
Thursday, January 18, 2018

The Dream Waters Book Series by Erin A. Jensen - Book Tour - Book Sale - Interview - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Hi lovelies! It gives me great pleasure today to host Erin A. Jensen and her new book series, “Dream Waters”!  For other stops on her Goddess Fish Promotions Book Tour, please click on the banner above or any of the images in this post.

Be sure to make it to the end of this post to enter to win a $50 Amazon or Barnes and Noble Gift Card!!  Also, come back daily to interact with Erin and to increase your chances of winning!

Dream Waters – Book One in The Dream Water Book Series is on SALE during the book tour for ONLY $0.99!!!  See below for more details.

Thanks for stopping by!  Wishing you lots of luck in this fabulous giveaway!

Dream Waters
Book One
(The Dream Waters Series)

Dream World
Book Two
(The Dream Waters Series)

Dream Sight
Book Three
(The Dream Waters Series)
by Erin A. Jensen


GENRE: Contemporary Fantasy



From Book One – Dream Waters:

All his life, Charlie Oliver has watched the people around him morph into creatures that no one else sees.  Unlike the rest of the world, Charlie remembers the Waters that transport him to the Dream World each night.  And he sees glimpses of people’s Dream forms in the waking world.  Condemned to spend his waking hours in a psychiatric facility because of his Dream Sight, Charlie doesn’t expect anything to change.  But everything starts changing the day Emma Talbot walks through the door in the middle of a group therapy session.

Haunted by memories of the events that led to her admission, Emma plans to end her life the first chance she gets.  But something about Charlie stops her.  From the moment they shake hands, his friendship feels safe and familiar.  As Emma begins to let down her guard, Charlie catches a glimpse of the fiery-eyed dragon that lurks behind her Dream form.  Each night, as Emma dreams of the man who’s been banned from visiting, Charlie searches the Dream World for the monster that shadows her.  But when Emma’s suppressed memories begin to surface, Charlie finds more monsters than he bargained for.



From Book One – Dream Waters:

By the time Benjamin reached us, I half expected the dragon to bolt across the yard and devour us but it turned and followed Emma into the building.

“So, I’ll catch up with you later. Bye.” I elbowed Nellie and nudged my head toward the door hoping she’d take the hint and go inside. I didn’t know what Benjamin wanted but I doubted he’d come over to make small talk. Nellie stayed frozen next to me and her head tilted up to look at Benjamin, the fact that he was standing while we were sitting seemed to magnify his menacing aura. And it didn’t need any magnifying.

Benjamin glared at old Nellie. “Walk away woman, I have no business with you.”

Scurrying from the bench without standing fully upright, Nellie dashed for the door without saying a word.

Benjamin towered over me, peering down and the longer I looked up at him, the larger he seemed to be. “What are your intentions toward Mrs. Talbot?”

Okay. I wasn’t prepared for that question. “Um. My intention is to be her friend and watch out for her,” I muttered, relieved my voice sounded much more confident than I felt.

Brow furrowed, Benjamin sat down next to me. “You don’t desire to become more than friends?”

Well sure, I’ve got desires. But I wasn’t about to admit it to this guy. “No, of course not.”

His eyes narrowed. “Why do I find that hard to believe?”

Because she’s the hottest woman I’ve ever seen. “I don’t know Sir. My intentions are pure. I swear.”

Benjamin let out a lingering sigh and coming from him, even that sounded menacing. “I’m not eager to be the messenger that tells Emma’s husband about your friendship but let me warn you, you don’t want to make an enemy of Mr. Talbot. He treasures his wife above everything else. You think I’m frightening?”

I nodded, before realizing it was a rhetorical question, so much for coming across as confident.

Benjamin continued as if he hadn’t noticed. Probably, because it was no great surprise. “He is what frightens me.”



Good morning Erin!  Welcome to Fabulous and Brunette!  We are thrilled to have you here and can’t wait to learn more about you and your new book series, “Dream Waters.”

What is something you’ve lied about?
I worked on my debut novel in secret for three years before its release.  The only people who knew I was writing a book were my husband, my sons and my best friend.  I work part-time as a pharmacist, and had to squeeze in writing time whenever I had a spare moment.  When people would invite me to go out during my precious free time, I usually said I had an online continuing education class or housework to do.  My house is never immaculate (I have to let something slide to fit in writing time) so, I’m not sure anybody ever bought that lie.  When my writing was a secret, I think people used to wonder what the heck I did all day while the kids were at school.  Now that everyone knows I’m an author, they ask how I find the time to write!

