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Thursday, October 17, 2024

The Poseidon Project by E. William Podojil - Book Tour - Guest Post - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

The Poseidon Project
by E. William Podojil


GENRE:   Suspense, Thriller, Mystery



The Poseidon Project is an international suspense thriller and the first book in The Herb Society Mysteries series.

Molly Halloran and her friends have a secret past.  Their bucolic retirement is suddenly upended when Molly’s husband is abducted and held for a steep ransom.  Now she, her friends, her tech executive son, Lukas and his Air Force pilot boyfriend must race against the clock and travel halfway around the world to meet the kidnappers’ demands.  But when they learn why her husband has been abducted, they realize how high the stakes truly are.  Molly and her friends now must face their past in order to save the future.  But not only their futures; the world’s.



“There’s just nothing like airplane sweaty body, Ma. I promise I won’t tell anyone you complained about your private jet.” Lukas joked. 

“You know, Lukas, I know it’s your romantic life, and you don’t need your mother meddling in your affairs, but Taylor is quite a catch if you ask me. You two look so natural together, like you’ve known each other forever.”

“I hope you mean that in a good way, Ma.” Lukas blushed a bit. His mother could see right through him. “I’m waiting ’til he reveals he’s a psychotic serial killer. That’s usually how my relationships go, well, not the serial killer part, but definitely the psychotic part.”

“I think you should go for it, for what it’s worth. And why are you so negative about relationships?” his mother asked.

“Mom, I’ve known him for a week and during one of the most awful, chaotic weeks in my life. I’d like to see how we get along in a normal setting, like normal, boring life. Watching Netflix, making popcorn, folding clothes, you know? Simple life stuff. That’s when you know whether you’re with the right person or not.”

“You haven’t changed much, Lukas,” his mom pointed out. “You look at everything with logic, precision, follow the rules, and with as little variation as possible. You’ve been that way since you were little, and I love that about you, but you have to let yourself feel emotions. Allow yourself to be vulnerable and take a leap of faith. You’re not a Klingon, for God’s sake. a leap of faith. You’re not a Klingon, for God’s sake.”

Lukas held back a laugh. “I think you mean a Vulcan, Mom.”

“Let me ask you something, Lukas. How do you feel when you’re around Taylor?”

Lukas pondered. “That’s easy, Ma. I feel like I’m right where I want to be. I feel joy, fear, happiness, then scared and vulnerable. Panicked and terrified he’s going to walk away.”

“Like Drew, you mean?”

Lukas paused. “Yeah, Ma, like Drew.”

“You live once, honey. You’re almost forty, and before you know it you will be my age. It’s best to share a life with someone, not run probability formulas to predict success or failure. Sometimes, you just have to jump and know, that no matter what happens, you’ll be okay.”

“What did you and Dad do before I was born?” Lukas quickly changed the subject.

Molly was taken aback. “Um, well, we had a lot of adventures, that’s for sure. Not much money, so we both worked a lot, but we had fun.”

“Mom, how did you meet your friends, you know, Linda, Betty, and Donna?”

“We worked together.”

“Teaching? Lukas asked.

“Not teaching. We worked together at Argonne National Laboratory before teaching.”

“What did you guys do there?”

Molly thought about a response. “Lots of stuff.”

“Mom, can you tell me more than that?”

Molly let out a sigh. “Not every story is my story alone to tell. I have to get the ladies to explain some things. It’s a long story, so let’s go get them so we can tell it together.”



