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Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Finding His Wyoming Sweetheart by Virginia McCullough - Book Tour - Blurb Blitz - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Finding His Wyoming Sweetheart
by Virginia McCullough


GENRE:   Sweet Western Romance



When it comes to his seven-year-old son, new lodge owner Mack Fisher has a lot to make up for. Fortunately, the small Wyoming town of Adelaide Creek provides the perfect fresh start—that is, if he can avoid the distraction of Erin Hunnicutt’s warm brown eyes. The free-spirited musician has a way of bringing out the best in everyone—especially Mack. When they're thrown together unexpectedly to help their town, sparks fly and a dangerous secret is uncovered. But searching for the answers only leads them to fall deeper for one another…and starts Mack wondering if there’s room for one more in his new family.



The familiar and happy sounds of a baby attempting to talk pulled Erin out of her reverie and back into the noisy party as Quincy approached with her niece Naomi in his arms. Erin looked past him to the other end of the room where she spotted her brother Tom following Willow out one of the side doors. Secure in Grandpa Quincy’s arms, Naomi was happy, at least for the moment.

“Are you sure you’re ready to take the baby home?” Quincy asked. “If you’d like, I could take babysitting duty for the first couple of days of Tom and Willow’s trip.”

Erin reached for Naomi. “Not a chance, Grandpa. I’ve been looking forward to this.” She turned one way and then the other as she said, “I’m ready to roll, raring to go.” She gave the baby a quick kiss on the forehead. That was the truth.

Holding Naomi, Erin did little dance steps in a circle to distract the baby from Grandpa Quincy leaving to go back to the party. “We’re going to have so much fun at my house. You’ll be my Valentine and eat cookies I made especially for you.” She touched the tip of Naomi’s nose, making the baby laugh, so she twirled again and gave the baby’s nose another quick tap.

After making a third full circle, she came face to face with a tall man and a small boy standing in front of her. The man looked slightly familiar, but she couldn’t quite place him. Whoever he was, she’d recognize him the next time. He was studying her through his unforgettable bright blue eyes.

“You don’t know me,” the man said, “but I know a little about you.” He looked down and spoke to the boy. “This is Ms. Erin Hunnicutt, the woman with the pretty voice who sang for us at the Halloween party with Dr. Tom.”

With a jolt of pleasure in her chest, Erin held out her hand to the boy. “And what’s your name?”

“Liam, uh, Liam Louis Fisher.” He pointed to the baby. “That’s Willow’s baby, huh?”

“Right you are. Aren’t you the smart one? I happen to be Naomi’s very proud aunt.” Erin couldn’t place the name Fisher and why it was familiar. Then she remembered. Still addressing the boy, she pointed to the man. “Is his name Mack? Is he your dad?”

“Uh huh.” The boy gave her a shy smile. “My dad owns the Tall Tale Lodge.”

Mack grinned at Erin. “Admittedly, an awkward introduction. But you’ll have to overlook it.” He put his hand to the side of his head. “I can barely think straight.”

Erin frowned. What did that mean?

“I’m awestruck,” he explained, his grin widening. “It’s not every day I come face to face with a woman who’s a talented musician and also a restoration expert who brings battered and charred wood back to life.”

Without thinking, Erin returned the smile. “Now you’re making me blush.” It was true what he said. She’d built her work life around wood restoration, but making music was her favorite hobby. Although those things weren’t making her cheeks heat up. That had more to do with Mack’s deep, smooth voice and how her stomach fluttered looking into those amused blue eyes. She’d always had a soft spot for a neat—but not too neat—beard.

“As I recall, Mack, you don’t live in Adelaide Creek, but here you are, celebrating the grand opening of the restored town hall with the rest of us. And on Valentine’s Day, too.”

“We do too live here.” Liam stood up a little straighter and lifted his chin a notch. “In a bunkhouse. Real cowboys lived there a long, long time ago.”

“That’s right, kiddo.” Mack spoke to Liam with a laugh in his voice before turning to Erin.

“I’ve heard all about that bunkhouse. Very cool, Liam,” Erin said. “My house is a big cabin. It’s pretty cool, too.”

