
Monday, November 16, 2020

The Ghost of Walhachin by Ramona Nehring-Silver - Book Tour - Book Review - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Hi, lovelies!  It gives me great pleasure today to host Ramona Nehring-Silver and her new book, “The Ghost of Walhachin”!  For other stops on her Goddess Fish Promotions Book Tour, please click on the banner above or any of the images in this post.

Be sure to make it to the end of this post to enter to win a $20 Amazon or Barnes and Noble Gift Card!!  Also, come back daily to interact with Ramona and to increase your chances of winning!

Thanks for stopping by!  Wishing you lots of luck in this fabulous giveaway!

The Ghost of Walhachin

by Ramona Nehring-Silver


GENRE: Juvenile Fiction / Historical - MG



A ghost, time travel, and unusual friendships await Kean in Walhachin. Kean feels displaced at his home in Seattle since his mother recently re-married and has chosen to spend the summer in the small desert town with his aunt and younger cousin. Not long after arriving, he regrets his decision. There is no one his age. The town is too small for public amenities. Then everything changes when he uncorks an old soda bottle that was made in Walhachin eighty years prior. He becomes embroiled in an adventure to try and help a ghost retrieve a much-needed item from the past. In his quest to help the ghost he discovers the town's spirited history and develops unusual friendships with an old man in the present and a young boy in the past.

"The Ghost of Walhachin is an unusual ghost story. It's not spooky; instead, it's an engaging tale of adventure and enduring friendships, with a slice of history."

~ Helen Davies



Kean shuddered. Reaching under the wire fence, he grabbed the bottle. The sleeve of his faded green T-shirt snagged on the end of a wire just as a feeling of being watched quivered down the back of his neck. He jerked the sleeve free, tearing a small hole in the fabric, and looked back over the neighbor’s yard. No one was watching, but he had an urge to get out of there – fast!

Before he noticed the strange contents of the bottle, a man’s voice called out. “What do you kids have there?”

Kean froze.



This book took me on a fun, exciting ghost story adventure!!

I am all about the mysteries, so I was eager to go on this excursion with Kean, Calvin, and Sam!!

This book brought many smiles, LOL’s, and thrilling, anticipation to find out what happens next!!

I was also so excited to read this book with the Halloween season just around the corner as it was the perfect fall read!!

When I read the blurb for this book, I couldn’t believe how much this story line reminded me of one of my summer vacation’s as a kid – minus the ghost part lol!!

Like Kean, the main character, my mother had recently remarried so I chose to spend part of my summer vacay with family instead.  While Kean chose to stay with his aunt and younger cousin in Walhachin; I went to stay with my grandparents in The Dalles, Oregon.  Like Walhachin, it’s one of the smaller towns in the state and mostly home to a retired residential community.  My grandmother, a nurse at the Veteran’s Home was unable to get the time off from work though so she enrolled me in a day camp at church.  It was supposed to be for all ages, but at 13, I was the oldest child there.  All the other “campers” were much younger, and our daily schedule included activities like arts and crafts, snack time, and even nap time.  Yep – I was back in day care lol!!  Also, like Kean, I was definitely regretting my decision to visit and wished I had just stayed home.  It was a really long two weeks and a ghost encounter would have been much more fun lol!!!

Even though this book does have a ghost theme with a main character in the story being a ghost, this is not a scary, spooky, eerie tale.  Think more like Casper!  A lighthearted, friendly, fun, adventure that takes these kids through the exciting and intriguing town of Walhachin in the present – and the past!!

I really liked the main characters, Kean and Calvin.  They were very likable, genuine, and relatable.  I think many kids will click with Kean and build a relationship with him over the course of the book.  Even as an older reader, I was able to easily connect with Kean as I reflected back on my past summer vacations spent with my grandparents during my tween years.  I also enjoyed Sam, the ghost, and his interactions with the boys.

I really liked the friendship theme that is not only fun and entertaining it also provides an important and invaluable teaching for young readers.  Friendships are an essential part of life and kids can find strength, growth, development, and security in friends.  This story line played an integral part of this book’s success.

I really enjoyed the historical content that was lightly and skillfully added in.

I also really liked the beautifully and artistically created illustrations that really brought the story to life!  It was an enjoyable addition and provided extra insight and details into the story, characters, and setting.

I liked that this book was a quick, effortless read with only 22 short chapters and 168 eBook pages.  I honestly believe this book would also be easy to read and follow along for even the average middle grader.

This book also seems to offer the young reader excellent literacy and developmental skills to help build on and progress through the five stages of reading development.  Furthermore, this book would be a great addition to a student’s summer reading list or school reading list!!

Although I am much older than the middle grade age group that this book is targeted for; I still thoroughly enjoyed it and would suggest readers of all ages would also be captively entertained!!  Perhaps, they as well, have a similar story of Kean and I to reflect back on and maybe even found their own adventure too!!

There are some predictable scenes. However, there are still a few very unexpected twists and turns that you won't see coming!

Currently, this book is not listed as part of a book series.  This book can be read as a standalone.

All in all, I really enjoyed reading this book and would absolutely recommend it!  I think all juvenile fiction readers, middle grade readers, historical fans, and ghost story fans will like this book too!  And, like I previously said I think many other readers of all ages would enjoy this book too!  So, add it to your TBR List and get to reading - you won't be disappointed!

**Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy of this book and have voluntarily provided an honest, and unbiased review in accordance with FTC regulations.**

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Ramona Nehring-Silver's memories of living in and around Walhachin as a child and exploring the surroundings with seven siblings provided the initial inspirations for The Ghost of Walhachin. Ongoing motivation, and sometimes interruptions, came from her four children and thirteen grandchildren. She now lives in the far northeast corner of British Columbia, where her teaching career has ranged from adult art and writing classes to elementary school. Exploring B.C. and beyond by motorcycle is her favorite thing to do, as well as spending time with her grandchildren.





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Ramona will be awarding a $20 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

**This post contains affiliate links and if clicked and a purchase is made, I may receive a small commission to help support this blog.  This does not cost you anything, it just helps pay for all those awesome giveaways on here.**

This contest is sponsored by a third party. Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Goddess Fish Promotions.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette. The featured author and Goddess Fish Promotions are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.


  1. Ramona ~ Good morning! Welcome to FAB! It is so great to have you here! Congrats on your new book and good luck on the book tour! I really enjoyed reading and reviewing your book, thanks for providing the copy! :)

  2. Ramona Nehring-SilverNovember 16, 2020 at 1:12 PM

    Thank you Ally Swanson, I very much appreciate your thorough review. I enjoyed writing the book and it's good to hear that people enjoying the story. Thank you.

  3. I enjoyed the excerpt, sounds like a fun book! Thanks for sharing with me and good luck with the tour! Thanks Fabulous and Brunette for sharing your thoughts!

  4. Thanks for sharing the book and your thoughts.

  5. This sounds like a very interesting book here, and what a fun cover to it.
