
Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Who Buried Sarah: New Brunswick by Eden Monroe - Book Tour - Guest Post - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Hello, lovelies!!  It gives me great pleasure today to host Eden Monroe and her new book, “Who Buried Sarah: New Brunswick,” here on FAB!!  For other stops on her Goddess Fish Promotions Book Tour, please click on the banner above or any of the images in this post.

Be sure to make it to the end of this post to enter to win a $20 Amazon OR Barnes and Noble Gift Card!!  Also, come back daily to interact with Eden Monroe and to increase your chances of winning!!

Thanks for stopping by!!  Wishing you all lots of good luck in this fabulous giveaway!!

Who Buried Sarah:

New Brunswick

Canadian Historical Mysteries Series

Book Five

by Eden Monroe


GENRE:   Historical Fiction



Sarah, the only child of Rev. and Mrs. Cranston Estey, was betrothed to Connor McLagen of the affluent McLagen family. The McLagens were socially revered, although there were rumours of nefarious underpinnings to their substantial wealth, and the God-fearing Esteys were not in favour of the marriage.

Three days before the June 1927 wedding, Sarah disappeared. Her note said she’d changed her mind and decided to leave town.

A week later she was found, buried in a rose garden, the gruesome and sensational discovery knocking New Brunswick prohibition wars out of the headlines.

There were many with secrets to keep…



“Then stop playing with fire. Look, I like it that you want to … go further … but not now, darling. We have to wait for the right time and I promise to live up to your expectations. There will be nothing holding us back then, but I promise I will be gentle.”

Shifting away from him slightly, she gazed out across the river. “I understand that. I’m not exactly inexperienced about such things, Connor.”

Had she really just said that aloud? She was aghast that the secret she knew she had to share with him at some point had spontaneously bubbled to the surface. This was probably the worst time for such a revelation, but there was no turning back now.

There was silence as she waited for the fallout from the bomb she’d just dropped, not daring to look at him.

“Excuse me?” he asked after a moment, his voice gone hard. “What did you mean by that, Sarah?”

Apparently this had unexpectedly become the time for truth telling. She was as surprised as he was it was happening, but she loved him too much not to be completely honest. She’d just thought it would somehow be easier to do. “What I mean is … I’ve … ahhh … been with a man before.”

He was deadly calm. “In what way?”



The Craziest Thing I’ve Ever Done in the Name of Research

This takes me back a bit, but it took place while I was writing a book about the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) (written under my own name). It was a book about the job they do, the various policing services, so I was no stranger to ride-alongs, fly-alongs and such. You name it and I was up for it. But ask to have a police dog set on me?

That would have been the last thing on my mind at the beginning of the day as I was running along with two dog handlers who were putting their dogs through their paces in preparation for the dog teams’ annual revalidation the next day. I am terrified of some large dog breeds, having been attacked by a dog as a child – and believe me, any German shepherds, Dobermans, Rottweilers or the like that I’ve met, even under friendly circumstances, have picked up on that fear and never taken their eyes off me. Some even growled deep in their throat to let me know very clearly they didn’t like me much either, although they were perfectly sociable with everyone else.

So … back to the research. After running with the handlers and their dogs that day I was witnessing some great stuff, including aggression training. Taking down a suspect when that became necessary. I say witnessing, not experiencing. I wanted to experience aggression training, but the immediate response from the handler when I suggested it was skepticism. His, not mine, because I had made up my mind I wanted to do this. It would be great for the book. Finally he agreed to let it happen. Of course I wore a dog bite training sleeve and the handler was only a few feet away as we played out the scenario. I knew my part. I was the defiant bad guy who would not comply with the handler’s orders to come out with my hands up or he’d send the dog.

I replied to him impolitely. I even yelled for good measure.

The dog wanted action, bad.

The handler shouted back. “Okay, he (the dog) doesn’t know what I’m saying to you right now so you just remember how I told you to stand and react when I release the dog.”  Then he followed up with “You come out or I’ll send the dog.”