A sly smile tugged at the corners of Liam’s mouth. “Is the baby going to your house? Do you have Valentine cookies there?”

Obviously not expecting that question, Mack laughed a little nervously. “Uh, I think we’ve had our share of cookies, Liam.”

Erin made a quick decision to keep Mack engaged and maybe surprise him a little. “As a matter of fact, the cookies I made are shaped like hearts. Why don’t you and your dad come over to my house and have a treat or two?

“Do you mean it?” Liam’s eyes widened. A deeper shade of blue than Mack’s, the boy’s eyes were every bit as distinctive.

Mack shifted his weight from one foot to the other. “I didn’t have any idea…I mean I wasn’t fishing for an invitation.”

“I know,” Erin said. “But I have a ton of cookies, and I’m taking the baby home.” She glanced at Liam. I share the house with Neptune. He’s a golden retriever and he likes kids.”

Liam lifted himself onto the balls of his feet. “Can we go, Dad? Can we?”

Mack looked at Liam and then at Erin. His curious frown made it clear she’d thrown him off kilter.

Erin flashed Mack a look intended as a friendly dare. Her quick invitation flustered him, and her devilish side enjoyed it, perhaps a little too much.



Award winning author, Virginia McCullough writes romance for the Harlequin Heartwarming line, and FINDING HIS WYOMING SWEETHEART is Book 4 of her Adelaide Creek series. She also writes women’s fiction and nonfiction on a variety of topics. Virginia’s characters could be your family, friends, or neighbors, and all her stories offer hope, healing, and plenty of second chances. Drawn to water, she almost always sets her stories on a body of water, from oceans, lakes, rivers, and the winding Adelaide Creek.

A ghostwriter, book doctor/editor, coach, and experienced workshop presenter, Virginia is a wanderer, but currently lives in Northeastern Wisconsin. When she’s not writing, she’s walking on trails near her home or in some faraway place. She reads, streams series, hangs out with other writers, and daydreams about her next adventure.




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The Art to Online Dating by Fleur Lamot - Book Blast - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Fleur Lamot will be awarding a $10 Amazon OR Barnes and Noble Gift Card (Winner's Choice!!!) to a randomly drawn winner. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

A step-by-step guide to navigating dating and finding love on the World Wide Web, written by someone with firsthand experience on the topic, and who has also tested the theory on a number of case studies and through research. Authored from a female perspective, directed to a female audience, although potentially an eye opening and helpful read for a male reader too.

This book is not about making you a better person, nor is it a self help book. It is about changing your mindset when embarking on singledom and internet dating to not fear it, by equipping you with the understanding of people's actions and motives.

Throughout the book you will be guided in setting up your online profile, picking your match, the all important art and the do's and don'ts through every step of courting someone, all the way to going forward with your ultimate love match!

Reading this book will bring you confidence and or at least clarity. It will make you think about your past experiences and open your eyes to see where they may have gone wrong, and more importantly to ensure the same mistakes don't happen to you on future experiences.

Long gone are the days of meeting a potential partner in a bar or at a music festival or at parties. You might be lucky enough to do so, but as time goes on and you get older, or as you and your potentials rely more on technology to meet someone, or as you lose the skills to do so by becoming accustomed to technology, the chances are getting thinner. There will be fewer parties with fewer single people, or there will be more awkward interactions at these parties, or your friends will grow old and become tired of attending music festivals and going to bars. Also, let’s face it: as we get older, the music at venues become too loud and we simply just want to have a good conversation, good food, and good wine which brings on more occasions like dinner events and dinner parties. These are the least likely type of events to meet someone, unless you are lucky enough to be set up by a mutual friend.

So, you might find yourself single and at a loss. Maybe it simply might be that all your friends are in relationships and you have no one to go out with. This is where online dating comes into play. Online dating has such a bad stigma, but if you look at it at another way, whilst your friends are becoming old and boring or are in relationships and/or just don’t want to go out anymore for whatever reason, you have an infinite number of potential new people to meet and play with who are in the exact same boat as you.


