
Tuesday, September 19, 2023

The Becalmer by Nick Wilford - Book Tour - Guest Post - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Hi, lovelies!!  It gives me great pleasure today to host Nick Wilford and his new book, “The Becalmer,” here on FAB!!  For other stops on his Goddess Fish Promotions Book Tour, please click on the banner above or any of the images in this post.

Be sure to make it to the end of this post to enter to win a $10 Amazon OR Barnes and Noble Gift Card!!  Also, come back daily to interact with Nick and to increase your chances of winning!!

Thanks for stopping by!!  Wishing you all lots of good luck in this fabulous giveaway!!

The Becalmer

by Nick Wilford


GENRE:   YA Sci Fi



Harica is gifted with the ability to defuse conflicts using her mind. When she is recruited to assist in resolving a war via an arranged marriage, she discovers that the reluctant bride-to-be has similar powers. Princess Jasmila doesn’t use her powers for good and when Harica arrives to help with the marriage arrangements, she fights back and sends Harica into a coma.

It is through this comatose state that Harica discovers a mysterious liminal space populated by others who share her gift. In this new realm, she learns to do things she never believed possible, but soon things spiral out of control.

In the face of a terrifying and seemingly unstoppable adversary, Harica wrestles with the decision to come to terms with the dark side of her gift.

Will she take ownership of it or turn her back on it forever?



I couldn’t say that everything went black. Or that everything went white. Those are both colours, and therefore they’re something. This was a total mass of absence, an aching emptiness, a void so all-consuming I couldn’t even register my own existence. I couldn’t tell where I ended and the void began.

I don’t know how long I was there for, either. Not even time can escape a black hole.

Eventually, somehow, I became aware of myself again. Two arms, two legs, a head. I had a body, and I was bizarrely grateful for it. I wasn’t in the void anymore, or at least not in such a bleak, hopeless version of it. But neither was I in the conference room, or whatever it was, or my room upstairs, or even my room back home. This new space was all white, with no discernible floor or ceiling or walls. But there were voices. I wasn’t alone. When I tried to turn towards them, however, they receded. I saw no one, and I couldn’t pick out anything they said.

I stayed very still in the hope they would come to me. Maybe they could help me get out of here.

“. . . only here for a short time, I think. We’ll see how we can help her.” A woman’s voice. It seemed to be getting closer again. I held my breath, although I wasn’t sure whether I actually needed breath in this place, whether my bodily functions were just a reassuring approximation based on memory, whether I was alive or dead.



How to Create Great Main Characters

In this post, I’d like to talk a bit about how I create strong and memorable main characters. Before I get into the weeds of character development, it’s worth pointing out that the two biggest attributes that should be central to any protagonist are being human and relatable. There can obviously be infinite nuances and variations within that, but essentially for readers to get on board with your protagonist they need to be able to imagine themselves in their shoes and think what they would do when faced with the same challenges. That “being human” part doesn’t have to be taken completely literally, by the way. Even if your character’s an alien or a three-legged dog, they should still have those qualities that endear them to the reader.

First, it’s important for your protagonist to be vulnerable, as well as flawed. If they appear perfect in every way, and face every obstacle with confidence and ease, it will simply be a turn-off for the reader. There would be no jeopardy or stakes involved. This is why Superman has his Kryptonite. For example, in my book The Becalmer, the protagonist Harica has the gift of being able to resolve conflicts by entering others’ minds. At the beginning of the book, she doesn’t gain confidence from it, however; instead, she simply sees it as a burden that is used by peers at school to resolve their typical teenage melodramas. When she’s then called on to take on the mission of her life – stopping a war – she’s overwhelmed and feels completely unsure of her ability to step up. Her parents are also dead set against the idea, adding to her indecision. It’s only with the support of her best friend Miriam that she goes through with it. Through this process, she does gain strength and ownership of her gift, but it’s only by putting herself to the test that she’s able to do it. Readers will warm to characters who have a bumpy ride on their journey because they have no doubt faced their own trials and tribulations.

It’s often said that a good story hinges around what the characters want and what is standing in the way of their getting it. We’ve touched on obstacles already, but it’s worth reinforcing that this chasing after the desired goal is not only the driving force of your story but also the thing that gets readers to root for your protagonist. Everyone wants to feel as if they are moving towards something, otherwise life would be static; and by seeing how your character deals with roadblocks, it may well give them the push to go for that promotion, realise that trip of a lifetime, or whatever else they want. Stories are magical, and as authors one of the most magical things is that they can inspire readers in ways we can’t even imagine.

Another vital part of building a sympathetic protagonist is giving them a well-rounded backstory. This will convey to the reader that they are a person who exists beyond the words that appear on the page. You don’t even have to spell everything out in minute detail; often, giving the reader enough scope to fill in the blanks is more effective. In The Becalmer, part of the impetus driving Harica on is the need to find out more about her gift and where it comes from, because that will help her control it. At the beginning of the book, she thinks it’s unique to her, but as the story progresses she learns of others who share it, including a dark side connected to her family. This also helps with character development because it shows how daunting and dangerous the gift can be and how important it is for Harica to use it wisely.

Apply these elements and you should come up with characters that not only you love but also, and more importantly, that the readers love.



Nick Wilford is originally from Brighton, England and now lives in a quiet town in Scotland with his wife, three daughters and six rescue dogs. Wanting to make a career from writing, he trained in journalism, but soon realized that the fictional realm was where his true passion lay. He enjoys writing speculative fiction, exploring the things that cannot be seen and “making the impossible reality.” Nick is the author of the Black & White YA dystopian series and has also published a collection of shorter fiction as well as curating, editing and publishing a fundraising anthology featuring a diverse array of talent. By day, he works as a freelance editor, and he also enjoys travelling to inspiring locations with his family, listening to music and helping unwanted dogs find loving homes.





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Nick will be awarding a $10 Amazon OR Barnes and Noble Gift Card (Winner’s Choice!!!) to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

**This post contains affiliate links and if clicked and a purchase is made, I may receive a small commission to help support this blog.  This does not cost you anything, it just helps pay for all those fabulous community outreach projects and awesome giveaways on here**

This contest is sponsored by a third party. Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Goddess Fish Promotions.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette. The featured author and Goddess Fish Promotions are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.


  1. Thanks for hosting me today, Ally! Honoured to be here. Readers, do you have a favourite main character? What is it about them or their story that resonates with you?

  2. This sounds like a wonderful book.

  3. What are some of your future projects or plans that you have as an author?

    1. Hi Tracie, I hope to keep releasing some of the stories I have been working on, exploring matters such as AI, VR, cloning. There's certainly no shortage of things to write about. Thanks for your interest!
