
Monday, November 16, 2020

Parallax by Dixie Jackson - Book Tour - Guest Post - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Hi, lovelies!  It gives me great pleasure today to host Dixie Jackson and her new book, “Parallax”!  For other stops on her Goddess Fish Promotions Book Tour, please click on the banner above or any of the images in this post.

Be sure to make it to the end of this post to enter to win a $50 Amazon or Barnes and Noble Gift Card!!!  Also, come back daily to interact with Dixie and to increase your chances of winning!

Thanks for stopping by!  Wishing you lots of luck in this fabulous giveaway!


by Dixie Jackson


GENRE: Romance Suspense



Six years later, Trent Wayland still isn’t over his spring fling. Probably because he was convinced when he married Captain Leila O’Neil, their fling would go on a lifetime. Leila is his soul mate and Trent knows it. He might not admit it on a regular basis, but that doesn’t negate the raw emotion she draws out of him each and every time he thinks about her. Forget the fact his heart splits in two all over again when he’s afforded the luxury of hearing her voice. That doesn’t happen often, however. Leila only tosses a handful of words his way when she initiates the weekly video calls he’s allowed with the other love of his life, their daughter Lucy.

Once upon a time, Leila O’Neil wanted to be a Marine when she grew up. She worked hard, she landed a seat at the Academy, and she was the head of her class. Then her dream was destroyed and she traded it in for a new one at the nearest Coterie portal. She wears so many faces and so many hats, at some point she lost track of her soul. That didn’t really bother her until Trent Wayland came along and almost peeled her dressing room curtain back nearly exposing her innermost person. The real person, the real Leila, who once upon a time wanted to be a Marine when she grew up.

Leila misses the real person, and realizes it at the worst possible moment. With her daughter’s life on the line and Trent on the scene of the crime, Leila figures out she’s been using her hurt and anger to fuel all the wrong goals. In a daring move, she puts it all on the line, hoping it’s enough to gain her freedom from her handlers and her husband’s forgiveness.



“Can this wait?” she asked, clearing her throat and speaking in a much lower, calmer voice than she felt like using on him at the moment. “I need to compartmentalize everything that’s coming at me all at once so I can process it in some sort of orderly fashion and manage to not get us killed before we get the chance to talk about what may or may not be going on between us.”

“Do you have a label for that box?” Trent drilled, glaring at her.

“Which one?” She tapped her fingernails against the table and pursed her lips, trying to stay the wellspring of anger bubbling up at his completely inappropriate timing. And if he only knew. Leila had so many boxes she neatly placed things in it’d be easy to completely lose track of the exact number and location inside her head of all them.

“The one you stuff us in every time things reach a point you might actually have to say it.” When his nostrils flared, Leila could no longer hold back the sarcastic cynic she could be so easily.

“Say what?” She quirked one side of her mouth up and all but batted her lashes, daring him to continue down this path.

“You know very well what,” Trent roared, slamming a fist against the table causing the silverware still setting on the edges of plates on the other end of it to rattle and tea to spill out over the top of her unfinished cup, which was most likely cold and bitter by now.

“You’ve not said it in a long while, either, you know.” Leila pulled her now drying hair behind her ears and gnawed on the inside of her lip. Trent didn’t answer, instead just sat back down and grabbed his phone. “I have my reasons but they’re not the same as yours, you coward. You’re afraid.”



These Are a Few of My Favorite Things:

Good day, y’all! Before I get started, I’d like to send an enormous thank you to my gracious host, Ally. I appreciate you having me here today to chat it up with your audience.

One of the things that makes Ally such a gracious host is her extensive list of blog topic ideas. I love her list and suggestions! When I came across a suggestion to share some of my favorite things in my office, I was hooked.

What only a handful of my readers and fans know about me is that while I am a romance author, I have my very own fairy tale romance. You see, almost twenty-four years ago, a Marine in dusty cammies swept me off my feet and it was love at first kiss. Having a love of the ages brings with it certain perks and privileges. Liiiike…little gifts left randomly on my desk, some from foreign lands, some from significant things in our relationship, some from a list of things I just simply love. So, where to begin?!

My rhino of course. When my Marine and I first met and got together, he was stationed at an Army base as an instructor of all things engineering. He had a very good soldier friend who for some reason took a shine to me and one day he gifted me with the Rhino Creed. He said it would prepare me for life as a Marine wife.

Rhino Creed

“I am a Rhinoceros! I have a “damn the torpedoes” spirit! I am full of rhino energy and I can’t wait to get up in the morning to start charging.”