I successfully found love online using historical principles, understanding people's motives and actions, listening to the right people, as well as trusting my own instincts. I am now married and a mother. I am a business woman with a very successful business, built from extensive networking and relationship management experience. I have received professional mentoring and coaching, which has helped me achieve all of this.



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Tuesday, February 25, 2025

The Mark of the Unseen God by Benjamin Patterson - Book Tour - Guest Post - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

The Mark of the Unseen God
The Markulian Prophecies
Book Three
by Benjamin Patterson


GENRE:   Fantasy



Look to the hills with dread: Salmmonaksa has arrived. His armies swarm like a plague of locusts. As the emperor prepares for his final assault, the Home City trembles. Overrun by desperate refugees, the monarchs have gathered to plot their defence. High King Eldilin is back at the helm, but there's no food and no answers.

Princess Kathryn has not given up hope. Lying on a cot in her room is the man destined to save the realm. They desperately need him, and for the prophecies to prove themselves true, but he will not wake no matter how much she prays. Even if he did, he cannot do it alone. Many more will die, that is certain.

The Mark of the Unseen God is the final instalment of the Markulian Prophecies, a refreshingly original tale set in a breathtaking medieval world. To rid realm of evil, everything will be required. There is no peace without sacrifice, and no love without loss. May who they are and what they have be enough.



The matching dark cloaks of these young risk-takers looked impressive but were a childish indulgence. They caught the eye, marked them as rebels. It would be better to dress plainly than to advertise how organised they were. If anyone saw them gathered so, they would know immediately they were more than a few disobedient scallywags out for a midnight adventure, but the ambassador kept his judgements to himself. Their fate was not his concern.

Instead, he turned, pretending he was hesitant to be split from his men. The truth was he was counting on it. After a pause, ensuring the youths noticed his reticence, he nodded. Taking their cue, his crew pushed the dandy back into the water and floated away. Six black-cloaked rebels led the ambassador up the beach, three in front, three behind. From there, a winding path appeared, cut into the mountainside. Stray fronds flicked against his ears. Loose rocks skittered over stone. As they ascended, the coastal air lost its heaviness, but the bugs became more relentless about his ears. The ambassador flicked them away. Such discomforts were familiar to Andreans, particularly those from Mourilyan.

At the top of the hill, he looked back. His boat was a darkened shadow amidst darker waters. If he did not know the boat was there, he would not have been able to make it out. All was quiet in the bay, for now.

‘Your dark clothing is a good choice. It will help conceal you as we traverse the ridges.’ The youth nearest him pointed to the ambassador’s cowl. ‘Is that how officials dress where you are from?’

The ambassador glanced his way to acknowledge the question but did not reply. Idle conversation would not benefit his cause. The less he said, the better.



Making the Story Believable: How to Write Realistic Fantasy

Fantasy is fantastical, which means many of the story elements are far-fetched, but that does not mean the story should be unbelievable. The key to writing realistic fantasy does not lie in explaining all the mechanics of your complex magic system, or providing comprehensive histories for every race, place and creature. Believability is found in your characters. If they behave reasonably, then your story will be believable. Let me explain using an illustration from the Matix Trilogy.

The first Matrix movie is an all-time great. Many incredible and unbelievable things happen and so much of the science fiction world is unexplained, but it does not matter. Why only three agents? How is the ship Nebuchadnezzar powered? How do the sentinels work? We could ask questions all day. In the end, the answers are inconsequential. The reason the story is so compelling is because the character reactions and behaviours are reasonable, given the situation they’re in. When Neo is found by Morpheus, he’s skeptical. When a bug comes out of his stomach, he’s freaked out. When the entire crew is chased by agents, they are scared. It’s all reasonable. Their reactions draw us in and we forget that most of the world’s backstory and mechanics are unexplained. Sure, the writers give us a basic outline. Guess what? It turns out a basic outline is enough. Because the characters feel real, the fantasy feels real.

