
Monday, August 31, 2015

Happy Monday!

Hey everyone!  Happy Monday!  

How was your weekend?  Did you do anything fun and exciting?

This weekend I went shopping and out to dinner with friends on Friday.  On Saturday I went to breakfast with my mom and ran a bunch of errands.  Then Sunday was spent celebrating Dolce's birthday.  Wow, what a busy weekend!  It just flew by!  

We had a huge storm down here on Friday night.  There was rain, thunder, and lightning!  Unfortunately, the loud noise scared the girls and woke me up.  I calmed the kids down and kept them safe from those scary thunder monsters.  I also tried to go back to sleep.  Sadly, the sleep part was not an easy task.  Let's just say I was up playing games on my cell for hours.  Finally fell back to sleep at like 5am!  Thankfully, I was able to sleep in until 11am so I was able to get that much needed sleep.  Plus, I grabbed an extra shot of espresso so was able to get going on my day.  Seriously don't know what I'd do without Starbucks lol.

I hope you all have a fabulous day and enjoy the last day of the month!  I now I will be swamped today trying to get everything done before the month ends.

Have a fabulous week and stay beautiful lovelies!

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