Background of The Poseidon Project

The idea for The Poseidon Project came to me years ago when I was living in Amsterdam. At the time, I was traveling the globe regularly and the disparity of resources from one region to another became extremely pronounced. Amsterdam is a city that is almost thirty feet below sea level, the water is controlled by a complex series of dams, dikes and canals and water is just a part of everyday life. It rains a lot and life just moves ahead whether it is raining or sunny. The Dutch just deal with it. Then I would go to a place where water was in demand, yet people had to ration it because it was scarce. I had crazy thoughts where countries who had a lot of water could sell to countries who didn’t have a lot. Water could become a valuable commodity, like oil or other natural resources and I began crafting this story in my head about how countries like Countries could become rich by selling, controlling and pricing water because it’s something everyone needs. Much like oil producing nations manipulating the supply and price of oil, almost at will. As the climate dynamics have changed, the location and availability has also changed. I was also fascinated by the fact that the amount of water on earth has stayed relatively constant for millions of years. What’s changed is its location, form (liquid, vapor, ice) and its potability (fresh vs. saltwater.) These dynamics became the basis for what would become The Poseidon Project and the characters who fight to prevent water scarcity from being used as a weapon.



E. William Podojil has worked as a writer, advisor and  international business executive while living in the Netherlands and the United States. He studied screenwriting at UCLA. His first novel, The Tenth Man, was published in 2004, by Haworth Press.  His latest novel, The Poseidon Project, will be published by Wild Rose Press in August, 2024 as the first book in the Herb Society Mysteries series. 

Podojil currently resides in Northeast Ohio with his husband and three sons. He travels extensively and writes about his experiences on his website www.ewpodojil.com.






E. William Podojil will award a $25 Amazon OR Barnes and Noble Gift Card (Winner's Choice!!!) to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

The Nephilim's Fate by Eliza Hampstead - Book Tour - Guest Post - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

The Nephilim's Fate
by Eliza Hampstead


GENRE:   Fantasy Romance



She will find a way, even if it leads to a war between Heaven and Hell.

In the heart of London, Alissia's ordinary life takes a thrilling turn when she is attacked by bloodthirsty vampires. When Nate, the man she dreamed about for years, swoops in to save her, her reality shatters as she discovers a shocking truth: she's a witch, and he's a Nephilim. But their love is cursed, forbidden by ancient laws that threaten to tear their world apart.

As old rivalries resurface and dark secrets come to light, Alissia and Nate must confront their deepest fears and fight for their love, even if it means igniting a war between Heaven and Hell.

With unforgettable characters, steamy romance, and gripping plot twists, this captivating new fantasy series by award-winning author Eliza Hampstead delves into a world of angels and demons, forbidden love, and the inexorable power of fate.

If you crave the intensity of Shadowhunters with an added dose of spice, don't miss out on this spellbinding series!



My heart stopped for a moment before resuming its work at double speed. I gulped. Now was the time for the truth. Seraphina stood up and walked to her desk; when she turned back, she held a photo in her hand. My heart was beating frantically as Seraphina held out the picture. I nearly didn’t take it. I suddenly wanted to live in ignorance, yet my body reacted before I could decide and took the photo. I looked at a woman who resembled me a great deal. She also had dark hair and green eyes, her nose was a bit longer than mine, and her lips were thinner. However, it was clear that she was my kin.

“Her name was Keira Shepard. Your father is still unknown; the coven thinks he was a human and unimportant to her. She never told anybody about him.”

Keira Shepard. A beautiful name that fitted her. I wanted to know everything about her, right now. “What do you know of her? Is her family an old witch family? Did she leave anything behind?”

“She was from an old family. To our knowledge, it had died with her until now. Her belongings went to the coven after her mother—your grandmother—died ten years ago. Her file states she could glimpse into the future. She was much into the second sight. If you want to, I can ask for the whole file, including the documentation about her going missing.”

“That would be splendid. Thank you.” I tried to say more, but my thoughts were spinning. I had the name and face of my birth mother and a thousand questions.



Tell Us About the Villain in The Nephilim's Fate and the Inspiration Behind Their Development

Every great story needs a compelling villain, and for The Nephilim's Fate, Victorija fills this role perfectly. Ruthless, cunning, and relentless, Victorija is the leader of the vampires, a faction constantly struggling for more power. At first glance, she may seem like the classic villain—merciless and dangerous—but like most complex characters, there’s much more beneath the surface.

In The Nephilim's Fate, Victorija's introduction portrays her as a terrifying force. She kidnaps young witches, a heartless act that signals her willingness to do whatever it takes to advance her own power. The witches, who in this world hold significant magical abilities, suppress the vampires because they view them as a dangerous threat. Meanwhile, the Nephilim—powerful beings of divine and mortal descent—actively fight and kill vampires to keep them from rising in influence. This places Victorija in a difficult position where her entire race is oppressed, giving her motivations for being ruthless.

Victorija’s initial portrayal as a cold, heartless antagonist is vital for setting the tone in book 1. She is the perfect villain for Alissia and Nate to face, embodying everything they need to overcome. Her lack of mercy stands in direct contrast to their personal journeys, and her actions create high stakes that drive the tension throughout the story.

But as the series progresses, and particularly in The Nephilim's Finesse (book 3), we start to see a different side of Victorija. Readers learn about her tragic backstory and the events that have shaped her into the villain she is in The Nephilim's Fate. Suppressed by witches, hunted by Nephilim, Victorija’s ruthless tactics are a product of survival. She has endured immense loss and betrayal, and these experiences have hardened her. What appears to be sheer cruelty is actually a well-guarded defense mechanism.

Victorija’s complexity as a villain is key to her development. She’s not just evil for evil’s sake; she’s a product of a broken world, fighting for her people, much like Alissia is fighting for hers. This duality creates a nuanced dynamic in the series, where the line between hero and villain isn’t always clear. It allows readers to feel empathy for her, even as she commits unspeakable acts.

The inspiration for Victorija’s character came from a desire to create a villain that not only challenges the protagonists but also the readers’ understanding of what makes someone “bad.” By giving her layers of motivation, I wanted to remind readers that everyone has a story, and sometimes those who seem the most ruthless are the ones carrying the deepest wounds.

Victorija represents the struggle for power and the consequences of oppression, but she also reflects a theme that runs throughout the War of the Nephilim series: that every villain is the hero of their own story.



Award winning author Eliza Hampstead, a scientist by training, lives with her family in the UK. When she's not writing, she spends her time as a geek. Playing all sorts of games (board games, video games, RPGs) and being a big fan of medieval history are only a few of the many hobbies she has. Passionate about fantasy, she's always planning her next adventure.

Sign up for Eliza’s newsletter to get exclusive updates on new releases, behind-the-scenes author news, and exciting extras like character interviews, maps, playlists, and bonus chapters that bring the books even more to life!







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Eliza will be awarding a $10 Amazon OR Barnes and Noble Gift Card (Winner's Choice!!!) to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

**This post contains affiliate links and if clicked and a purchase is made, I may receive a small commission to help support this blog.  This does not cost you anything, it just helps pay for all those fabulous community outreach projects and awesome giveaways on here**

This contest is sponsored by a third party. Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Goddess Fish Promotions.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette. The featured author and Goddess Fish Promotions are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

The Roots Run Deep by C.M. Forest - Book Tour - Guest Post - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

The Roots Run Deep
by C.M. Forest


GENRE:   Horror Short Story Collection



Dug from the twisted mind of C.M. Forest, the acclaimed author of Infested, comes a collection of 15 horror stories that will drag you into the abyss of fear and despair.

A fast-food playland with a nightmarish secret, a greenhouse with a bug problem, a busload of kids lost in the woods, a trip through the solar system to investigate a strange comet, and many more.

Brace yourself for an unrelenting journey through a world where evil knows no bounds, and darkness consumes all.



The truck door swung open with a painful groan. Gordon kept his gaze locked on the barn as he climbed out. A cool breeze wafted across the field to grab and tussle his long, unkempt hair. Ahead, the barn door swayed as if in anticipation.

In the bed of the truck were two gas cans. The fuel sloshed as he pulled the red, plastic containers free. The weight of the cans felt comforting as he approached the structure.

