
Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Take That Ride by Meg Benjamin - Book Tour - Guest Post - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Hey, lovelies!!  It gives me great pleasure today to host Meg Benjamin and her new book, “Take That Ride,” here on FAB!!  For other stops on her Goddess Fish Promotions Book Tour, please click on the banner above or any of the images in this post.

Be sure to make it to the end of this post to enter to win a $15 Amazon OR Barnes and Noble Gift Card!!  Also, come back daily to interact with Meg and to increase your chances of winning!!

Thanks for stopping by!!  Wishing you all lots of good luck in this fabulous giveaway!!

Take That Ride

by Meg Benjamin


GENRE:   Contemporary Romance



They’ve only got a week. They need to make it count.

Coy Blackburn is an up-and-coming country singer, but right now he feels more like he’s down-and-going. He’s at the end of a long tour, and his band is dragging. A week-long gig at the Faro tavern in Konigsburg, Texas, may get them back on their feet or it may be a disaster. For Coy, it feels like it could go either way.

Lexi Markham is living life on auto-pilot at the moment. As the main driver at her family’s tour business, she spends her days taking tourists around the Texas wineries and trying to get over her breakup with her lying fiancé. Now her sister has booked her to drive a country band around town, and she’s definitely not feeling it.

When Coy and Lexi meet, sparks fly—and not it a good way. Still, trust the power of music (and a back country cloudburst) to overcome a few bumps in the road. But can they even think about the future when they’ve only got a few days together?



“What’s going on, Lex?” He sounded more puzzled than angry, which made things easier.

She took another moment, trying to order her thoughts. “A lot of stuff has been going on. I just wanted some time to think.”

“You mean the Marcia Mills stuff?”

She nodded, then realized he probably couldn’t see her that well. “Yeah. I saw all the things she posted.”

“Marcia posted stuff? Where did she post it?” He sounded confused.

“You didn’t see Marcia’s posts?” Then how did he know about it?

“No. I didn’t know anything about this until Clem showed me some article online tonight. Then I fielded some phone calls from writers at gossip sites and my manager’s PR rep, which didn’t make things any clearer. I’ve been rehearsing all day, and I haven’t had time to look at anything.” He sighed. “So Marcia posted stuff, too?”

“Yeah, on her Instagram. June showed it to me this morning. And then there was that video interview with you. The kid who did it seemed to be saying there was something more between the two of you no matter what you said to him.”

“That kid was about fifteen, and I’d never seen him before today. Whatever he thinks he knows, he actually knows squat. Plus, I think he’s trying to come up with stuff to get people to follow his blog. Same thing with the gossip sites, to tell the truth. They’re always just looking for the next headline.”

He sounded confident, but he’d always sounded that way. Trusting him made a lot of sense, but she wasn’t sure she could do it. She didn’t know how to return to where they’d been before—before this nagging doubt had been planted in her brain.



Lady Driver: My Heroine Can Drive Herself, Thanks

Most of my heroines are strong, independent types who stand on their own two feet. But a lot of them have slightly feminine jobs: cooks, bakers, book shop owners, cheese makers, wine experts. You get the idea. Lexi Markham, the heroine of Take That Ride, my latest Konigsburg, TX book, is an exception.

Lexi drives a tour bus for her family’s company. Not only that, but she’s the company’s best driver. I found the inspiration for Lexi in the tour bus drivers I saw in San Diego one summer. Their buses were far from new and far from easy to wrestle around, but they did it with aplomb. Even slightly terrifying routes like the bridge to Coronado didn’t faze them. I wanted a heroine who had that kind of savoir faire.

When she gets the assignment to drive a country rock band around town, Lexi’s not really impressed. It means a lot of sitting around waiting, and Lexi’s not the sitting around type. When she picks the band up at the Austin airport, they’re a little shocked to see her. One of them makes a pass, but Lexi shuts him down like a pro. And the band leader, my hero, Coy Blackburn, talks himself out of being shocked. Lexi obviously knows what she’s doing, and Coy admires skill, no matter what kind of skill it is.

Lexi’s also a photographer, when she isn’t driving a bus to pay the bills. On her day off, she takes a photo trip into the back country outside Konigsburg, and Coy tags along. At the end of an isolated gravel road, they get hit with a sudden back country gully washer, and Lexi has to drive them out. She does it with steely determination, driving them over flooded roads and treacherous hillsides until they reach the safety of the highway. Coy is blown away.

She paused, pulling onto the shoulder and turning to him. He cupped her face, gazing at her, his lips edging up. “Lady, that was the hottest thing I’ve seen since I hit Texas. Watching you wrestle this tank around the flood waters was almost like foreplay. I absolutely hope I’m invited to your house tonight.”

He leaned forward and kissed her hard, his tongue moving across her lips, then thrusting deep. Heat flashed through her, and she grabbed hold of his shoulders. He slid his hands under her shirt, moving to cup her breasts, and she nibbled on his lower lip.

A horn sounded beside them, and they jumped apart as a pickup moved onto the highway, spraying mud and rainwater.

Coy grinned at her. “Foreplay, like I said. To be continued, so help me.”

I figured my tough lady driver deserved a hero who appreciated what she could do, and Coy is definitely that guy. Not all men are turned off by a woman who can wrestle a full-size SUV out of harm’s way.

I’m far from a great driver myself—if we’ve got a rough weather forecast, I’d much rather stay home with a good book. But I admire anyone who can do a demanding job and do it well. Lexi Markham is another of my tough, knowledgeable heroines, this time doing a job that’s usually reserved for men. And I love her for it.



Meg Benjamin is an award-winning author of romance. Meg’s Konigsburg series is set in the Texas Hill Country and her Salt Box and Brewing Love trilogies are set in the Colorado Rockies (all are available from Entangled Publishing and from Meg’s indie line). Her new cozy mystery series, Luscious Delights from Wild Rose Press, concerns a jam-making sleuth based in the mythical small town of Shavano, Colorado. Along with contemporary romance, Meg is also the author of the paranormal Ramos Family trilogy from Berkley InterMix and the Folk trilogy from Soul Mate. Meg’s books have won numerous awards, including an EPIC Award, a Romantic Times Reviewers’ Choice Award, the Holt Medallion from Virginia Romance Writers, the Beanpot Award from the New England  Romance Writers, and the Award of Excellence from Colorado Romance Writers.









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Meg will be awarding a $15 Amazon OR Barnes and Noble Gift Card (Winner’s Choice!!!) to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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This contest is sponsored by a third party. Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Goddess Fish Promotions.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette. The featured author and Goddess Fish Promotions are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.