1.)  Anything in life worth having is worth working for.

2.) Sell yourself on yourself; be happy and smile.

3.)  Plan your attack and attack your plan.

4.)  Get physical exercise and get in shape.

5.)  Take care of yourself and eat Rhino food.

6.)  Get mental exercise.  Read good books.  Garbage in, garbage out.

7.)  Discipline yourself. Use your time wisely! Do it now!

8.)  Never lose your sense of humor; choose to be happy.

9.)  It's all in your mind; positive mental attitude.

10.)  Plans change.  Prepare for Rhino problems.  Failure brings success.

11.)  Have a two-inch thick skin.  It feels good to be a Rhino.

12.)  Kick the worry habit! Things always work out for the best.

13.)  Associate with winners, as your associate, you become.

14.)  Work together! GO FOR IT!

15.)  Expect some rotten days.  Charge at your problems! Take action!

16.)  You have to give to get.  When you share, you care a hundredfold.

17.)  Be a kid again.  Have a new experience.

18.)  Take a Rhino rest.  Don't forget about the crash of Rhinos.

19.)  Declare yourself a Rhino.  Become a Rhino today!


Not only did this creed prepare me for life as a Marine bride, it’s served me well in my writing career, serving as inspiration to keep going no matter how tough things get. A few years after Rog gave me the creed, my husband gifted me a small rhino which sits atop my computer monitor, reminding me every day to KEEP CHARGING!

Another of my favorite things in my office is my swag table. It’s filled with all the yummy goodies that I routinely give away in my Facebook group Sweet Tea Mafia. I love, love, LOVE gifting a lucky reader occasionally with a treat from my swag stash.

My curtains are awesome. They are. They’re eclectic and colorful and serve as a reminder that brighter days are on the horizon when I’m having a bad day or the sun refuses to shine here in the mountains.

And, last but not least, one of my very favorite things I keep in my office is the copy of The Little Red Hen my husband gifted me a few years back. He knows this was my favorite story when I was a child and thought I should have a copy to keep in the office to remind me of my goals and aspirations, and to always look at the world through the eyes of a child so I remember to see the good in everything.

Again, thanks so much to Ally for hosting me, and thank you readers for coming by to spend a few minutes with me today.



Born and raised in the heart of the Ozarks, Dixie Jackson learned a love of the written word at a young age. She remembers spinning tales before she could even write them down, but it was the encouragement of her sixth-grade creative writing teacher which would plant the idea that just never seemed to go away. She wanted to someday see her works in print.

Dixie makes her home in the Great Smoky Mountains with her retired Marine husband, two rescue dogs, and her beloved chickens. When she’s not writing, you can find her digging in the dirt and nurturing her plants while plotting the next step in one story line or another. She also loves experimenting in her kitchen, embroidering, quilting, crocheting, tracing her family’s twisted tree, and of course reading.






Facebook Page:

Facebook Group – Sweet Tea Mafia:


BookBub Author Page:

BookBub Book Page:

Goodreads Author Page:

Goodreads Book Page:

Amazon Author Page:



Amazon Kindle eBook:

Amazon Paperback:



Dixie will be awarding a $50 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

**This post contains affiliate links and if clicked and a purchase is made, I may receive a small commission to help support this blog.  This does not cost you anything, it just helps pay for all those awesome giveaways on here.**

This contest is sponsored by a third party. Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Goddess Fish Promotions.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette. The featured author and Goddess Fish Promotions are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.


  1. Thanks much for sharing your book and a giveaway. Sounds great and happy to have read about it.

  2. Dixie ~ Good morning! Welcome to FAB! It is so great to have you here! Congrats on your new book and good luck on the book tour! :)

    P.S. ~ I really liked your guest post!! Thanks for sending the pics which provide even more insight into getting to know you!! Also, glad to hear you enjoyed the topic's list and found it helpful!! :)

  3. Thanks so much for hosting me today! I'll stop in a few times to chat it up with the readers.

  4. I enjoyed reading the excerpt and learning about your favorite things, (very good reasons for them to be your favorite)! Thanks for sharing with me!

  5. I have holidays on the brain. What's your favorite holiday?

  6. The book sounds very interesting. Thanks!

  7. Always late me. :) Hi Ally! Hey Dixie! I am a fangirl of Dixie's and just want to say great interview! I loved Parallax (S3) book 1! I can't wait for the next. I read the prequal, Flashpoint, after reading book 1 but it was great anyway.
