
Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Secret Admirer Pact by Bernadette Marie - Book Tour - Guest Post - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Secret Admirer Pact
by Bernadette Marie


GENRE:   Romance



When Will seeks to rekindle a flame with his ex-girlfriend, his best friend Monique reluctantly suggests a plan involving secret admirer notes to divert his ex’s attention. In a surprising turn, Monique finds herself infatuated with her new boss, prompting Will to reciprocate with anonymous tokens of affection. However, as the deceptive game unfolds, both Monique and Will come to realize that the heartfelt sentiments expressed in the secret admirer notes were their own true feelings. So, what happens if the plan works? What happens if it doesn’t?



“Happy New Year, sweetheart,” he says, his words slurred from champagne.

“Sure,” I say, letting my eyes close. “Can’t even imagine anything happy about it.”

“Cynical,” he teases, but I don’t have the energy to argue with him.

Lifting my head, I sit back in my chair, and scan a look over him. Will’s hair looks like he just rolled out of bed, but that wasn’t how he looked when he’d brought me home. Alcohol and stress has had him raking his fingers through it until now it stands on end.

Will is a handsome guy, though lacking in any fashion sense. He’s my ride or die friend, has been since middle school, and I adore him.

“Are you going home?” I ask, noticing his eyes blink slower, or maybe my eyes are blinking slowly.

“No. Since you begged me to drink away the old year with you, you’re going to have to let me sleep on your couch.”

I was hoping he’d say that. I don’t want him to leave. Tonight, I want the company.

“Do you think she’s home?” I ask.

Will leans his elbow onto the table, resting his head in his palm, and he watches me. I move to mimic him, placing my elbow on the table, and my head in my hand.

“She’s home,” he says. “I’m just afraid that maybe she’s not alone.”

I reach for his other hand, and lace our fingers together.

“You know your living situation makes no sense, right?” I say.

“I know that more than anyone,” he admits.

“I mean, who lives with their ex?”



What is Your Favorite Motivational Phrase and How Do You Apply it Your Writings? Life? Etc.?

“Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.” — Earl Nightingale

Embrace this empowering mantra: "Time is going to pass anyway, so you might as well accomplish as many things as you can dream up." How often have you found yourself wanting to achieve something but hesitating due to the perceived time commitment? Many times, we let the inconvenience of a lengthy process deter us from pursuing our dreams.

Consider the scenario of undertaking a year-long course. The initial thought of dedicating such a substantial amount of time can be discouraging. Perhaps you've contemplated writing a book or starting a fitness routine, only to dismiss the idea because of the perceived time constraints in your daily schedule. Yet, upon reflection, you realize that the hours spent binge-watching a TV show could have been invested in working towards your goals.

Now, rewind to a moment in your life when you committed to something significant despite the time it demanded. Personally, for me, it was enrolling in cosmetology school. The course spanned nine months, a considerable commitment alongside managing my own salon. I recall wavering, rescheduling appointments, but ultimately persevering. The reward? Twenty-nine years ago, I earned my license, enhancing the services offered in my salon and securing a steady income for my family.

Reflect on those instances where you pushed through the time barrier to realize your ambitions. It's essential to recognize that time will pass regardless. Instead of letting it be a hindrance, let it be a motivation to live your best life and accomplish your dreams. As my favorite quote says, “Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.” Act now, for time is a valuable resource meant to be utilized for realizing your aspirations.



Bestselling Author Bernadette Marie writes contemporary romances and believes in Happily Ever After. The married mother of five believes in love at first sight, quick love, and second chances. An avid martial artist, Bernadette Marie is a certified instructor and holds a third degree black belt in Tang Soo Do. She loves Tai Chi, traveling to Disney parks, and having lunch with friends. When not writing, or running her own publishing house, Bernadette is probably immersed in a Rom Com, from which she will often quote one-liners.








5 Prince Publishing Author Page:







Bernadette Marie will be awarding a $25 Amazon OR Barnes and Noble Gift Card (Winner's Choice!!!) to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway