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Thursday, May 16, 2024

Sunrise Interrupted by Eden Monroe - Book Tour - Guest Post - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Sunrise Interrupted
by Eden Monroe


GENRE:   Mystery



The motion picture, Retribution, could be the big break Alexandra Martel has been waiting for. A Canadian movie star and strong female lead, even greater success may be within reach. But she also envies her married sisters, and has been hoping to meet her own soulmate.

Dr. Beau Remington, handsome male lead is the hometown veterinarian. He’s been contracted by motion picture execs to be on set when animals are called for, so when he and Alexandra eventually cross paths there is undeniable chemistry. However, Hollywood heartthrob James Langford has already laid claim to the striking young actress and tries to stop the budding romance.

Then everything changes at sunrise one morning when Alexandra goes for a run alone in the picturesque Belleisle, New Brunswick countryside. That’s when the man who’s been stalking her for weeks finally makes his move. She must endure the terrifying ordeal of being kidnapped and drugged in this Eastern Canada romantic suspense.



Beau rolled out of bed at his usual morning start time of four-thirty. That’s all the sleep he’d ever needed, and it meshed perfectly with his get up and go attitude. Even if he was inclined to sleep longer, his three dogs, Carley, Ajax and Ron would see to it that his feet hit the floor in time to let them out to answer the call of nature. Ron was his latest rescue, and it was amazing how much he’d improved since he’d found him by the creek a little over two months ago.

The dogs headed for the back door ahead of him, Carley as usual barking in anticipation of open-door freedom. There were squirrels waiting to be chased, although it was never a close contest. In fact he could swear the little squirrel waited for his friend, clinging to the side of the tree, chattering excitedly. It easily scampered to safety high in the branches of the venerable old oak that had seen countless generations of red squirrels.

Beau’s usual busy day awaited him at his veterinary clinic at Hatfield Point in the heart of Belleisle. He and his assistant, Hailey Cruickshank, had easily handled the small number of sick or injured animals when he’d first opened, but business had steadily increased until it had become necessary to expand his practice. That’s when he’d added Dr. Jennifer Tuttle to his payroll, in addition to a second assistant and a vet tech. That worked out great because Dr. Jen was an absolute gift, picking up the slack when he was needed on farm calls. And now with the movie Retribution being filmed in the area, and he being the veterinarian on call for that production, a larger staff would come in handy.

However, as great as Dr. Jen was turning out to be, it was becoming increasingly obvious she had more than a passing interest in him. Not that she wasn’t a wonderful woman, there was simply no interest on his part. A person couldn’t manufacture those feelings, there had to be a seed from which it could grow and it just wasn’t there. He liked her as a friend but preferred to keep the whole thing on a professional basis. Dr. Jen apparently felt otherwise and although she kept her feelings to herself, it was all right there in her eyes. He’d been trying his best to ignore it so they wouldn’t have to have that conversation, and he was hopeful she’d lose interest over time.



5 Reasons You Should Read My Book:

The first reason is that you’ll be reading about an area that few people get to experience because it’s just not that well known. Therefore it carries a certain mystique. The province of New Brunswick on the East Coast of Canada has seven distinct eco regions and some of the most spectacular scenery in the world. It provides a beautiful setting for Sunrise Interrupted.

The second is that you can embrace the charm of a storied countryside in Sunrise Interrupted. Beau’s veterinary clinic at Hatfield Point is located not far from the old wharf on Belleisle Bay. That historic boat landing served a bygone era when majestic riverboats plied the waterways of the St. John River, the Rhine of North America. And the little whitewashed country church in which many a Hatfield Pointer was married more than a hundred years ago, still stands straight and proud in the summer sunshine.

Thirdly, this part of Queens County is where I realized the many dreams of my childhood. I spent idyllic summers not far way on the Washdemoak on my grandmother’s farm, and many of my relatives still populate the Belleisle. I have always thought of this breathtaking area as God’s country, and what a thrill it was to share it with my readers.

Next, if you love animals and are concerned about their welfare then you’ll love Beau’s interaction with them. You might even say he brings his work home with him, with six rescues living with him on his small ranch, three horses and three dogs. His abiding love for animals can’t help but resonate with you.

Lastly, but most importantly, I think you’ll find Sunrise Interrupted an interesting read. From stunningly beautiful actress, Alexandra Martel, to tall, ruggedly handsome Dr. Beau Remington, there is plenty to gush about. Add box office heartthrob, James Langford to the mix, a Hollywood bad boy with more notches on his belt than a wild west gunslinger. Langford has a string of failed marriages, but is determined to make Alexandra his sixth walk down the aisle. Enter Dr. Jennifer Tuttle who is head over heels in love with Beau, and determined to overcome his reluctance. So she shows up late one night unannounced with a bottle of wine…. And let’s not forget the stalker, intent on capturing Alexandra. He is relentless, and at sunrise one morning he makes his move. What happens next is unbelievable.



Eden Monroe writes about real life, real issues and struggles, and triumphing against all odds. A proud east coast Canadian, she enjoys a variety of outdoor activities, and a good book.





Amazon Buy Link:



Eden Monroe will award a $15 Amazon OR Barnes and Noble Gift Card (Winner's Choice!!!) to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thank you so much for hosting me today. I enjoy being here.

  2. We appreciate you hosting today. Thank you.

  3. The cover looks good. I like the blurb.

  4. Thank you, Marcy! Glad you like both. Hope you enjoy the book.

  5. I really liked the excerpt. Thanks for hosting.

  6. Very nice cover and also sounds interesting.

    1. Thank you Sherry, hope you enjoy the book. Are you an avid reader?

  7. Replies
    1. Thank you Marisela, glad you liked it. What is your favourite genre?
