
Thursday, April 15, 2021

Luka by Dianne Hartsock - Book Tour - Guest Post - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Hey, lovelies!  It gives me great pleasure today to host fellow Oregonian Dianne Hartsock and her new book, “Luka”!  For other stops on her Goddess Fish Promotions Book Tour, please click on the banner above or any of the images in this post.

Be sure to make it to the end of this post to enter to win a $20 Amazon or Barnes and Noble Gift Card!!  Also, come back daily to interact with Dianne and to increase your chances of winning!

Thanks for stopping by!  Wishing you lots of luck in this fabulous giveaway!


by Dianne Hartsock


GENRE: MM Romance/Fantasy



Luka makes a desperate wish and the earth shifts to his will. Regretting it immediately, he tries to undue the sorcery, but it is too late. He asked for hope, and to his horror, all the hope in the world is given into his keeping. He desires nothing more than to return this gift to the world.

Aethan wants to get his hands on the Well of Hope in Luka’s keeping. If he can ransom out hope to others at his whim, the world will be at his feet. Where it belongs.

With the aid of his lover, Rhys, Luka stays one step ahead of Aethan. But Rhys has his own enemy in Aethan, his estranged father.

Rescued by Luka, his sweet, gentle witch, Rhys now stands with him against Aethan. They have vowed to return the Well of Hope to the earth despite all odds, or die trying. For what is life worth, for anyone, without hope?



He missed his lover, though he’d been the one to send him away. Luka had wanted him to find a better life than he could offer, a solitary witch bartering his potions. And he had wanted Rhys safe from his enemies. But he may as well have cut out his own heart when Rhys had left.

Luka sipped his tea, enjoyed its comfort, then heat flushed his skin as he recalled his dream last night, the feel of Rhys in his bed. Rhys had been tender and passionate and welcoming. Luka had cried in his arms, overwhelmed with the joy of it. Had wept again on waking to find himself alone on the hearth, Rhys across the room, reading a book in the morning light spilling through a window, as far away as the years that had separated them.

A bird fluttered past, calling his attention, and Luka’s spirit flew with it, soaring into the sky. The rush of air exhilarated him, and he dropped with a smile back into his body. After hastily setting aside his tea, he pulled a crystal from a pocket and held it up to the faint winter sunlight. He marveled at the earth reflected in glass. Focusing his gaze, his essence slipped easily into the encapsulated world and flew along the pathways, flitting between trees and brush. He scampered with a family of squirrels along a branch, leaping with wild glee from limb to limb.



Some of My Favorite Items in My Office

Hello! Welcome to my writing room. I’ve spent countless happy days here, but also many exquisitely painful hours working out a difficult scene or making sure I have the exact words for the emotion I’m trying to convey.

Today, the sun is streaming in the window catching my prisms and sending rainbows dancing on the ceiling. I have my favorite books by my favorite authors around me, beautiful art decorating the walls, a peaceful setting in which to write.

Not that I don’t write other places. Coffee shops are fun, and in the living room by the fireplace. I’ll also write while someone’s watching TV in the room, if I must. But I prefer to be here in my writing room. I don’t really call it my ‘office’. It was my daughter’s room until she went off to college, and we still keep a bed and TV in here for guests. But I have a large desk here by the window and my favorite things around me.

Sitting here at the desk, I have my group of gargoyles to my right. I used them for inspiration for a short story I wrote many years ago. Now I use them as reminders when I need to add that touch of magic and wonder to a story. Same with my shelf of faeries. I’ve been writing a lot of fantasy and paranormal stories lately and enjoy sharing my room with these mystical creatures.

I have my own published books in front of me, reminders of what I’ve accomplished. And that, yes, if I keep working hard, getting the story down that my characters insist I write for them, I have a good chance of getting their story out in the world. Sort of an, I’ve done it once and I can do it again.

My favorite books and art pictures are around me for that amazing feeling of creativity and inspiration and beauty, reminding me to create something beautiful as well. *Did you notice my Tolkien poster? Tolkien was my first and greatest inspiration to be a writer. To the right of that is a mask of St. Nicolas I bought myself when working on my story Nicolas.

I feel blessed to have such a lovely room to create in, where I’m left in peace to crawl into my stories and live there for a time. Thank you for stopping in! I’m curious, do you have a favorite place to write? I’d love to hear about it.



Dianne is the author of m/m romance, paranormal suspense, fantasy adventure, the occasional thriller, and anything else that comes to mind. She lives in the beautiful Willamette Valley of Oregon with her incredibly patient husband, who puts up with the endless hours she spends hunched over the keyboard letting her characters play. She says Oregon’s raindrops are the perfect setting in which to write. There’s something about being cooped up in the house with a fire crackling on the hearth and a cup of hot coffee warming her hands, which kindles her imagination.

Currently, Dianne works as a floral designer in a locally-owned gift shop. Which is the perfect job for her. When not writing, she can express herself through the rich colors and textures of flowers and foliage.






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Dianne will be awarding a $20 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

**This post contains affiliate links and if clicked and a purchase is made, I may receive a small commission to help support this blog.  This does not cost you anything, it just helps pay for all those awesome giveaways on here**

This contest is sponsored by a third party. Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Goddess Fish Promotions.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette. The featured author and Goddess Fish Promotions are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.


  1. Dianne ~ Good morning neighbor! Welcome back to FAB! It is so great to have you here again! Congrats on your exciting new book and good luck on the book tour! :)

    1. Thanks so much for hosting me, Ally! It's always fun to be here. Hope you're enjoying our fabulous weather this week :)

  2. I am surprised all your fun items in your office don't distract you!

    1. I've been gathering things over the years that inspire me. I feel inspired as soon as I walk in the room! Thanks for coming by, Sue

  3. Sounds interesting, thanks for sharing!

  4. Sounds like a very interesting book.
