
Thursday, October 5, 2023

Cruel Lessons by Randy Overbeck - Book Tour - Guest Post - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Hi, lovelies!!  It gives me great pleasure today to host Randy Overbeck and his new book, “Cruel Lessons,” here on FAB!!  For other stops on his Goddess Fish Promotions Book Tour, please click on the banner above or any of the images in this post.

Be sure to make it to the end of this post to enter to win a $25 Amazon OR Barnes and Noble Gift Card!!  Also, come back daily to interact with Randy and to increase your chances of winning!!

Thanks for stopping by!!  Wishing you all lots of good luck in this fabulous giveaway!!

Cruel Lessons

Lessons in Peril Series

Book One

by Randy Overbeck


GENRE:   Amateur Sleuth Mystery



On a school camping trip, fifth graders experiment with a dangerous new hallucinogen and die in a horrific accident, their deaths shattering the quiet town. Assistant Superintendent Ken Parks, hoping to redeem a fatal mistake from his past, grasps the opportunity to conduct the district investigation of how students are getting the drugs. Almost before he begins, the cops make a stunning arrest. But Parks battles on, convinced the real pusher is still out there, poisoning more kids until he receives an anonymous threat: if he continues, those close to him will pay. Is Parks willing to risk those he loves for a chance at redemption?



Struggling desperately to force her mind to think, Amanda tried to consider her options. It was all happening too quickly. The next treacherous turn came at her fast. She had no way to slow down. White knuckles gripped the steering wheel.

The bend ahead showed a hard curve to the right, not quite as tight as the last one, but steeper. And she felt the car accelerating, though she hadn’t touched the gas pedal. Right before the car hit the curve, Amanda spun the steering wheel. The car lurched around the bend. The driver side of the car lifted up. Halfway through the long bend, Amanda watched the hood tilt in the turn until it was almost vertical. No seat belt on, she was catapulted down the leather seat, crashing into the passenger door.

“Hell!” she cried, reaching to grab her bruised shoulder.

She froze as the two wheels still on the ground shuddered in the gravel, sliding off the small road. Slammed against the side door, she heard the tall weeds and low branches whip against the body. But the car didn’t slow. Blood streamed from a gash on her forehead. For an instant she lay there stretched across the passenger door, holding her breath.

Then she sensed the car teetering. The front tire bumped something hard. Amanda stared, unbelieving, as the car began to flip. As the Regal made the first revolution, she screamed.



How to Hold Yourself Accountable as a Writer

My first glance at this topic rendered a simple answer. Not a problem. I am, by my own nature and through decades of experience as an educator, self-directed and goal-focused. To be a successful teacher or school leader, you simply have to be willing to take the initiative. Though you always have superiors, “you are responsible for you,” at least as far as teaching children or leading teachers, and it’s one area where good teachers excel.

When I transferred my skill set to writing, the concept of holding myself accountable came naturally. Like I said, I’m goal- and task-focused. Right now, my life is complicated—my wife is handicapped, I have a host of regular, daily responsibilities—so I found setting simple goals, like writing x amount of time a day or penning so many words per day, wasn’t reasonable and would most likely lead to frustration. So instead, my writing goals are broader and more long range—completing of the manuscript is planned for this date. Then, I have to navigate my other various responsibilities daily or weekly to find a way to reach these goals. When I start a writing project, I set goal for completing the novel, research, first draft and multiple revisions. While I don’t often meet that timeline, this long-range goal keeps me focused and moving forward and usually I get pretty close.

Besides, I have a secret weapon.

While it may be true that writing is a solitary existence, I believe it’s critical for authors to surround him or herself with individuals who can help them grown and improve as a writer. Many successful authors have shared how critical their support system was in helping them realize their writing goals. One part of my support is my team of beta readers. I have recruited about a dozen readers whom I trust to give me honest, critical feedback on the WIP (work in process). My method is to give these readers the manuscripts in thirds, one third initially, then two-thirds of the work and then finally, the entire manuscript.

What does this have to do with accountability?

After I’m into my writing process and have shared the first installment with the beta readers, I give them an approximate timeline to expect future installments, based on my long range goals. As I get close to my self-imposed deadline, the idea that loyal beta readers are waiting anxiously for the next installment keeps me focused and motivated to do the work. I’ve used this approach now for five novels and it not only keeps me on track but also gives me valuable insight to help make the finished manuscript the best it can be.

My accountability process may appear a little loose but, as my national awards and bestselling books indicate, the system works pretty well for me. Check out my latest work, Cruel Lessons, and see what you think. The new novel is an atmospheric, amateur sleuth mystery, the first in a new series set in schools called “Lessons in Peril.” The story involves a rogue, hallucinogenic drug being pushed in a middle school and, after it results in the death of four students, the rush to stop the drug pusher before more children die.

Cruel Lessons will be released October 11 by the Wild Rose Press and will be available everywhere you buy your books. But you don’t have to wait. You can preorder my newest—and I think—best work right now. Check out all the details on my website,



Dr. Randy Overbeck is a best-selling author of the award-winning series, The Haunted Shores Mysteries, the three entries earning such national awards as the Gold Award from Literary Titan, Mystery of the Year from ReaderViews, Best Book from Chanticleer and Crowned Heart of Excellence from InD’tale Magazine. He hosts a new podcast, “Great Stories about Great Storytellers,” which reveals the unusual backstories of famous authors, directors and poets. He is also a speaker in much demand, sharing his multi-media presentations, “Thanks Still Go Bump in the Night” and “A Few Favorite Haunts” with audiences all over the country. More info about his novels, programs and podcast can be found at his website





Phone #:

(513) 633-2838






Buzz Sprout Podcast:

BookBub Author Page:

Goodreads Author Page:

Goodreads Book Page:

Amazon Author Page:



**Cruel Lessons is currently available for Pre-Order and will be released on October 11th, 2023**

Amazon US Kindle eBook:

Amazon US Paperback:

Amazon CA Kindle eBook:

Amazon CA Paperback:



Randy will be awarding a $25 Amazon OR Barnes and Noble Gift Card (Winner’s Choice!!!) to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

**This post contains affiliate links and if clicked and a purchase is made, I may receive a small commission to help support this blog.  This does not cost you anything, it just helps pay for all those fabulous community outreach projects and awesome giveaways on here**

This contest is sponsored by a third party. Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Goddess Fish Promotions.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette. The featured author and Goddess Fish Promotions are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.


  1. How did you decide on the book cover?

  2. Sounds like an interesting read.

  3. Assistant Superintendent Ken Parks is faced with a difficult decision. Will he risk the safety of those he loves in order to uncover the truth and potentially save more children from harm? It's a tough choice, and one that requires careful consideration.

    1. It is even a more difficult decision as Ken has an ugly secret of his own he's trying to deal with.

  4. I love doing the research for my novels. It's one of the favorite parts of the task. Since the focus of the story is schools, I knew much of the content but still required me to research small town jails, failure of auto mechanics, and as well as research into drugs.

  5. This sounds like a good and timely story.

  6. Even though the story is set more than 25 years earlier (1995) I think readers will find it surprisingly close to today's social issues.

  7. The book sounds very intriguing. Great cover.

  8. Did you have any say in the cover design?

  9. I had considerable input into the cover. The professional at Wild Rose Press are great to work with.