I yelled back. “Fine! Send the dog,” to let him know I was ready.

And send the dog he did. That eighty-pound dog jumping and grabbing me was like getting hit with a baseball bat in a full-out swing. I’ve never been hit by a baseball bat in a full-out swing but I can imagine that’s what it would feel like. And I kept my feet as I was spun around. Then the handler called the dog off (the animal was reluctant to let go by the way) and the shepherd sat in front of me, guarding the prisoner. I was instructed not to stare at the dog because it would be taken as a further sign of aggression. I happily complied.

I later described it as looking down the barrel of a loaded gun, because that’s what it felt like and I was right, it was really great for the book.

I was then pretend patted down by the officer while the dog continued to guard me before I was perp marched to the nearest vehicle where I was instructed to put my hands on the hood. Then the game was over for the dog and everything was under control. The dog lost interest almost immediately but I was on a high that lasted for hours.

Also in the nature of research for that book I rappelled down the side of a two-story office building (I have a paralyzing fear of heights). I also fired several weapons and it turns out I liked the rat-a-tat-tat of the machine gun best. I should add that I felt pretty bad ass firing that puppy, but everything was done within the confines of an authorized shooting range of course with the officer in charge at my elbow.

I don’t much like deep water either but participated in ship boarding training in the ocean (albeit a harbour) and climbed a ladder up the side of a ship with the rest of the guys.

These are all things I wouldn’t normally do, but call it research and away I go. No regrets. Anything for the book I guess.



Eden Monroe writes about real life, real issues and struggles, and triumphing against all odds. A proud east coast Canadian, she enjoys a variety of outdoor activities, and a good book.





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Eden Monroe will be awarding a $20 Amazon OR Barnes and Noble Gift Card (Winner’s Choice!!!) to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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This contest is sponsored by a third party. Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Goddess Fish Promotions.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette. The featured author and Goddess Fish Promotions are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.


  1. Replies
    1. Hi Tami, I would have to say that Lucy Maud Montgomery was a huge influence on me. I always wanted to be a writer since I can remember (writing short stories at age 8) but she took me over the top.

  2. Is there a special spot you like to be that helps with your creative writing process?

    1. Since I used to do all drafts in longhand, my favourite easy chair was great, as was beside the lake in a little think tank built just for me. Now since I mostly work on computer I would have to say it's my office. Not the best maybe, but the fastest since I write so much.

  3. I enjoyed reading about your research experience and the lengths that you will go to to enrich the details of your story. As Who Buried Sarah is set during the 1920's would you say that era is your favorite historical period? If not, which is?

    1. Hi Bea, I chose the 1920's for Who Buried Sarah because that timeframe has some important family ties for me. I would have to say the late 1800's entice me too, and that will be the era for my next trilogy, The McClures. So glad you enjoyed the piece on this stop of the tour. Great to have you along. : )

    2. Thank you for responding. I am looking forward to reading this story and your upcoming trilogy as the pre and post Civil War era, especially in the "Wild West" is my favorite period of history

  4. If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would it be?

  5. Hi Tracie, I would tell my younger writing self to not be discouraged, that success will come. That rejections aren't the end of the world, although they do seem so at the time.

  6. I would like to say thank you to my hosts for featuring me today. I enjoyed being here.

  7. The blurb sounds really interesting.

  8. I'll check this book out, it sounds interesting

  9. This looks like a great read for October!

  10. The story sounds interesting.

  11. Hi Sherry, it's hard to encapsulate an entire book into one little blurb, so really glad you found it interesting.

  12. Hi Marisela, really happy you'll check out Who Buried Sarah. Hope you enjoy the read!

  13. Hi Jessica, I'm thrilled you want to add Who Buried Sarah to your October reading list. Hope you enjoy this whodunnit!

  14. Hi Kim, thank you for stopping by to check out Who Buried Sarah. It'd be great to have you go back in time for this story.