Who is the last person you hugged?
My husband when we went to bed last night.  (It’s early in the morning on a holiday, and he’s still in bed while I’m answering these questions.)  I hug and tell my sons and husband I love them all the time because they’re the most precious things in the world to me, and I never want them to doubt that.

What are you reading now?
I’ve been reading Maya Angelou’s book, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, for a while now.  I have every intention of finishing it, but I had to take a break because it disturbed me so deeply.  Her frank description of sexual abuse and rape during her childhood moved me more than just about anything I’ve ever read.  The fact that this was a factual story from her own past was hard for me to stomach.  She was incredibly brave to share the horrors from her past, her writing is beautiful and I do plan to go back to the book eventually.  In the meantime, I’m reading Desecration by J.F. Penn.  I started it at the hair salon while I was sitting in the chair waiting for my color to set, and I was practically in tears as I read the beginning where the main character goes to visit her daughter on hospice.  Stories about bad things happening to children break my heart, but Desecration is a fantastic read.  It’s a dark thriller with a heroine you can’t help but feel for.

How do you come up with the titles to your books?
There are two worlds in my series, the waking world and the Dream World.  As the characters fall asleep, the Waters carry them off to the Dream World, washing away memories of the world they’ve left behind.  That’s where the title Dream Waters (Book One in The Dream Waters Series) comes from.  Book Two is called Dream World because it delves deeper into the world of dreams.  Book Three is called Dream Sight because most of my characters can see people flip to their Dream forms in the waking world.  Book Three deals with a particular character’s issues with her Sight, but I can’t say more about that without giving too much away.

Share your dream cast for your book.
My books have always played out like movies in my head.  I’m such a visually oriented person that I pick actual actors to play the roles of my characters when I create them.  I keep pictures of them on my iPad to look at while writing a scene.  Sometimes, I’ll watch YouTube clips of their movies before sitting down to write, to keep their voice and mannerisms fresh in my mind.

I picture Rupert Grint playing Charlie and Amada Seyfried playing Emma.  Robert De Niro is old Bob and Richard Madden from Game of Thrones is young Bob in the Dream World.  Another actress from Game of Thrones, Sophie Turner, is young Nellie (crazy coincidence: I learned her real name long after I’d named another of my characters Sophie Turner).  Old Nellie is loosely based on a great-aunt of mine.  Benjamin is Samuel Jackson.  But if I could only choose one actor to actually play his character, it would be David’s character.  I’ve pictured Jason Isaacs playing the part since the moment I created him.  In fact, he’s the reason I decided to make David British.

My husband believes in my dream so much that he called me from work this past summer to tell me Jason Isaacs was going to be at the upcoming Comic-Con in Montreal, and he thought I should go and offer the actor a copy of my book.  As insane as that sounded, everyone I talked to agreed that I should do it.  As the manager of my store put it, “What have you got to lose?  Right now, the answer is no.  But if you actually go and offer him a copy of the book, there’s a chance he might accept it.”  I somehow managed to repress all my terror and awe (I may be slightly obsessed with the actor) and act like a relatively sane person as I told Jason Isaacs that I’d always pictured him playing the part of one of my characters and I’d like to offer him a copy of the book as a thank you for inspiring me to create David Talbot.  He accepted the book, asked if I’d sold the movie rights yet and got up from the table just to put my book in his bag!  I left there feeling like I could do anything after that.  Whatever comes of it, I’ll never have to look back and wish I’d done more to chase after my dream.  And who knows?  Maybe one day I will sell those movie rights and Mr. Isaacs will remember the author who took a thirteen hour round trip just to place her book in his hand and dream about “what if?”

Thank you so much for spending time with Fabulous and Brunette readers and sharing your exciting new book series with us!  We wish you all the best on your book tour!



Erin Jensen is a part-time pharmacist and a fulltime creator of imaginary worlds.  She lives in upstate NY with her incredibly supportive husband, two sons (who are both taller than her) and a Yorkshire terrier who thinks he’s the family bodyguard.  In the early days of her writing career, Erin vowed to get a dragon tattoo—once her books received a milestone number of reviews—but she won’t disclose that number any longer, for fear of actually reaching her goal and having to go through with it.







