
Monday, August 31, 2015

Happy Birthday Dolce!

Happy birthday Dolce!  This weekend my Dolce Dreama turned 3!  I can’t believe how grown up she is!  Although she still acts like she’s a baby, she has matured some.  I am so lucky to have her in my life and love waking up next to her every morning.

We went all out this year with a cake, party, and lots of presents.  Dolce loves shoes!  She plays with them, wears them, chews on them, etc. so I got her a nice new pair of Nike kicks for her big day.  She loves them!  We spent the day celebrating and playing with her new toys.  Her favs were definitely the shoes, pink mouse, pretzel, and octopus.  I will work on some product reviews of her new toys - so stay tuned for updates.

Here are some pics from her birthday party:

Above pic: Dolce’s birthday cake

Above pic: Dolce’s presents – she made out like a bandit lol!

Above pic: Dolce checking out her new toys

Above pic: Dolce sniffing her new pink mouse toy

Above pic: Dolce checking out her new Nike kicks

Above pic: Adrina checking out Dolce's new toys

Above pic: Adrina hoping Dolce will be sharing her 
new toys and treats with her lol!

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