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Friday, October 18, 2019

Handling the Rancher by Sara Ohlin - Book Tour - Guest Post - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Hi, lovelies!  It gives me great pleasure today to host Sara Ohlin and her new book, “Handling the Rancher”!  For other stops on her Goddess Fish Promotions Book Tour, please click on the banner above or any of the images in this post.

Be sure to make it to the end of this post to enter to win a $15 Amazon or Barnes and Noble Gift Card!!  Also, come back daily to interact with Sara and to increase your chances of winning!

Thanks for stopping by!  Wishing you lots of luck in this fabulous giveaway!

Handling the Rancher
by Sara Ohlin


GENRE: Contemporary Romance



Handling the Rancher

What’s a sexy rancher to do when an uptight accountant falls into his lap?

Already reeling at having inherited the family farm on his father’s death, photojournalist Cruz Brockman returns home to the Oregon town of Graciella to receive another blow—accountant Miranda Jenks is there to audit the books because the IRS suspect his late father of tax fraud. To their astonishment, sparks fly between the passionate Cruz and the career-focused Miranda upon first meeting, and the heat rises with every encounter.

Threatened with losing everything his family has worked for, Cruz has no choice but to be completely open with the uptight Miranda, something that doesn’t come easily to him, just as focusing on her own needs is foreign to her. She’s buried her own desires all her life, but the longer she spends with the captivating rancher, the more she wants to dive into a passionate affair with him.

An intense, toe-curling physical connection is one thing, but exposing their hearts is another. As Miranda finishes her audit and the clock counts down to her leaving, can the reluctant rancher and the shy accountant conquer their fears and fight for their love?



Shouldn’t things seem easier between us? He’d apologized. They’d cleared the air on that whatever-it-was that had happened in the library. ‘Kiss’ was too mild a word. He’d practically blown all the fuses in her brain. He’d devoured her. Nothing felt easier. Instead the space seemed to shrink and she felt as though someone had sucked all the oxygen out of the barn. She started walking backwards toward the barn door.

“I should go.”

“I need to get—”

They spoke at the same time. He laughed and let a breath out as he faced her. “Miranda.”

“Yes,” she said, caught in his gaze.

“I’m not sorry for that kiss,” Cruz said, his face serious again as he pinned her with that look of desire. He took a step toward her. “I’m sorry for being rude, for putting you in an awkward position.” He continued walking closer. “But I’m not sorry for that kiss, for feeling what I felt. You confuse me.”

“Bossy accountant not your type?” She tried to joke, but the words came out jagged.

His strides were long. In an instant he’d caught up to her so their bodies were almost touching. “I don’t know what my type is.” His voice deepened. “I haven’t been in one place long enough or spent enough time trying to figure out if I have a type. The only thing I’ve ever been sure of is my work and this land, the farm, the people.”

He tucked a stray hair behind her ear. The intimacy startled her more than his gaze. She felt raw inside with need. She only had to stretch up a little to meet him. Her lips could be on his again. That delicious fire could consume her, which was exactly why she took a large step back and kept going.



Some of My Favorite Items in My Office:

Thank you so much for having me on your blog!

Since my family has moved three times in three years, my office has changed a ton, from a big, beautiful all white attic room in Maine to a tiny section of a tiny bedroom in Mukilteo, Washington, to now where we hope to stay for a long time on Whidbey Island. I’m still not fully unpacked!

Currently I write on a small, pine desk (I miss my big space in Maine to spread out!) sometimes on the dining room table and sometimes at the coffee shop. That’s the great thing about a laptop, right.

Next to my desk is a large bookshelf with lots of my books on the craft of writing and office supplies. On the other side of my desk, on a small shelf I keep a few pictures of my husband, kids, sometimes my dog and my precious mom who passed away in 2011, but who is my daily inspiration for writing. I also have a small clay dinosaur my daughter made and some precious stones, Amazonite for the soothing, hopeful and create vibes it brings, Rose Quartz for love, and Ocean Jasper for creativity. I love stones and gems!