The second Matrix movie is the complete opposite. It is set in the same world as the first one, yet nothing feels authentic even though there are no obvious plot holes and nothing about the world’s mechanics or backstory has changed. So why the deterioration in believability? Answer: the characters stop behaving and reacting reasonably. When Morpheus and Niobe survive a crash, they’re not freaked out (heck, they’re not even breathing hard), they crack jokes instead. Neo loses his eyes of wonder and confusion. He becomes weirdly quiet and difficult to understand. The whole move feels more like a corny action flick with slick one-liners and cliché reactions. None of the characters are believable anymore, therefore the fantasy is not believable anymore.
So, when writing, make your world as imaginative and crazy as you want. If there’s flying giraffes, that’s cool. Time goes backwards? Sure, why not. The audience will go with it if your characters behave reasonably. Explain their motivations. Reveal their thought process. Characters are the heart of realistic fantasy.



Benjamin Patterson lives in North Queensland, Australia with his wife and four children. When not writing, arguing with pilots or volunteering, he's battling a life-controlling addiction to sport, an addiction his poor wife has discovered is easily passed from father to sons.

The Mark of the Unseen God completes his first fantasy trilogy. He hopes you enjoyed reading it as much as he enjoyed writing it. Writing is not easy. Without the encouragement of friends and family, the series would never have made it to print.

Though the series has sold well, Benjamin remains about one million book sales short of his goal. You can help him fulfill his goal, and encourage him to finish his next writing project, by writing rave reviews in every forum available and catching up with him at: http://www.facebook.com/theshadowofhishand

Stay tuned...










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Benjamin will be awarding a $15 Amazon OR Barnes and Noble Gift Card (Winner's Choice!!!) to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

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Thursday, February 13, 2025

Inn the Dead of Winter by Rhonda Blackhurst - Book Tour - Book Blast - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Rhonda Blackhurst will be awarding a FREE e-Book Copy of Inn the Dead of Winter OR Book One, Inn the Spirit of Murder to a randomly drawn winner. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.
Welcome to Spirit Lake in the dead of a Minnesota winter, where the brutally cold temp isn't the only thing to fear.

Andie Rose Kaczmarek, a six-year sober life coach and owner of the haunted Spirit Lake Inn, has learned the hard way that the living are far more dangerous than anything in the spirit world.

When a controversial guest fails to return to her room on the same night a body is discovered in a fish house on Big Spirit Lake, Andie Rose teams up with her sponsor and sidekick, Sister Alice, and her emotional support red retriever, Aspen, to solve the case.

After Andie Rose discovers illegal activity on the inn’s property that ties to the murder, the investigation shifts into high gear. As she uncovers shocking secrets of those she thought she knew, someone is intent on keeping her quiet at any cost.

Can the inn’s resident ghost save her from impending harm when it seems the ones closest to her pose the greatest threat?

Tootsie’s attitude hung between them, and I held my breath for a moment.

“Knock it off, Toots.” Simon’s voice was a low grumble.

“Knock what off?” She turned on him. “Showing the ladies how to live a little? That they’re not only a mom and a wife, but they’re also their own person?”

Simon grasped his wife’s upper arm. “Toots,” he warned. He turned his attention toward Bobby and Jerry. “You’ll have to excuse my wife, gentlemen. She’s become a bit too, shall we say, independent, as she gets older.”

She released a heavy sigh. “Lighten up, Simon. You say that like it’s a bad thing. I have always been independent. This isn’t the dark ages. Women have every right to be independent of men.”

Again, I agreed wholeheartedly with Tootsie, but swallowed my retort to Simon. A gift sobriety had given me. The ability to keep my mouth shut sometimes.

“Refreshments,” I said merrily as I could to lift the cloud that levitated in the room. Two guests had been smart and skittered from the room unnoticed from all except me.

“Aspen’s with Jade,” Sister Alice said as she came through the door. She quirked a brow as she scanned the guests and touched the crucifix that hung around her neck. “Do I sense tension in the room? What did I miss?”

Tootsie took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. “My husband emerging from a cave.”