Goodreads Author Page:

Amazon Author Page:



**Dream Waters – Book One in the Dream Waters Book Series is on SALE during the book tour for ONLY $0.99!!!**

Goodreads Book Page:

Amazon Kindle:

Amazon Paperback:

Amazon Hardcover:

Barnes and Noble:


Apple iBooks:



Goodreads Book Page:

Amazon Kindle:

Amazon Paperback:

Amazon Hardcover:

Barnes and Noble:


Apple iBooks:



Goodreads Book Page:

Amazon Paperback:



Erin will be awarding a $50 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

**This post contains affiliate links and if clicked and a purchase made I may receive a small commission to help support this blog.  This does not cost you anything, it just helps pay for all those awesome giveaways on here.**

This contest is sponsored by a third party. Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Goddess Fish Promotions.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette. The featured author and Goddess Fish Promotions are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.


  1. Congrats on the tour and thank you for the excerpt and giveaway.

    1. Thank you, James! And good luck on the giveaway.

  2. I enjoyed reading about your story; congrats on the tour and thanks for the chance to win :)

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed the post, Lisa. It's always fun to share a few new facts about myself with readers. Good luck with the giveaway, and thanks for following my tour!

  3. Thanks so much for hosting today!

  4. It will be interesting reading books in the future knowing the actors you’ve modeled them after. I’m curious if they will look like I’ve been imagining them or like your choices now that I’ve heard about them.

    1. People usually say the actors I’ve chosen are perfect for the part. I always tell them that’s because I was describing them when I created the character, modeled after their appearance, mannerisms & way of speaking in characters they’ve portrayed in the past.
      Thanks for following my tour!

  5. I love the expert and your page thanks for the chance 💞💞💞

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed it, Tiffany! The excerpt is from one of my favorite chapters in DREAM WATERS (Book 1 in the series). It is the reader's first glimpse at one of my darker characters, who plays a major role in later books. Thanks for commenting, and good luck with the giveaway!

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks, Victoria! I love a good series because you get to revisit the characters you've come to love (or hate). I wrote the sort of series that I wanted to read. It's always nice to connect with readers with similar taste!

    2. You're welcome, that is definitely something I love as well - makes the story more "real" :)

  7. You're very welcome, Onyinye. Thanks for checking out the post, and good luck with the giveaway!

  8. What is your favorite book series? Thanks for the giveaway. I hope that I win. Bernie Wallace BWallace1980(at)hotmail(d0t)com

    1. The Fever Series by Karen Marie Moning is my favorite. Good luck with the giveaway!

  9. Trying to work around the many issues with rafflecopter not working yesterday and again this morning. Anyway, thanks so much for the chance at winning and enjoy your Friday!

  10. What book would you like to see a sequel to? Thanks for the giveaway. I hope that I win. Bernie Wallace BWallace1980(at)hotmail(d0t)com

  11. Enjoy this terrific Saturday and I sure appreciate this giveaway and opportunity to win. Thank you!

  12. Sunday Blessing to you and your family. Thank you for all you do and bringing us this giveaway.

  13. Had the flu all day yesterday, not a good thing at all. Hope everyone else avoids it and back however to thank you for the chance at winning again.

  14. Hope your Tuesday is going great. Thank you so much for all you do bringing us such great giveaways. I understand it is not easy so I do appreciate all your hard work you put into this.

  15. I was wondering what you are working on next?

  16. What types of books do you like to read?

  17. Happy Hump Day! Make it a good one and thank you for the opportunity to win.

  18. Have an amazing Thursday and thanks so much for the chance at winning

  19. Here we are at another Friday and how fast the week went by for me. Hope you enjoy your day and the weekend ahead. Thanks again for the giveaway.

  20. What's your writing process/routine like?

  21. Good Morning! Here I am back once again and still wanting to thank you for the giveaway and all you do.

  22. Hello! Wishing you a wonderful Sunday and thanking you again for the giveaway.

  23. Good Monday Morning! Hope you had a spectacular weekend and I am back to thank you again for the giveaway!

  24. What's your ultimate career goal/dream?

  25. What kinds of books/favorite authors did you read when you were a kid?

  26. About how many books a year do you read?

  27. Are any of the characters inspired by people in your life?

  28. Who were you rooting for yesterday the Eagles or the Patriots?

  29. I can't wait to Read I love these kinds of books and it's always exciting to find new to me Authors 💞

  30. I'm finally back to thank you once again for the chance at winning. Been pretty busy lately so missing daily entries.

