
Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Blind Walls by Bishop & Fuller - Book Tour - Book Sale - Guest Post - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Hello lovelies!  It gives me great pleasure today to host Bishop & Fuller and their new book, “Blind Walls”!  For other stops on their Goddess Fish Promotions Book Tour, please click on the banner above or any of the images in this post.

Be sure to make it to the end of this post to enter to win a $25 Amazon or Barnes and Noble Gift Card!!  Also, come back daily to interact with Conrad and Elizabeth, aka the authors Bishop & Fuller, and to increase your chances of winning!

This book is on SALE for ONLY $0.99 at Smashwords during the book tour!!!  Currently this book is ONLY available for pre-orders as the book is NOT officially published until June 1st.  If you purchase this book for pre-order you will receive your copy of this book as soon as it’s released.  Please note that after the pre-order book sale the price of this book will increase to $2.99.  See below for more details.

Thanks for stopping by!  Wishing you lots of luck in this fabulous giveaway!

Blind Walls
by Bishop & Fuller


GENRE: Urban Paranormal



It's a monstrous maze of a mansion, built by a grief-ridden heiress. A tour guide, about to retire, has given his spiel for so many years that he's gone blind. On this last tour, he's slammed with second sight.

He sees the ghosts he's always felt were there: the bedeviled heiress, her servants, and a young carpenter who lands his dream job only to become a lifelong slave to her obsession. The workman's wife makes it to shore, but he's cast adrift.

And the tour guide comes home to his cat.



The pairing of Bishop and Fuller is a magical one. . . . It’s a brilliant opus, melding the past, present, and future with intimate, individual viewpoints from a tightly arrayed cast of believable characters in as eerie a setting as might be dredged out of everyman’s subconscious searching. . . . Blind Walls offers a weird alternative world, featuring a blind man with second sight and an acerbic wit as its charming, empathic hero.

~ Feathered Quill

These characters are so well developed that one has to think of them as live people – laughing with them and crying with them, even getting old with them.  This is an amazing story based on the Winchester Mansion and told with such quiet, compelling, raw humanity that the reader simply can’t stop until the entire tale is told.  A wonderful, spooky look into others lives and what may or may not happen on any given day.

~ Dog-Eared Reviews

Bishop and Fuller have constructed a story rich with imagined detail and visionary ideas about life’s possibilities. The cast of ghostly characters, servants, workman, and family light up the story with dramatic effect as their actions and choices are observed. . . . The authors’ prose is effortless and moves easily from humorous to weighted seriousness. The dialogue is perceptive, giving voice to compelling characters and particularly to the tour guide whose second sight he confers on the readers. The latter will not want to look away from the myriad rooms of Weatherlee House.

~ US Review of Books



She gave a querulous wave. “Well, it’s not working out. I seem to be building these corners. Corners by the dozens.”

 “Well,” he ventured, “a room’s got corners. You build a room you build four corners.”

“As a small child I was terrified of corners,” she said, again with quiet glee. “The things that accumulate there . . .” She took a folded sheet of watercolor paper from beneath the book and held it out to him. He crossed the floor as if treading on fragile skin, took it from her and studied the new plans.

“And my baby’s bedroom, eclipsed, like gazing into the maw of a ravenous orchid.” She brushed at the strand of hair. “Because it came clear to me that my father— Not my father, my father-in-law, lovely man, he was like a father to me, but all the fathers, whoever— It became clear that they were guilty of so much. All the young boys. The wars that made us our fortune, that built us this lovely ballroom.” Marty scanned it. “How easy was it, do you think, for a young woman to reconcile that? To justify her own comforts, her privilege, her futility? How easy, Marty?”

“How easy was it?”

“Very. No trouble at all.” She smiled. She likely enjoyed this sort of banter. “But no, my father-in-law was strongly opposed to war, spoke on the subject, spoke out against it despite his reliance on it. He might not have done so, I suppose, if men had actually been listening.”



Fierce Female Characters

C.Bishop here. I work in collaboration with my mate Elizabeth, who’s likely the fiercest female character I’ve met, also an actress who’s created many roles in our plays—most of our career having been in theatre. But people tend to equate “strong characters” with “role models,” and that’s not remotely our stock in trade. If we were writing Wonder Woman, she’d probably be subject to serious panic attacks at the very least.