He caught the barn door with his foot and kicked it open enough to enter. He thought he might feel a twinge of nostalgia, or maybe even horror, at returning to the old building, but the truth was, it looked just like every other barn he had ever been in. Spinning the caps off one of the cans, he began dumping the gasoline.

A low, creaking sound pulled him away from his work. He stared around the darkened structure, trying damn hard to convince himself it was just the wind, but failing. Despite his darkest imaginings, he could not wrap his head around what could be living within the old, warped walls of the barn. What malevolent force was animating the ancient boards and struts?

When nothing materialized from the gloom, he returned to his business.

With both cans empty, Gordon stood in the door and fished around in his pocket for his lighter. As soon as it was free, he began thumbing the flint wheel. A few angry sparks jumped from the end, but the flame was stubbornly absent. Once again, he heard the creaking. This time, it seemed to come from everywhere all at once. With his lighter forgotten, Gordon stared ahead as something started moving, opening, along the floor. A spike of cold fear chilled him to the bone. He turned to run.



Create a Playlist That Inspired The Roots Run Deep

I always listen to music while writing, but it is a very specific kind of music. It has to be something ambient and spooky. No lyrics. I have a nasty habit of writing what I hear. For instance, if the song is about, oh, I don’t know, cars, then I am likely to start writing about cars. Not in any coherent way, mind you. More like, in the middle of a sentence about a spooky house, the words Toyota Camry might appear. To stop that from happening, I stick to stuff like soundtracks (mostly from video games or lesser-known horror movies).
But I do listen to a lot of traditional music while plotting for inspiration. I’ve pared a song from my playlist to each one of the stories in The Roots Run Deep. Hopefully it will give you an idea of where my head was at as each story took shape. Also, worth mentioning, these songs don’t necessarily reflect the story in terms of lyrics, but rather vibe. 

Home – The Lighthouse - Halsey

What the Storm Brought In – Rough Hands - Alexisonfire

Born of Death – Right Where It Belongs – Nine Inch Nails

On a Dark Road – If Rain is What you Want - Slipknot

Glass Weavers – Dark All Day - Gunship

Hunger – Almost Again – Strapping Young Lad

Playland – Come On – Mushroomhead

Reggie vs. the Moths – Search and Destroy – The Stooges 

Gone – Stinkfist - Tool

The House in the Ground – House of a 1000 Corpses – Rob Zombie

Time to Make the Donuts – Gaslight! – Maggie Lindermann

We Called It Mother – Change (In the House of Flies) - Deftones

Blood and Snow – Black Honey - Thrice

Transmissions – Black Sabbath – Type O Negative

The Roots Run Deep – Garden of Suffering – Sarah Kivell



C.M. Forest, also known as Christian Laforet, is the author of the novel Infested, the novella We All Fall Before the Harvest, the short story collection The Space Between Houses, as well as the co-author of the short-story collection No Light Tomorrow. His short fiction has been featured in several anthologies across multiple genres. A self-proclaimed horror movie expert, he spent an embarrassing amount of his youth watching scary movies. When not writing, he lives in Ontario, Canada with his wife, kids, three cats and a pandemic dog named Sully who has an ongoing love affair with a blanket.










C.M. Forest will be awarding a $15 Amazon OR Barnes and Noble Gift Card (Winner's Choice!!!) to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, October 14, 2024

Spirience by Mahāmahopādhyāya Bhadreshdas Swami, V.I. Lakshmanan, & S. Kalyanasundaram - Book Tour - Book Blast - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. The authors will be awarding a $10 Amazon OR Barnes and Noble Gift Card (Winner's Choice!!!) to a randomly drawn winner. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Spirience: Experiencing Peace and Prosperity through Spirituality and Science is a unique and comprehensive look at the importance of spirituality and science to guide our day-to-day living at a personal level, and to achieve peace and prosperity at a global. The term 'spirience' is a blend of two words: spirituality and science. It captures the essence of spirituality in its prefix "spiri-," and the domain of science in its suffix "-ence".

