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Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Twisted Tales of Deceit by P.D. Alleva - Book Tour - Guest Post - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Hello lovelies!  It gives me great pleasure today to host P.D. Alleva and his new book, “Twisted Tales of Deceit”!  For other stops on his Goddess Fish Promotions Book Tour, please click on the banner above or any of the images in this post.

Be sure to make it to the end of this post to enter to win a $50 Amazon or Barnes and Noble Gift Card!!!  Also, come back daily to interact with P.D. and to increase your chances of winning!

Thanks for stopping by!  Wishing you lots of luck in this fabulous giveaway!

Twisted Tales of Deceit
by P.D. Alleva


GENRE: Dark Fiction



Twisted Tales of Deceit is the first installment in the Beyond the Chamber Door series. Featuring three tales (The Calculated Desolation of Hope, Somnium, & Knickerbocker) chronicling an evil influence on the human psyche, tipping our hands into the engagement of what is most horrifying; our dastardly, human deeds steeped in self-destruction, desperation and the loss of dreams. Metaphorical warnings have been constructed inside these pages to reflect the everyday signs the universe provides under the guise of reflective light that return to mirror how evil tempts our hand so to not fulfill the dreams of the soul. Our doubts, our sadness, our indecisions rooted in fear, are toiled with by the presence of imps bent on hatred and in need of our nightmares to survive. Here, the human spirit is dripped like honey, tasteful to the dark corridors of human malevolence and taken advantage by the corrupt and seamlessly endless parade other worldly dimensions have on what should be our earthly utopia, creating rage in the cosmic hedonism of jealousy.



“Jim?” Charlie said. “Jim are you there?”

He stared into the mirror, hoping Jimmy would talk. But the room was too bright, and Charlie remembered that Jimmy liked the dark, so he turned off the light, lit a candle which he placed on the sink by the mirror, which started to waver, like a stone dropped into water causes circular ripples.

“There you are,” Charlie said and smiled. “I was beginning to think you wouldn’t come.”

“Charlie,” Jimmy said. “I grow tired of you. You bore me too much with these dreams of yours you never do anything about. Wouldn’t it be better if you forgot about it? Went and took up a trade career, something where you don’t have to dream so big? I don’t want you to have to be disappointed.”

“But we’ve come so far, we can’t give up just yet.”

Jimmy touched his forehead shaking his head. “I just don’t know Charlie, you don’t seem like you want it enough. Like you’d do anything to have it. Don’t you know that dreams remain dreams unless you do something to capture them in your hand.”

“But I do…I write and read all the time, go to classes like I’m supposed to…”

“Class? Charlie really, schools where you hide not venture forth. Oh Lord Charlie you’re such a fool. Such a damn fool! I feel I’m wasting my time with you…and it’s been such a long road helping you.”

“But the lady,” Charlie said. “Remember the lady, the fortune teller, she said I’d make it if I passed the test…”



Who Inspired Your Love for Books?

Thank you Fabulous and Brunette for your support of Indie Authors.

I’ve been very fortunate to have several people influence my love of books and writing, including teachers and family. My second grade teacher, Mrs. Adams fostered my love for reading with Peter Pan, and would always read over stories I was writing at that time. Like all writers, I have a vivid imagination. I wrote a story about a hamster that escapes inside a school and becomes a monster over the years, searching for its owner, who ultimately tames the savage beast years later. What can you expect from a second grader?

I was a space cadet growing up, always with a book in my hand or writing another story. I wrote my first novel in sixth grade, a medieval adventure where a group of misfits set out on a journey to find the “book of life,” encountering monsters along the way to save the world from darkness. Wish I still had that book, as its always interesting to read through old stories and poems as an indication as where you’ve been and how far you’ve come. Naturally, the “Lord of the Rings,” played a huge role during the middle grade years, with an equal influence of Edgar Allen Poe and Washington Irving.
I grew up in Westchester County New York, where The Legend of Sleepy Hollow was not only required reading but also celebrated during Autumn months with trips to Sleepy Hollow and Washington Irving’s home in Tarrytown. The Legend of Sleepy Hollow had a profound effect, even still to this day. Maybe it’s the lore or the deceit involved, but I loved the story so much that I wrote a re-imagining of the tale in my book, Twisted Tales of Deceit, titled “Knickerbocker”, paying homage to Washington Irving’s original story while adding a modern twist with modern themes.

