
Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Brighter Than Her Fears by Lisa Ard - Book Tour - Guest Post - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Brighter Than Her Fears
by Lisa Ard


GENRE:   Historical Fiction



The 19th century women’s rights movement and the rise of public education intertwine with one woman’s story of struggle, perseverance, and love.

When her father dies and the family inn falls to ruin in 1882, western North Carolina, thirty-year-old Alice Harris is compelled to marry Jasper Carter, a Civil War veteran twice her age. Far from home and a stranger in a new family, Alice remakes herself. She learns to farm tobacco, mothers her stepson, and comes to love her husband.

However, Alice uncovers pending trouble with the family’s land holdings, which threatens their livelihood on the farm. The growth in Asheville promises a different future—one of manufacturing, transportation, tourism, and wealth. Alice believes this future demands an education and she rebels against the limited rural instruction. She joins forces with other women campaigning for Asheville’s first public schools. Her actions spark the rebuke of the Carter men.

Tragedy strikes and Alice’s newfound security is ripped away. The family challenges her property rights and files for guardianship of her stepson. Battered but determined, Alice turns to the law—and a friendly court clerk—to fight for her independence. Will Alice lose everything? Not if she can help it.

Lisa Ard’s debut historical fiction novel will resonate with readers for its parallels, between then and now, on women’s rights, inequality, and racism.



“Alice, I am the man of the house. I will decide if we rent the land or not.” Jasper delivered every word deliberately, punching me straight through. I quivered and my breath quickened.

“You’ve been teaching me about farming.” My voice shook. “I figured with such a valuable payment, you’d want them to continue on.”

Jasper turned toward me. His face was beet red, and a vein in his temple pulsed. “You know very well that’s not the issue. I’ve put up with your high-falutin’ ideas about education. I’ve protected you from those that don’t see eye to eye. But I will not have you wearing the pants in this family!”

My eyes welled with tears, but I was determined not to show it. I stared at my husband. His clear blue eyes pierced me through.

“Well, you know who you married!” I stormed through the house and escaped out the back door.

I wandered in our orchard, dreading a return to the house. The trees surrounded me, but their bare branches didn’t protect me. I swatted at them and they rattled. I’d done the right thing. The tenants were good for us. Why couldn’t Jasper see that? I balled my fists, rubbed my eyes, and a low cry gurgled out. I’d exchanged one confine for another, with the course of my life controlled by men—first my father, then my brother, and now my husband. I wallowed in the old feeling of dependency, familiar as a worn-out coat.



Five Reasons You Should Read My Book

1.) It’s a love story.
Brighter Than Her Fears tells the story of my great-great-grandmother, Alice Harris, who was compelled to marry a Civil War veteran twice her age. She was long past the age to marry, and her three sisters were married off around the same time. Out of a dire situation comes love, only to see Alice facing tragedy and turmoil again. She rises above it by learning to farm and market tobacco, campaigning for Asheville’s first public schools, and fighting in the courts (when women had limited rights) to secure her independence. Along the way she finds an unexpected love.

2.) It’s rich in historical details.
I researched extensively to portray an accurate story of Alice’s life–and parallel to that–the story of Asheville. Through books, maps, and a lot of historic newspaper clippings, I chronicled the rise of Asheville from sleepy mountain town to tourist getaway, health resort destination, burgeoning manufacturing town, and home of George W. Vanderbilt and his Biltmore Estate.

3.) The issues in the Gilded Age South (1880s Ashevile, North Carolina) have surprising parallels to today.
Researching Alice’s story exposed so many parallels between then and now and these make an appearance in the novel: women’s rights, racism, the rise of inequality, fighting for public education funding, extortion and embezzlement, political division…. In writing this novel, I realized we’ve been here before. These issues aren’t new. For me, that’s interesting to think about and comforting in a way. Somehow, we found a way forward. Just like Alice.

4.) If you need ideas for your next vacation.
Asheville is a lovely town to visit with a vibrant arts community (dating back to the 19th century), great restaurants, and historic sites such as the Smith-McDowell mansion, the Vance Birthplace, Pack Square, and of course, the Biltmore, which is still the largest private residence in the United States. Stay in the Reynolds Mansion B&B (pictured above) and tell them I sent you! You’ll see a portrait of Susan Reynolds–a character in the novel–and you can take tea on the porch where Alice and Susan discuss their futures. Take my novel with you for ideas. And send me a picture of yourself with my book please!

5.) I offer free virtual book club visits.
I’m looking forward to discussions with book clubs about the parallels between then and now, the real people and places in the novel, and my research and writing process. I’ll share photographs of Alice, Jennie, other characters, and the real locations throughout the book. Contact me through my website and we’ll make a date!



Lisa Ard is the author of the new historical fiction novel Brighter Than Her Fears, which is based on her great-great-grandmother’s experience in 19th century western North Carolina. Her previously published children's books include Fright Flight, Dream Team, and the Kay Snow award finalist Saving Halloween. When not writing, Lisa enjoys reading, hiking, golfing and sharing her love of history as a bike tour docent with the Palm Springs Historical Society. She and her husband live (and golf) in both Palm Springs and Portland, Oregon.











Lisa will award a $10 Amazon OR Barnes and Noble Gift Card (Winner's Choice!!!) to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thank you so much for hosting today and featuring this book and author.

  2. Thanks for having me on your blog today! Looking forward to meeting your visitors.

  3. This looks like a great novel. Thanks for hosting this tour.

    1. Thanks Michael for dropping by!

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Calvin, I hope you’ll check it out!

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you Kim! I hope you’ll read the whole story.

  6. This sounds like an interesting book and I also like the cover.

  7. What is your favorite part of the writing process?

  8. I just love your cover.