Rhonda is an avid reader, writer, coffee and dark chocolate connoisseur, and certified life coach. She has 10 independently published novels: The Inheritance, a contemporary fiction novel; seven books in the Melanie Hogan Mysteries; and Finding Abby and Abby's Redemption in the Whispering Pines Romantic Suspense duology. She was awarded the 2022 Master of Literary Arts Award from the Brighton Chamber.



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This contest is sponsored by a third party. Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Goddess Fish Promotions.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette. The featured author and Goddess Fish Promotions are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Bad Guy by Ana Diamond - Book Tour - Book Blast - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Ana Diamond will be awarding a $25 Amazon OR Barnes and Noble Gift Card (Winner's Choice!!!) to a randomly drawn winner. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.
Luke Daniels has done his fair share of bad things. But when the FBI offers him a deal in exchange for infiltrating the local Mafia’s infamous Costa Crew, Luke has no choice but to accept the challenge.

Beautiful, smart and tough, Sophia Costa wants out of the Crew. Appointed boss by her brother after he’s sent to prison, she wants no part in the murder, deceit and secrecy typical of Mafia life.

Just as things heat up between Luke and Sophia, a mysterious hitman targets Sophia, and Luke’s handler starts to wonder if Luke is up for the task.

As the lovers face the possibility of losing everything in order to be together, the line between loyalty and betrayal blur.

“If they find out I’m a snitch, they’ll kill me,” Luke Daniels warned Special Agent Troy Wilson.

A hole-in-the-wall diner at a rest stop in northeastern Nevada was the last place Luke thought he’d ever find himself.

The agent’s expression remained stoic. “That’s a risk we’re willing to take. It’s you who needs to decide if walking free from cyber-crime and drug trafficking charges is worth it.

“Hmm. A max sentence of twenty years versus getting killed,” Luke mused. “A lose-lose decision no matter what I decide.”

Luke relaxed his posture while rubbing the stubble on his chin as the waitress set down two cups of black coffee in front of them; the roasted nutty smell instantly perked him up. She said nothing, barely acknowledged them with her heavily hooded eyes, as if she were doing her own hard time working at a diner until the end of her pathetic life. This dusty part of the world wasn’t trying to please anyone.

As he glanced around the empty run-down diner, Luke knew he’d rather be here than in prison for most of his life. “Why not find some guy who knows the mafia world?”

“If you’re smart enough to run a massive drug ring, we’re pretty confident you can infiltrate the Costa Crew. We tend to select those who’ve had some success in their criminal lives. You raked in quite a bit of money during your stint, and you did it without losing any limbs. Resilience is the key to this game, which I believe you possess.” He raised both palms in a “hold off” gesture. “Or you can spend the rest of your life in prison. It’s your choice.”


When Ana Diamond isn't writing about tough gals finding love in unexpected places, she’s at work by day in the medical field. She writes romantic mystery novels with feisty strong women and alluring men who can’t resist them. Her books are fast paced, entertaining and heartfelt all at once.

Ana is a 2020 Tara Contest Finalist for Body Conscious and 2015 Melody of Love contest finalist. She lives in New York with her husband, two children and two needy but wildly entertaining kitty cats.






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This contest is sponsored by a third party. Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Goddess Fish Promotions.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette. The featured author and Goddess Fish Promotions are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Fanny Fitzpatrick and the Sirens by Dana Hammer - Book Tour - Guest Post - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Fanny Fitzpatrick and the Sirens
by Dana Hammer


GENRE:   Middle Grade Fiction



It’s the end of the school year. For most kids, it’s time to relax and get ready for summer. For Fanny, there’s work. She has a brand-new baby brother, and she’s been hired by Zeus to look after his “injured” son. And she still has her and her friends’ cheesemaking business! Fanny is overwhelmed.

But then she meets three sirens who want Fanny to join them on Feather Island for a summer of singing, instrument playing, and fun at the beach. The program is totally free and could start an amazing musical career-the thing that Fanny has always wanted the most.

Athena and Gemma are dead set against it. Athena says that the sirens are bad news; that their whole purpose in life is to lure men to their deaths with their beautiful singing. Gemma says that Feather Island is part of a network of unmappable islands, the type of place where criminals and sketchy organizations hoard their wealth and do their crimes.

Surely, the sirens don’t do that anymore, right? All that stuff was a long time ago. If the sirens want to keep their island paradise a secret, well, that’s not so weird, is it? Fanny has talked to them, and she just knows that they aren’t as evil as everyone says. They are perfectly nice ladies.


Follow Fanny Fitzpatrick as she navigates big sisterhood, friends who disapprove of her life choices, burning ambitions, and a bunch of sirens luring her away to their private island.



But I don’t have a chance to practice or not practice, because I remember that I have a Zoom date with Gemma and Athena. I head down to the computer and log in to the meeting.

Gemma and Athena are already in there, talking about something. They look serious and sour, but Gemma is wearing the most adorable newsboy hat with embroidered flowers on it, and I squeal when I see it.

“Gemma, that hat though!”

They stop talking and look at me, not smiling. I realize something weird is going on, and so I stop smiling.

“Fanny, we need to talk,” says Athena.

That’s not good.

“Um. Gemma? How’s England?” Gemma shakes her head at me.

I look back to Athena, who has crossed her arms, which makes her look like a strict disciplinarian who’s about to give me a terrible lecture. And I realize that’s exactly what’s about to happen.

“Herman told me everything,” Athena says.


“You let those things in your house! After I specifically told you how dangerous they are!”

“I didn’t let them in,” I say, which I realize is a wimpy thing to say, but I can’t think of anything better. “My dad did.”

“What did they want? Why were they there, at your house?”


“Do you have any idea how many people sirens have killed over the course of these millennia?”

“But that was a long time ago!” I say, sounding desperate and silly, even to my own ears.

“Fanny,” Gemma says, quietly, looking around to make sure no one is listening to her. “I’m not supposed to say this. But there are these islands. A few of them. And they have special deals with the UN, NATO, the African Union, and a few others that I’m not allowed to even say the names of. They have diplomatic immunity. They operate under their own laws, and they answer to no one. They’re unmappable, untraceable. I’ve been talking to Athena, and I think these islands are owned by the sirens.”

“You sound like conspiracy theorists,” I say, rolling my eyes. “How do you even know about these top-secret islands if they’re so top secret?”

“My parents,” Gemma says, like it’s obvious. I guess it should be obvious. I still have no idea what her parents do for a living, but they seem to jet around the planet a lot, with machete-bearing security guards, so I guess it must be important. Still.

“Well, Feather Island is a school. A school for musicians,” I say, trying to reassure them. “There’s a brochure and everything.”

I wish I had the brochure so I could show it to them, how lovely and harmless the place is, but my parents have put it somewhere and I don’t know where it is.

“How do you know about Feather Island?” Athena demands, looking even more furious.

Whoops. I guess I’ve gotta tell them now.

“That’s what the sirens wanted. To tell me about their music camp.”

“NO!” Athena shouts, banging her fist on the table in front of her. Splinters of wood fly everywhere and I’m kind of scared now. This is intense, even for Athena. “You can NOT go to this island. I don’t care what they told you. It’s bad news.”



A Playlist for Fanny Fitzpatrick and the Sirens

I like to create playlists of music that set the mood for whatever I want to write. Fanny Fitzpatrick and the Sirens is about a preteen girl who is recruited by sirens to attend a summer camp for aspiring singers. Fanny is an energetic, determined kid, with a strong moral compass and fierce loyalty to her friends. I wanted a playlist that would reflect that. Here are the songs on it.

(Please note, I am not a preteen girl. These are not present-day cool kid songs. But they work for me, to get me into the right headspace.)

1.)  Sweet Shop Avengerz, Bis
A high-energy song about raiding a candy shop. I think that’s what it’s about anyway.

2.)  Paper Bag, Fiona Apple
There are actually several Fiona Apple songs I listen to when writing Fanny Fitzpatrick stories, because I imagine Fanny’s voice being something similar to Fiona’s, but a little less mature.

3.)  Give Me Chocolate, Baby Metal
The juxtaposition of little girls singing with heavy metal screaming is delightful, and representative of Fanny’s sweetness and her toughness.

