
Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Wise Millennial by Peter Noble Darrow - Book Tour - Guest Post - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Hi lovelies!  It gives me great pleasure today to host Peter Darrow and his new book, “Wise Millennial”!  For other stops on his Goddess Fish Promotions Book Tour, please click on the banner above or any of the images in this post.

Be sure to make it to the end of this post to enter to win a copy of the featured book, “Wise Millennial.”  Also, come back daily to interact with Peter and to increase your chances of winning!

Thanks for stopping by!  Wishing you lots of luck in this fabulous giveaway!

Please note that this giveaway is ONLY open to USA residents.  Sorry INTL – please check out other giveaways on this blog!

Wise Millennial
by Peter Noble Darrow


GENRE: Self-Help / Memoir



In “Wise Millennial” (April 2019) Peter Noble Darrow asks Millennials to think deeply about their parents’ expectations for their lives and find their own paths, instead. Rather than aiming to reveal failings to grow up, or on the other hand, defensively praising his peers, Darrow chooses to speak to this audience on a deeper level—the book points millennials toward growth from the inside out. Darrow presents an even-keeled approach to helping his generation find meaning and purpose, accepting mistakes and learning from them along the way.



At some point, you really have to ask yourself what’s more important,
the cookie-cutter way you envision your child’s future, or their happiness?
Because sometimes there’s not a correlation between the two. You can send
them to all the private schools you want. You can make them work hundreds
of hours to kick ass on their SATs. You can push them into a posh junior position at your friend’s Upper East Side law firm. But at what point in all this intense parental planning do you stop and ask yourself the most basic questions: Does this make them happy? Is this what they want, or what I want? I can’t tell you how many of my wealthy family friends are depressed.
Money does not buy happiness. Happiness comes from within. These high-rolling partners, CEOs, and veritable Facebook fanboys may be making fortunes, but fortunes can’t buy an end to their own inner turmoil. The specter of their parents’ expectations still haunts them like their own shadow, following them everywhere they go. Perhaps in their depression—
their feelings of inadequacy—they’ve resorted to drugs and alcohol. The more money they have, the easier it is to fuel their addictions—and the easier it is to hide them.

Perhaps this hypothetical, now-miserable CEO had grown up with
aspirations to become a painter. Not even a famous one, just a painter.
He grew up with a supreme love of drawing, which later evolved into an
obsession with oil paints that, just shy of eating them, would have put Van
Gogh to shame. It was his dream. His passion. Remember what my father
said? You’ll only be successful at the things you’re passionate about. The
lawyer has several million dollars in his bank account, but if he’s not happy
doing what he does, he’s not successful. This path didn’t start when he
graduated college and entered the workforce. It likely started back when he
was a young child, watching his parents plot his own future for him.



How to Hold Yourself Accountable

I really love this topic, because millennials in particular often lack mental discipline or structure. They always want “instant gratification (or happiness)” and enjoy creating the shiny, finished product with a lack of direction or sense of how to accomplish it. Millennials also love to worry about the perception of success, rather than actually focusing on success.

First, it requires detaching yourself from the expectations of others (or yourself!). You have to ask yourself, “Why am I really doing this? And for whom?” If you’re trying to impress others, you won’t get very far (I would even go farther and recommend going into the process thinking “no one is going to be impressed by this when it’s done.” I know it sounds harsh, but do you still want to do it?) Second, you have to break things down into small, digestible chunks. Like starting a diet, or exercising; nothing is going to be accomplished overnight. It takes sustained, consistent work over time. It requires patience and delayed gratification (again, personal gratification. Not gratification from others.)

It can feel like a lonely journey. You have to get comfortable being alone with your thoughts, which can be scary at times! It’s important not to be too hard on yourself, or beat yourself up! Practice self-care and self-love. Keep going back to reminding yourself “why am I doing this? What do I want to gain from this experience?” Stay realistic about your goals and progress, but no need to criticize yourself either. We can always learn and grow. Remember, it’s not a contest or competition. Everyone is on their own journey, so be respectful of that. Where are you on yours?



Peter N. Darrow is a Millennial, a native New Yorker, an entrepreneur, and an expert at learning from his mistakes. After earning an MBA in entrepreneurship from Babson College in 2014, Peter founded Darrow’s Farm Fresh restaurant in Union Square in NYC. He is the current founder of Veggie Dust, first ever vegetable seasoning for kids. A health and wellness entrepreneur with a passion for helping people, Peter has already seen much in the way of success and failure, and speaks to the challenges facing his generation, and dispels myths about what it’s like to supposedly “have it all.” Find out more about Peter at the links below.








Goodreads Author Page:

Goodreads Book Page:

Amazon Author Page:



Amazon Kindle eBook:

Amazon Paperback:

Amazon Hardcover:

Barnes and Noble NOOK eBook:

Barnes and Noble Paperback:

Barnes and Noble Hardcover:

Kobo eBook:

Google Play eBook:

The Book Depository Paperback:

BAM! Books-A-Million Paperback:

BAM! Books-A-Million Hardcover:



Peter will be awarding one copy of Wise Millennial, US only to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

**This post contains affiliate links and if clicked and a purchase is made, I may receive a small commission to help support this blog.  This does not cost you anything, it just helps pay for all those awesome giveaways on here.**

This contest is sponsored by a third party. Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Goddess Fish Promotions.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette. The featured author and Goddess Fish Promotions are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.


  1. Peter ~ Good morning! Welcome to FAB! It is so great to have you here! Congrats on your new book and good luck on the book tour! :) Also, fabulous guest post! I enjoyed reading it and am glad to see you picked that topic!
