There isn’t a winter holiday or a type of chocolate I don’t love, and some of my best friends are fictional.








Amazon US Kindle eBook:

Amazon US Paperback:



Kirsten will award a $10 Amazon OR Barnes and Noble Gift Card (Winner's Choice!!!) to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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This contest is sponsored by a third party. Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Goddess Fish Promotions.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette. The featured author and Goddess Fish Promotions are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.


  1. What's your favorite book-to film adaptation?

    1. The Ninth Gate. I read the book years later, not realizing i'd already seen the movie, and kept seeing the hero as Johnny Depp. I couldn't figure out why! :-)

  2. The blurb and excerpt sound really good. Thanks for sharing.

  3. This looks like a fantastic novel. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Looks like a interesting book.