The importance of such a work lies in the challenges faced by the world today, conflicts between nations and ideologies at the global level and the explosion of mental health issues at a personal level. The book will first set the scene to understand the challenges faced by humanity today and the tools that we have to overcome them. An in-depth look at the treasure trove of texts from India's Vedic past, highlighting the spiritual as well as scientific aspects, will be complemented by a study of the evolution of mankind over the past millennia, changes in the way of life and the current levels of extreme discontinuity brought on by an onrush of technological innovations.

Recommendations for going forward will be presented for the readers to ponder and hopefully incorporate in their personal, professional and social lives. The book will be of great value to anyone interested in or active in personal well-being and global peace and prosperity.


Spirience: A Fusion of Experiences

By knowing a single lump of earth, you know all objects made of earth. All changes are mere those of words . . .
Chāndogya Upaniṣad 6.1.4

Spirience is an experience. It’s my experience, your experience, everyone’s experience. It is an experience that celebrates the solidarity between spirituality and science. Spirituality and science are like flowers and their fragrance; they share an inseparable bond. When it comes to prosperity and achieving inner peace, integrating these two fields proves immensely beneficial. Any discovery or reflection that strays from life proves fruitless. The union of spirituality and science forms a magnificent connection to life’s more profound experiences. While our bodies are crafted from “star stuff,” our souls seek peace and prosperity. We’ve all observed how deeply woven they are into the fabric of our existence, even if only in simple ways.

Today, we live in an era where understanding the interwoven relationship between spirituality and science has become essential. Our connections have extended beyond our families to include those of the larger world. We are even exploring life on other planets, signifying our desire to expand our relationships even further. Our existence now extends from our homes to the cosmos. Today’s human beings see themselves as part of the universe. The ancient Indian scriptures often mention pinḍeṣu brahmāṇḍeṣu—likening the individual self to the cosmos. The microcosm of humankind is reflected in the macrocosm of the universe and vice versa.

The term “spirience” is a blend of two words: spirituality and science. It captures the essence of spirituality in its prefix “spiri-,” and the domain of science in its suffix “-ence.” This innovative term goes beyond its grammatical structure to emphasize the sentiments integrated within. It represents a harmonious fusion of life’s two great streams encapsulated in a single word that symbolizes the profound interconnection between these two realms.

My Journey with Spirience

My journey with the title Spirience is deeply intertwined with a few experiences I’ve had. The concept and title of this book took shape last year when I was in America. I had the fortunate opportunity to witness the creation of the Swaminarayan Akshardham complex in Robbinsville, New Jersey. Akshardham is a beacon of spirituality and culture. While observing its construction, I was captivated by the seamless blend of spirituality and science that expressed itself. It was as though they were intertwined in dance to co-create a rejuvenating spring of inspiration for all of society. It repeatedly felt as though science had lifted spirituality on its shoulders or spirituality had extended a welcoming invitation to science.

About the Authors:

Mahamahopadhyay Bhadreshdas Swami

An esteemed Swami of BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha and Head of the BAPS Research Institute in New Delhi, Bhadreshdas Swami’s scholarly work Svāminārāyaṇabhāṣya is a profound Sanskrit commentary on the Prasthānatrayī. With a Ph.D. in Sanskrit and multiple honorary degrees, his contributions to the field are widely recognized.

V. I. Lakshmanan, O.C., Ph.D.

Co-founder of Process Research ORTECH and a leader in sustainable technology, Lakshmanan holds numerous patents and has published over 150 scientific works. His accolades include being named an Officer of the Order of Canada and receiving the Pravasi Bharatiya Samman Award from the Government of India.

