
Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Red Planet Lancers by Brian H. Roberts - Book Tour - Guest Post - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Red Planet Lancers
by Brian H. Roberts


GENRE:   Science Fiction Thriller



How far will you go to save a friend?

After sweeping Dallas Gordon and the American base from Earth’s moon, Emperor Zhang Aiguo launches an armada to conquer Ep City and control Mars.

Ruthless Colonel Song Dajing leads his Emperor’s flotilla to defeat EPSILON’s isolated Mars colony. He brings the same armaments he used to defeat Dallas Gordon on the moon, plus a high yield missile to annihilate Ep City and its occupants. The US Space Force, occupied with plans to take back the moon, refuses to intervene.

In a race against time, Dallas Gordon must organize a mercenary squadron and pursue Song before he can deploy his weapons on the defenseless colony. Ep City commander Genady Antonov must prepare his civilian workforce for the coming invasion and plan for the unthinkable should Gordon fail to reach Mars before Song does.

Taught and fast-paced, Red Planet Lancers builds tension until the exciting climax. Once you start this Earth-to-Mars rocket ride, you won’t want to stop.

Order your copy today!



Steve sat back in his chair and folded his hands together. “I’m sure if some stranger asked you why it’s important to stop Zhang Aiguo from kicking us off Mars, you could tick off several good reasons:” he tapped his fingers with the index finger of his opposite hand, “the oxides returned to us are the lifeblood of our autonomous vehicle division—frankly of the entire western world’s microchip manufacturing capacity. That manufacturing capacity is vital for our national security, and the fight to contain Emperor Zhang.

“But did you know that I donate ten percent of my personal wealth to a number of causes? This organization,” he lifted the upper half of his tee shirt off his chest for emphasis, “community colleges across the country that serve low-income communities, organizations that build and manage housing for the homeless with comprehensive drug, alcohol and mental health treatment, remedial job training, and follow-up support. ... “It’s for these reasons that I seek someone to rescue EPSILON from the peril it now faces. In short, I’m seeking a messiah.”

Dallas waited for the shoe to drop.

“I’ve procured the weapons. Half a dozen Water Bugs and their lasers. Now I need someone to recruit, train and lead the pilots. Dallas, will you lead this squadron?”

Dallas felt like he was being examined under a microscope. Steve’s gaze was unflinching. After what felt like an interminable silence, he blurted out, “Yes. I’ll do it.”



My Favorite Scene in Red Planet Lancers…

Allow me to share a little background before we jump to the scene. Dallas and Ann fell in love just out of college while working as climbing instructors for an outdoor adventure school. They parted ways, she to pursue a PhD, He to become a naval pilot. They reunite years later at EPSILON, but maintain a professional distance, until he is nearly killed on the company’s first mission to Mars. Though separated by 200 million miles, they rekindle their old flame, setting the record for the longest distance romance in human history.

Back on Earth and reunited, they are nearly torn apart when Dallas is named commander of the militia to be dispatched to rescue the Mars base from certain destruction. On an impulse, Dallas asks Ann to accompany him—as his wife! And on an impulse, she says, “Yes.” Facing a looming deadline, they conspire to elope the next day, using their mission director, and his fiancée—Ann’s friend and confidante—as witnesses. Here is the scene:

* * *

They dashed from the car, up the walk, and through the ornate arched wooden front doors. They paused, realizing they were in the back of the ceremony hall. The central aisle was flanked with half a dozen simple wood pews. The entire front wall was glassed, allowing an unimpeded view of the sea on clear days. In the center of the fog-scattered light stood a dignified elderly man wearing a suit and tie, his thinning white hair neatly combed.

To his left stood Malcom McDowell, resplendent in a black tuxedo. To the justice’s right stood Debra James, her auburn hair pulled into a stunning updo. Elegant strands graced each temple and trailed down her slender neck. She wore a full-length emerald-green evening gown that bared one shoulder and her ample cleavage.

The two witnesses turned to the nuptial couple. Their eyes locked. All four doubled over, tears flowing, peals of laughter rising to the low ceiling and echoing off the tile floor and wood panel walls.
After everyone composed themselves, Dallas set his phone on a tripod to video the ceremony. He would send the video to his parents as he broke the news to them. He visualized their reactions—his mom would cry, his dad would laugh. When he and Ann returned from Mars, they would throw a massive celebration, having forgiven their son’s indiscretion.

Then he walked to the front of the small auditorium, exchanging places with Malcom, who took Ann’s arm to escort her to the altar. A prim elderly woman worked a small soundboard. The wedding processional, Pachelbel’s “Canon in D,” filled the room. Malcom stepped forward, Ann’s arm in his.
She jerked him back so hard he nearly lost his balance. Dallas was shocked—until he recognized Ann’s expression. Her frown and upturned brow sent him as clear a message as if she had yelled out loud, Really?

He dashed to the back of the room, snatched the phone from the tripod, and ran over to the lady at the soundboard. He quickly showed her a song from his playlist. She looked at him aghast, as if he were inserting a human sacrifice into the ceremony. But she soon regained her decorum and nodded. Dallas transferred an audio file link to her.

He ran to the back of the room, reattached his phone to the tripod and resumed the video, dashing back to the officiant and retaking his place as if nothing had happened. His flip-flops squeaked on the polished floor. He smoothed his surfer tee and board shorts. Elvis Presley’s version of “Steam Roller Blues” blared from the speakers. It had originally been penned by folk singer James Taylor as a parody, and both Dallas and Ann, blues aficionados that they were, felt it perfectly combined their love of the blues genre with the playful humor they hoped to maintain throughout their lives together. The foursome—Dallas, Ann, Malcom, and Debra—once more broke into hysterical laughter.

Eventually composing themselves, Malcom and Ann strode up the aisle, she resplendent in her flip flops, beach shorts, and tee, he in his tuxedo. They took their places before the officiant. Debra delicately daubed her eye without smearing her makeup, and the justice of the peace intoned, “Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today . . .” as the ceremony began.



In his first life, BRIAN H. ROBERTS worked as a contractor and civil engineer in bustling Seattle. In his spare time he read novels by the greatest names in science fiction: Andy Weir, Frank Herbert, Arthur C. Clarke, Ray Bradbury, Isaac Asimov, and so many others. As he read these authors’ works, he was inspired to write Sci-Fi Thrillers to engage and entertain readers like him.

As with so many of us, life intervened. Raising a family, work, remarriage and finally retirement all placed demands on his time. Desiring a change – and time to write – he and his wife traded big city life for the outdoor adventures of Central Oregon. His writing draws deeply on his lifelong loves of science/technology and adventure sports. The EPSILON Sci-Fi Thrillers is Brian’s first series.

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Brian will award a $25 Amazon OR Barnes and Noble Gift Card (Winner's Choice!!!) to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour. 

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