4.)  Best Friend, Saweetie/Doja Cat
Fanny loves her friends, and always supports and helps them. I can imagine her and her friends doing a coordinated dance routine to this song.

5.)  Rebel Girl, Bikini Kill
Fanny is a good feminist, who would never tear down other girls out of jealousy.

6.)  Shut Up and Let Me Go, The Ting Tings
I don’t know why, but this song just works for Fanny books.

7.)  Wannabe, Spice Girls
Friendship. Girl power.

8.)  San Diego Zoo, The 6ths
Who doesn’t like pretty songs about the zoo?

9.)  Defying Gravity, from Wicked
Fanny is friends with gods and goddesses and incredibly wealthy people who are always getting her into wacky situations. Fanny is working class and has no supernatural powers, but she doesn’t let those limits define her. She defies gravity, sometimes literally.

10.)  We, The Roches
A cool female singing group, sort of a modern day Andrews Sisters.

11.)  Don’t Give Up, the Noisettes
Fanny doesn’t give up. Ever.



Dana Hammer is a novelist, screenwriter and playwright. She has won over forty awards and honors for her writing, few of which generated income, all of which were deeply appreciated. She is not a cannibal, but she is the author of A Cannibals Guide to Fasting. Dana is also the author of middle grade fantasy My Best Friend Athena which was inspired by a desire to write something her 9 year old daughter could read.





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Dana will be awarding a $10 Amazon OR Barnes and Noble Gift Card (Winner's Choice!!!) to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

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Bullets and Dandelions by Gail Koger - Book Tour - Blurb Blitz - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Bullets and Dandelions
by Gail Koger


GENRE: Romantic Suspense



My name is Tess Reynolds, and I’ll admit few people would think I’m a badass Army sniper called the Scorpion. Afterall, women snipers were unheard of in 1990. People look at me and see a petite blonde who is cute as a button. My father calls it my natural camouflage.

My time in the Middle East has been full of unforeseen complications. I have a rogue CIA agent trying to kill me and I caught the attention of a Force Recon Marine by the name of Alexander Stone. Wowzer! He’s hot but he’s also the biggest jackass I have ever met. To make things even more interesting, I need the Jackass’s help to stay alive.



My jaw dropped. Three naked men were floating in the shallow water. They all had dog tags and looked to be American, probably the Force Recon team. My gaze locked on the biggest guy. Yowzer! He made my heart go pitty-pat. Too bad a thick, black beard covered his face. His body was utter perfection. He had to be at least six-feet-seven, with a massive chest, bulging biceps and heavily muscled thighs.

My gaze froze on his groin, and I suddenly knew what Sally meant when she said a guy was hung like a stallion. Would that thing even fit? Since Pops never allowed me to date, I had zero experience with men. Never been kissed and the one kid that tried ended up with a busted jaw: courtesy of my father.

C’mon handsome, roll over and show me your butt.
A coyote howled.

I frowned. There weren’t any coyotes in the Koh-i-Baba Mountain range or were there? I quickly surveyed the area. Nothing moved and there was no sign of any critters. I turned my attention back to the lake and my stomach knotted. It was empty. Somehow, they knew I was here. One of their scouts must have spotted my footprints.

Damn, I wasn’t in any shape to go up against a Force Recon team. I could always ask them for help, but since I was the Army’s secret weapon, that might get me booted.



I was a 9-1-1 dispatcher for the Glendale Police Department and to keep from going totally bonkers – I mean people have no idea what a real emergency is. Take this for example: I answered, “9-1-1 emergency, what’s your emergency?” And this hysterical woman yelled, “My bird is in a tree.” Sometimes I really couldn’t help myself, so I said, “Birds have a tendency to do that, ma’am.” The woman screeched, “No! You don’t understand. My pet parakeet is in the tree. I’ve just got to get him down.” Like I said, not a clue. “I’m sorry ma’am but we don’t get birds out of trees.” The woman then cried, “But… What about my husband? He’s up there, too.” See what I had to deal with? To keep from hitting myself repeatedly in the head with my phone I took up writing.








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