I almost always have a large, soft shawl because I’m either freezing or HOT, and lots of water and coffee.

I also keep several books close written by people I know personally or take inspiration from. And above my desk is one of my favorite pieces of artwork, “Blooming Bison” a linocut made by my friend, artist and illustrator, Erika Wilson.

Oddly enough I can almost never write when my children are around making noise, but I can write in a crowded café full of noise. But mostly I love a peaceful place to write with things around me that inspire me and are beautiful. Once in a while, if I remember I’ll bring a small vase of flowers and set it on my desk, especially in the spring. I also have a small bergamot & fresh fig candle that I don’t even light very often, but it just makes things smell lovely.

Our new rescue dog, Fionn, is also ALWAYS by my desk, if I am there.



Puget Sound based writer, Sara Ohlin is a mom, wannabe photographer, obsessive reader, ridiculous foodie, and the author of the upcoming contemporary romance novels, Handling the Rancher and Salvaging Love.

She has over fifteen years of creative non-fiction and memoir writing experience, and you can find her essays at Anderbo.com, (http://www.anderbo.com/anderbo1/afact-005.html), Feminine Collective (http://www.femininecollective.com/?s=Come+Back+to+Me+Lemon),  Mothers Always Write (https://mothersalwayswrite.com/map-of-flaws/), Her View from Home (https://herviewfromhome.com/the-joys-and-lessons-learned-through-team-sports/), and in anthologies such as Are We Feeling Better Yet? Women Speak about Healthcare in America, Take Care: Tales, Tips, & Love from Women Caregivers, and Chicken Soup for the Soul.

Although she’s the author of many essays about life, grief, motherhood and the connections we make through delicious food and shared meals, Sara loves creating imaginary worlds with tight-knit communities in her romance novels. She credits her mother, Mary, Nora Roberts and Rosamunde Pilcher for her love of romance.

If she’s not reading or writing, you will most likely find her in the kitchen creating scrumptious meals with her two kids and amazing husband, or perhaps cooking up her next love story.

She once met a person who both “didn’t read books” and wasn’t “that into food” and it nearly broke her heart.











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Goodreads Book Page:

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Amazon US Kindle eBook:

Amazon US Paperback:

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Barnes and Noble NOOK eBook:

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Apple iBook eBook:

Google Play eBook:

The Book Depository Paperback:

Totally Bound eBook:



Sara will be awarding a $15 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

**This post contains affiliate links and if clicked and a purchase is made, I may receive a small commission to help support this blog.  This does not cost you anything, it just helps pay for all those awesome giveaways on here.**

This contest is sponsored by a third party. Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Goddess Fish Promotions.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette. The featured author and Goddess Fish Promotions are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.


  1. Sara ~ Good morning! Welcome to FAB! It is so great to have you here! Congrats on your new book and good luck on the book tour! :)

    1. Ally, I am so excited and grateful to be here!! Your blog is beautiful. Thank you so much for having me! This was a fun one to do!!

    2. Ally, thank you for hosting newly published authors who have been working as a writer for years! This book is so fun and fresh - I love it!
      What’s coming next for Cruz and Miranda, and who is next up in the series?

    3. Megaleen! Cruz and Miranda make an appearance in the next book which features Turner and the lovely Lily! It comes out in May!

  2. It has been great hearing about your book and although I am not the reader myself, my 2 sisters and 2 daughters are. They love hearing about the genre's they like and me helping them get to find books they will enjoy. Thanks for sharing!

    1. James, thanks so much for following along and interacting. I love connecting with people over books! What do your sisters and daughters like to read? My daughter and son are obsessive readers too!

  3. Sounds like a great book Thanks for sharing!

  4. Happy Friday! Thanks for sharing the great post.

  5. Happy Friday! Do you have any specific reading or writing plans for the weekend?

    1. NONE! Taking a break to enjoy good friends and food. Although I'll probably sneak some Kindle time in! How about you?

    2. Unfortunately, I didn't get any reading or writing done this weekend. I did get in some Netflix time though!

  6. This sounds great, thanks for sharing