Growing up, my mother would recommend books for me to read. She knew my style and would recommend sci-fi classics. I do believe it is so important to teach by example. My mother was a Danielle Steele fan, erotica, too, with those book covers featuring Fabio. I always made fun of the “cheesy sex novels” she would read by the dozens throughout the years. But as she read I did too, often exchanging book ideas and plots. She took a great interest in what I was reading, and I would often sit with her providing plot details on books and stories I was writing. I would engage in Edgar Allen Poe classics, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Dracula, Frankenstein, and during my late teens and early twenties, Ernest Hemingway became my favorite author after reading In Our Time and The Sun Also Rises. My family nicknamed me “Hemingway,” a nickname I truly love and hope to live up to someday. I call my youngest child, Papa, Hemingway’s nickname throughout his life. Papa is definitely a chip off the old block, creative with drawing and story telling. I love it when he’s creating a new picture and telling stories he’s made up with interesting characters. Makes me proud to have this creative bond with him.

I’ve always leaned toward classic literature. My cousin, Vanessa, played a large part in this intrigue and adoration, and for my love of writing. When we were kids she always came to my rescue anytime my older brother gave me lip about writing. Yes, he could be torturous but Vanessa, being older than he was (tougher too) always put him in his place. Vanessa and I continue to share our love for literature, she’s worked in the publishing field in several different capacities for the past twenty-eight years with Harper Collins and Penguin Random House. She is currently a freelance editor, helping me considerably with editing my current books.

Throughout my twenties I delved into horror and a reading list that included Stephen King, Clive Barker and Dean Koontz to name but a few. Oddly enough during this time, I was also into Nicholas Sparks, The Celestine Prophecy, The Bridges of Madison County and books on philosophy and religion. I always have a book to read. If you were to see me, I’ve got a book somewhere; either on me or within arms reach. Currently reading Dan Brown’s, Inferno, Hemingway’s Islands in the Stream and HP Lovecraft’s The Dunwich Horror and Others. I finally read Ayn Rand’s The Fountainhead last year. Don’t’ know why I put this one off for so long since Atlas Shrugged was one of my all-time favorites in high school, along with Daphne Du Maurier’s Rebecca and Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein (still my favorite book). The Fountainhead kept me spellbound, to the point that a character I’m writing about now is loosely based on Ayn Rand. The book, titled Golem, is about a 1940’s socialite whose male sculpture comes to life after a breakup with the love of her life and will be either book three or four in the series. Next up on my TBR list is A Dress the Color of the Sky, The Black Heart of the Station, and Echo Vol 1: Approaching Shatter. I like to mix up the reading list with indie and classic authors.

I believe that literature should reflect the human condition and the society we live in; providing lessons and warnings on the connection of all things in the universe, the human ego and sin with a deliverance from darkness into the light through love and connection or vice versa. I consider myself a literary author with stories that include dark themes, metaphysical dilemmas and romance.



P.D. Alleva is an author, psychotherapist and hypnotherapist specializing in trauma, addiction and mental health. He is the author of several books, including fiction novels, Indifference and A Billion Tiny Moments In Time…, Seriously Twisted; These Gods of Darkness (Poetry), Let Your Soul Evolve (1st and 2nd ed), and Spiritual Growth Therapy: Philosophy, Practices and Mindfulness Workbook (non-fiction). He has developed behavioral protocols for addiction and mental health and teaches mindfulness, Buddhist meditations and manifestation techniques to his patients as a means and alternative to using pharmaceuticals. Go to spiritualgrowththerapy.com to learn more. Mr. Alleva offers a special discount on his video tutorials for his readers, so please use Promo Code 7474 for a special 90% discount. He is currently in private practice with his wife, Lisa. He lives with his wife and children in Boca Raton, Florida.







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P.D. will be awarding a $50 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

**This post contains affiliate links and if clicked and a purchase made I may receive a small commission to help support this blog.  This does not cost you anything, it just helps pay for all those awesome giveaways on here.**

This contest is sponsored by a third party. Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Goddess Fish Promotions.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette. The featured author and Goddess Fish Promotions are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.


  1. Thank you for hosting. Hope everyone has a fabulous day. Let's start with a question. What is everyone's favorite book or author? Don't forget to sign up for the giveaway. Thank you, PD

  2. Really great post, I enjoyed reading it.

  3. Awesome, TY. Happy you enjoyed the post.

  4. Thank you. Enjoy the book. LMK your thoughts.

  5. Thank you for introducing me to this book, it sounds like something I'd really enjoy reading!