S. Kalyanasundaram

With 25 years of experience in advanced technologies for telecommunication networks and serving as the former Executive Director of the Canada India Foundation, Kalyanasundaram enriches the book’s exploration of the synergy between ancient knowledge and modern science.

Spirience is available through major retailers. Discover how this book’s unique integration of spirituality and science can guide you toward a more peaceful and prosperous life.


Amazon US Kindle eBook:

Thursday, October 10, 2024

One Little Witch by Crystal Beach - Book Tour - Book Review - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

One Little Witch
by Crystal Beach


GENRE:  Children's



A brilliant Little Witch counts the pumpkins in her pumpkin patch and discovers some surprising surprises. Join author and illustrator Crystal Beach (One Polar Bear and Two Polar Bears) as she captivates you with her latest adventure story and a brand-new series—One Little Witch. You and your child will be delighted by this hilarious tale as together you learn counting and sight words, and experiment with sound.

A charming holiday tale for autumn, or any time of the year, One Little Witch is filled with pumpkins and childlike enthusiasm for learning. This little book is sure to enchant, and will make a spooky addition to your child's library.

If you can be anything, be inclusive.





This book, "One Little Witch," is a fun, exciting, delightful, Fall/Halloween-themed, children's read filled with stimulating learning and developmental skills, clever rhyming sequences, and bright, vibrant illustrations!!

This book, "One Little Witch," follows a young girl, referred to as, "Little Witch," as she sits outside in a pumpkin patch in her backyard. The book starts out with Little Witch watching over her ten pumpkins and over the course of the night, one-by-one the pumpkins burst and reveal a special Halloween surprise!!

No tricks here - these pumpkins are full of delightful Halloween themed fun!! Readers will enjoy counting along and seeing what exciting surprises await them on the next page.

I love how the author finds unique ways to engage young readers, while also inspiring them to recognize and identify numbers, shapes, and patterns all across the pages. Readers will not only find pumpkins to count, but can also keep track of the moon and stars on Little Witch's nightgown, the pawprints on her hat, the yellow moonlight dots, singing crows, candy corn pieces, apples, flowers, leaves, and stars - readers will enjoy spotting these additional items that are scattered throughout the pages and that correspond to that page's particular number count.

One Little Witch,” is full of clever rhyming sequences that are sure to delight young readers while also supporting their cognitive development.  This book includes numerical values featured throughout the pages to help teach readers to count while further enhancing and boosting their literary skills.

In addition, the author displayed the phrase, “good night,” in several different languages on the last two pages of the story, further promoting diversity and getting young readers started early on their language skills.  I also want to mention that I appreciate the author including which language the phrase is from.

I love this book's fun Halloween/Fall season themes, which certainly got us in the pumpkin holiday spirit. While this book is spot on for the upcoming holiday, this book can truly be enjoyed anytime of the year.

This book is full of vibrant, bright, beautiful illustrations that are sure to keep readers engaged.

This book is ideal for bedtime story time and as a learning to read and count book.

"One Little Witch," is a quick read at 33 eBook pages cover-to-cover and filled with 22 pages of text and illustrations.

This book is appropriately “G” rated as there is no swearing, no gory violence, no adult situations, and no sexual content.

This is the third book from Crystal Beach that I've hosted, read, reviewed - and loved!! Our family has also thoroughly enjoyed her other books, "One Polar Bear," and "Two Polar Bears." It seems Crystal has two more children's books in the works - "One Little Troll," and "Three Dancing Polar Bears," that are set to be released soon. I can't wait to check them out!! And while all these books can be read in any order or as standalones, now is the perfect time to dive in and get started - especially with "One Little Witch," as Halloween is this month!!

All in all, I really enjoyed reading this book and would absolutely recommend it!!  I think all young readers and their families will like this book too!!  So, add it to your TBR List and get to reading - you won't be disappointed!!

**Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy of this book and have voluntarily provided an honest, and unbiased review in accordance with FTC regulations**



Crystal Beach is an adoptive mother and caregiver of two adoptive children who have complex medical needs and disabilities. Her children are often represented in her work as strong, caring individuals with special gifts and powers. Her writing projects are intended to ensure financial support for her children's future.

Crystal has a B.A. in Creative Writing from the University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. Her focus is in children's literature, publishing, and journalism. She has had many careers including ten years as a MedA with the Canadian Naval Reserve, advertising with a daily newspaper, communications and marketing, training as an EMT, and continued studies in developmental psychology.

She and her family live in Regina, Saskatchewan in a simple little house with two giant support dogs.

For more information visit the links below!










Crystal will be awarding a $10 Amazon OR Barnes and Noble Gift Card (Winner's Choice!!!) to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Playing High by Beth Pellino-Dudzic - Book Tour - Book Blast - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Beth Pellino-Dudzic will award paperback copies of BOTH books in the series: Playing Hard and Playing High (US only) to a randomly drawn winner. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Gina Will Do Anything to Protect Her Husband and Her Band

Perfection is one of the hottest bands on the rock n’ roll scene and they are being wooed into the seductive pitfalls that come with fame. How will they continue to rise when temptation is all around them?

Lead singer, Gina, is seen as The Sexy Siren of Rock for her onstage heat and glamour, but her true love is offstage—as wife to guitarist Trevor, and mother to their miracle baby, Roxanne.

Keeping a family together while touring with the band is hard enough, but Gina is faced with an even more sinister challenge. Trevor’s old friend, Brian Mayfield is hell bent on separating the couple—using drugs, alcohol, and women as his weapons. But why is he so driven to destroy them? How far will tough-as-nails Gina go to protect the ones she loves?


Trevor noticed Gina was a bit weepy and had to find out what exactly was bothering her. Trevor asked, “Babe, we are getting married again tomorrow, so please, tell me what’s wrong, because I know as soon as Lisa told you she was pregnant, your face just got teary so—”

Gina stammered, “I’ve been keeping a secret from you for about three weeks. I’m late, and sure that I’m pregnant. I didn’t want to say anything, writing music and all this shit. I was afraid to tell you. I wasn’t sure how you would feel because we didn’t plan it. I’m about six weeks along. I figured out that the baby’s due date would be around early June. I still need to see a doctor. I’m not sure how tight my body-hugging wedding dress will fit and I’m scared about your reaction.” She paused to wipe the tears falling freely from her eyes. “Trevor, please say something.”

Trevor had tears in his eyes too. “We’re going to have a baby. That’s what you’re saying?”

“Yes, absolutely. No mistake. You didn’t realize I haven’t had my period?”

“I don’t count the days or watch for that stuff. But why not tell me sooner? Was it this wedding thing?”

“I didn’t want it getting out until after. I was afraid one of us would slip. I’m so sorry. This should be the happiest moment in our life, and I ruined it.”


Beth Pellino-Dudzic was born in the Bronx and grew up in Westchester County, New York. She earned a BA in Business Administration and worked at IBM. She has three adult daughters and a new Granddaughter. She currently lives in Alabama with her husband and their miniature dachshund, Truffle. Although The Perfection Saga is fictional, many of the stories hark back to Beth’s time in the Rock ‘n’ Roll world. Beth’s favorite pastime is football, everything football. She also is an excellent cook and baker.






**Playing High eBook is available for FREE on Amazon Kindle Unlimited!!!**

Amazon US:

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

The Legendary Mo Seto by A. Y. Chan - Book Tour - Guest Post - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

The Legendary Mo Seto
by A. Y. Chan


GENRE:   Middle Grade, Martial Arts, Action / Adventure



Mo Seto, martial arts movie star! Has a nice ring to it doesn’t it? Too bad there's a height restriction to audition. But 12-year-old Modesty (Mo) Seto has never let her height get in the way before, not when she became a black belt, or when she fought the meanest boy in her class, and she’s not going to let it stop her this time! Now if only she can figure out a way to grow five inches and fool everyone at the auditions…and find time to search for her missing father (who just might be harboring a dangerous secret of his own). Join Mo on an adventure (and audition) of a lifetime and find out if powerful things really do come in small packages!