  31. Happy Saturday! Make it a super one and thanks for bringing us this great giveaway.

  32. Happy Monday! My kids have off school from so much snow yesterday. Fun times! Thanks again for the chance at winning.

  33. Are you part of any book clubs/groups and/or writing clubs/groups?

  34. Happy Valentine's Day! Thanks so much for the chance at winning. Have an awesome day!

  35. I appreciate the chance at winning this giveaway thanks so much!

  36. Hope your Friday is awesome and your weekend is terrific as well. Thanks again for the giveaway.

  37. Hope your Saturday is a terrific one! Thanks for the giveaway and all the hard work you put into bringing it to us.

  38. Wishing you a blessed Sunday and thanking you for the chance at winning this giveaway. You're awesome!

  39. Happy Monday! Make it a great one and thanks again for the opportunity to win.

  40. Have a terrific Tuesday! Thanks again for the chance at winning and all you do for us.

  41. Happy Hump Day! Make it a terrific one and as always I thank you for the giveaway.

  42. HOw long di dyou shop your book around before you were published?

  43. Any advice for those that want to pursue writing as their future?

  44. Good Morning, Happy Saturday! Hope it's a fun day for you and that you also get time to yourself to relax and get "me" time. Thanks for all the hard work you do bringing us this great giveaway.

  45. Hello! Stopping by to thank you again for the chance at winning. Have a fun Sunday!

  46. Good Monday Morning! Hope you had an awesome weekend, you bloggers deserve a break. Thanks for all you do and bringing us this great giveaway.

  47. Did you have a nice weekend? Do anything special?

  48. Out of all the characters you have created who is your favorite?

  49. Good Morning and how's it going? I am back to thank you and want you to know I appreciate you and thank you for the giveaway. I know you work hard for all of us.

  50. Hello and Happy Thursday! Going to be a snowy one in Michigan after all these nice days we had. I don't want any more snow. Thanks again for the chance at winning and hope your day is awesome!

  51. If you could meet any author past or present who would it be and why?

  52. Do you have any special plans this weekend?

  53. I'm back finally to thank you again for the chance at winning. I really appreciate the opportunity, thank you.

  54. Congrats on the tour and thank you for the book description and giveaway. I appreciate the opportunity to win.

  55. Happy Hump Day! I'm here to say thanks again and to let you know I appreciate the chance at winning.

  56. Hello! It's snowy day here at home. Hope your day is much better than ours. Have a good one and thanotheranks again for the chance at winning.

  57. The day so many of us look forward to...Happy Friday! Make it a great one and thanks for the awesome giveaway.

  58. Enjoy this beautiful Saturday and I want you to know I appreciate all you do bringing us this great giveaway to enter.

  59. Have a beautiful Sunday and thank you for the opportunity to win this giveaway. I sure appreciate it.

  60. Good Monday Morning! Hope your weekend was terrific. As always, I am here to thank you for the chance at winning.

  61. Happy Tuesday and thank you so much for the opportunity to win this great giveaway.

  62. You're the best! Thanks again for the chance at winning.

  63. Hey....Enjoy your day and dropping by quickly to thank you again for the chance at winning.

  64. Congrats on the tour and thank you for the book description and giveaway. I appreciate it!

  65. I am stopping by to do my daily entry and thanking you again for the opportunity to win. Enjoy your Sunday!

  66. Happy Monday! Have a great week ahead and thanks again for the chance at winning this giveaway.

  67. Happy Hump Day! Thanks for all the hard work you put into bringing us such great giveaways. They are fun to enter and I appreciate it.

  68. I am running late today to stop by. Been busy painting but want to take a minute to say thanks for the chance to win.

  69. Happy Friday! Wishing you a terrific weekend and back to say "thanks again" for giving all of us an opportuity to win.

  70. Good evening! Hope you're having an awesome Saturday and enjoying yourself. I am back quickly to thank you once again. I appreciate the chance at winning.

  71. Hello! I am back to thank you again. Been pretty busy lately and missing many entries but I appreciate the chance at winning.

  72. Thanks so much for the opportunity to win this giveaway and all the difficult work you put into bringing it to us.

  73. Good Friday Blessings and thank you so much for the chance at winning.