        In BLIND WALLS, Sophia Weatherlee is a grief- and guilt-ridden heiress obsessed with constructing a mansion of over 300 rooms before an earthquake edits it to 160. The role model for a monster, perhaps, and yet she’s deeply troubled by her own monstrosity, the cruelty she perpetrates, and the utter absurdity of her life’s mission. But, like a character we created in 1975—an impoverished single mother involved in child abuse—we see the sources of her behavior and her inability to stop it. But not a role model: at least we hope not.

        The other major female character is Dee Ratowitz, who marries her high school sweetheart. The dream job he lands turns out to be a nightmare: it ravages their marriage and leads her into self-destructive behavior. But she actually manages to struggle her way to shore, accepting a need for change and finding a life that works.

        Would Dee have had the strength she finally found if she’d read our novel beforehand? Not likely, though we’d like to think so. We ourselves constitute multiple personalities loosely stitched together, maybe with a few more patches of super-glue here and there than we started out with. Likewise our characters, and probably likewise our readers. “Strength” is a matter of having the muscle and stamina that’s needed when it’s needed—whether to fend off super-villains, strike for a living wage, birth a baby, or just get through life’s tangles. And that Dee manages in abundance—as did my own mother.

        In one of our plays, a woman who’s a professional photographer talks of her wedding portraits: couples who take a happy pose and then try to hold that pose for the rest of their lives. We all do that to a degree, but a lasting relationship—ours has gone on longer than you really want to know—is much more a dance than a pose, and sometimes a stumbly, toe-crunching dance at that.

        Strength doesn’t require “relationship,” of course, but that still means a lot to lots of people. With Chuck and Dee as a couple, what’s lacking is fluidity. Chuck is so locked into his image of “responsibility,” Dee so locked into guilt, that they find themselves in the nightmare where the car’s brakes won’t grab. My favorite comic-book character as a kid was Plastic Man. His one strength was that he could mold himself instantly into any object, though even a fireplug showed the red-and-blue stripes of his costume. He used it for deception, and his essential character never changed: always kinda playfully dumb, as I recall. But he could be a fireplug when the need arose.

        What we try to do—we’re agreed on this, though we debate a billion other things—is to present a range of life choices and follow them out. BLIND WALLS has no single protagonist. One ends her days in a rictus of terror. One embraces life as a journey of perpetual change. One flounders in limbo. One goes contentedly home to his cat.

        For us, and for those whose life-paths we admire, it’s been that weird balance of the snake shedding its skin—constant change—in order to keep the spine healthy and whole. That’s what we try to suggest in Dee. But I wouldn’t say she’s a role model for girls. Men need it more, I think, as we’ve had so many role models that are so goddamned stupid.

        Though as they say on the World Wide Web, your mileage may vary.



Conrad Bishop & Elizabeth Fuller’s 60+ plays have been produced Off-Broadway, in regional theatres, and in thousands of their own performances coast to coast. Their two public radio series Family Snapshots and Hitchhiking off the Map have been heard nationally. Their books include two previous novels (Realists and Galahad’s Fool), a memoir (Co-Creation: Fifty Years in the Making), and two anthologies of their plays (Rash Acts: 35 Snapshots for the Stage and Mythic Plays: from Inanna to Frankenstein.)

They host a weekly blog on writing, theatre, and life at Their theatre work is chronicled at Short videos of their theatre and puppetry work are at Bishop has a Stanford Ph.D., Fuller is a college drop-out, but somehow they see eye to eye. They have been working partners and bedmates for 57 years.







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**Blind Walls is on SALE for ONLY $0.99 at Smashwords during the book tour!!!  After the pre-order book sale this book will cost $2.99!!!**

Amazon Paperback:

Barnes and Noble NOOK eBook:

Barnes and Noble Paperback:

Kobo eBook:

The Book Depository Paperback:

BAM! Books-A-Million Paperback:

Smashwords eBook:



Conrad and Elizabeth, aka the authors Bishop & Fuller will be awarding a $25 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

**This post contains affiliate links and if clicked and a purchase is made, I may receive a small commission to help support this blog.  This does not cost you anything, it just helps pay for all those awesome giveaways on here.**

This contest is sponsored by a third party. Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Goddess Fish Promotions.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette. The featured author and Goddess Fish Promotions are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.


  1. Conrad and Elizabeth ~ Good morning! Welcome to FAB! It is so great to have you both here! Congrats on your new book and good luck on the book tour! :)

  2. This sounds freakin awesome!!! I can't wait to read this!!

  3. What authors do you enjoy reading?