Publishers Weekly calls THE LEGENDARY MO SETOAdrenaline pumping”, Kirkus Reviews says it “Packs a punch”, and Booklist calls it “Remarkably relatable.” Leap in and join the fun!



I tap the arm of a boy next to me. He’s around my height, though he looks like he’s probably a good couple of years younger. “What’s everyone looking at?”

The boy cocks his head toward the crowd and frowns. “There’s a poster about auditions for a Cody Kwok movie, but—”

Cody Kwok? Cody Kwok! Aaaaaaaah! Every thought inside my brain disappears, except for the words “CODY KWOK” in capital letters, surrounded by flashing lights.

I need to see that poster.

I crane my neck, but it’s no use. What would Cody Kwok do? Cody wouldn’t let buildings or bridges or trains or nuclear explosions stand in the way of what he wanted—let alone a few people.

“Nacho, meet me out front. I’ll be right back.” Slipping through cracks, under armpits and between legs, I duck, crawl, and push my way through until I’m standing in front of Cody’s magnificent face. I’d recognize it anywhere. His black eyes are narrowed, and his lips are curled, as if daring his opponent to strike. His fists are held in a classic fighting stance.

“Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh.”

Below the picture are the words:

Inviting all young martial artists to participate in our open auditions to star alongside CODY KWOK in his next movie.
Sign up for an audition spot on Sunday, July 7
2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Auditions begin Saturday July 13.

Sign-ups are—I double-check my phone—in a week.



Character Creation

I once read that everyone is the main character in their own story, and this couldn’t be more true in storytelling. Sure, you’ve got a terrific main character—let’s call her Jem. You’ve mapped out a fun, twisty adventure for her to embark on. You know Jem down to her unruly auburn curls that have a mind of their own. She’s got quirks that make her unique but still relatable, a clear goal, and plenty of challenges to help her grow. And, of course, she’s surrounded by a lively world with her parents, her annoying little brother, and her best friend, Geoff.

But here’s the kicker: what about Dad, who hates his job and regrets not enrolling in the Space Special Ops as a spaceship fighter pilot? Or Mom, who moonlights as a spy for the world’s fiercest criminal mastermind? Or Geoff, who just found out he’s a clone of his parents’ real child, who disappeared years ago?

The truth is, every character in your story is the main character of their own life. They all have their own wants, needs, growth arcs, and resolutions. So, if you thought you only had to create one main character, surprise! You’re actually creating many. Each character’s journey is just as important as Jem’s—to them, at least.

Creating characters means diving deep into each one’s background and understanding their dreams, fears, and quirks. Even if these details don’t all make it onto the page, they’ll influence how your characters think, the decisions they make, and how they interact with each other. This depth makes your world feel rich and lived-in, and your characters become more compelling and real.

So, as you build Jem’s world, take the time to flesh out the lives of those around her. Understand what drives them and what keeps them up at night. Maybe Dad’s regret leads him to bond with Jem over shared dreams of adventure. Perhaps Mom’s secret life adds a layer of tension and excitement that spills over into Jem’s story. And Geoff’s shocking discovery could create a subplot that enriches the main narrative. Character creation is about treating every individual in your story as the main character of their own. This approach adds depth and richness to your writing, making every interaction and subplot more meaningful.



A. Y. Chan grew up in Canada’s Greater Toronto Area reading all the middle grade and young adult books she could get her hands on. To this day, those remain her favorite genres. After achieving her black belt in Taekwondo, she explored other martial arts, such as Wing Chun, Hapkido, and Muay Thai. These days, she continues her martial arts training some mornings, writes in the afternoons, takes long walks to muddle out plot points, and falls asleep reading.









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