
Tuesday, December 6, 2022

His Untameable Wickedness by A P von K'Ory - Book Tour - Guest Post - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Hi, lovelies!!  It gives me great pleasure today to host A P von K'Ory and her new book, “His Untameable Wickedness,” here on FAB!!  For other stops on her Goddess Fish Promotions Book Tour, please click on the banner above or any of the images in this post.

Be sure to make it to the end of this post to enter to win a $15 Amazon OR Barnes and Noble Gift Card!!  Also, come back daily to interact with A P von K'Ory and to increase your chances of winning!!

Thanks for stopping by!!  Wishing you all lots of good luck in this fabulous giveaway!!

His Untameable Wickedness

by A P von K'Ory


GENRE:   Dark Erotic Romance Suspense




A three-letter word made me a murderess at the age of eight years. But having experienced the curses of that word, I was done with men as I grew up. All men. Except to outplay them in the New York financial arena. Then Crowned Sex enthroned in gorgeous velvet charm and lustful gallantry storms into my life. Spewing volcanic lava on my monumental arctic ice block. With the unapologetic fierceness of a savage god. Wearing crackling thunderbolts straight from the god Zeus. Explosive has nothing on it.

Adrian isn't hot, he's fucking hellish. He embarks on melting my ice block at the speed of lightning. But I was done with men. I was done with sex. For ever. I. Was.


I scented her darkness from the moment I was told about her. The sight of her sealed my decision. She was the woman created for my own darkness. I set off to protect her even from herself. Protect her to claim.

Fuse her darkness with my own. For. Myself. I'd fended women off me with bazookas when I was done but they weren't. I wasn't prepared for the battle I soon fought. Not only with her but also with her family. And New York's billionaire gangsters who own entourages of corrupt cops and politicians. With every battle I won, she started new darker wars around me. You ate or you were eaten. Not even starving was an option.

NOTE: Although the blurb is in the first person, the story of Leo and Adrian is written in the third person. This story contains adult material including explicit sex and violence. You've been warned.



He caught both her flying arms, used her momentum to spin her around onto her back on the couch and landed over her.

Smack bang between her legs.

Pinned her hands above her head and every f****** struggle she tried only forced her to rub against his hard body.

Furious, her thighs tensed but with nowhere to go except around his hips. He planned this. She f****** bet he planned this to the last minute detail.

“You double-faced bastard, get off me!”

“No. You put yourself here. Right here under me, Leo.”

“Get the f*** off m—”

He slammed his crotch right against hers and ground in.

 She screamed as some unknown force kindled her center and the sensation rushed simultaneously south to her soles and north to her scalp.

She stiffened, trembling. Then whimpered. Then—




Thanks so much for working with me, Fabulous and Brunette. The tone you set here feels so friendly and enthusiastic it has already made me happy for us to know each other. Your joy is very infectious!

So now let’s talk about that Fierce Female Character.

I love them and create them in all my heroines. Of course they’re not all fire-breathing females.  But they aren’t “struggling” (a word I hate to use to describe a heroine because for me it conjures up a misplaced weed trying to exist from a crack in a derelict mediaeval fortress, you know what I mean?) Whenever the word struggling crops up as a description of whatever the heroine is going through, I sure as heck find another word instead. Like striving or fighting or determined.  Words that are positive and depict a fighter who knows what she wants and goes for it. Not someone bogged down with half the world’s problems and downtrodden by the other half. 

My female protagonists are like my all-time favourite heroine, Scarlett O’Hara of Gone With the Wind.  If they don’t have the gown for the ball, they don’t wait around for the fairy godmother. They rip that lovely velvet drape off the window and make a gown for themselves. I’d always abhorred the conditioning of girls to be the ones to kiss the frog to make him a prince, or put up with the Beast.  I rebelled against it and stomped off to play with the boys.  This earned me being shipped off to a boarding school in England at age nine. That only turned the tomboy in me into a perfect ladette. I learnt to be quite the lady when the company required it and run riot when I was the ruler of the world around me.

As an economist, I’d been writing nonfiction books for over a decade under my continents-long real name.  Then erotic romance hit mainstream. I read the books. A lot of them. Until I didn’t.

Because girls and women are still made to grow up believing they are less worthy than boys. In books or films, girls and women are trimmed to identify with “someone just like you” while the boys and men are encouraged to identify with James Bond and Superman – never someone just like them but someone higher, way higher than them.

I soon became the old rebel again and shortened my impossibly long name to a pen name: A P von K’Ory. My heroines aren’t some delicate mimosa waiting to be rescued or preyed upon. If they wait at tables to pay rent, they’ll soon take over the restaurant or open their own that their former boss can’t beat. Bad boy? Try worse girl for size.

The UNTAMEABLE series is my second erotic thriller story. When I started writing the story of Leo and Adrian in the series, I went for a story that was darker and sexually a little edgier than the GOLDEN SHANA series. But I still aimed for the discerning and gender-positive story. As always I paired off diverse people: the uber-rich ultra-strong American Leo and the professional British Royal Marines Commando assassin Adrian. The hardest part is crafting that complex character of Leo convincingly. She’s a dragoness in the boardroom and on Wall Street but ultra-feminine in the bedroom. Like all strong and successful women, the world judges Leo differently from men. An Alpha man ruling the financial world on Wall Street wouldn’t be referred to as Gorgeous Ice Block in that negative sense. He would be the revered Lord of the Realm. Likewise Leo has to constantly watch her behavior. If she slept around, took a younger person to dinner, or avoided men altogether, she would be labelled something even worse than an ice block. To put it in Adrian’s words:

It’s a bloody man’s world, twenty-first century and all. A powerful male billionaire could jolly well behave like a triple Nero coked to the hilt. Monogamy is anti-male. Blame nature. Men fuck when they’re frisky, eat when they’re hungry, bellow when they’re angry, sleep when they’re tired, marry women thirty or forty years younger. No such liberties for a powerful female billionaire. She’d be reduced to her cunt in a tic. Leontine Nigella Boswell knew that and threw the tables on the male world’s bloody balls. You crept to her on all fours, and worshipped her if she let you kiss the soles of her pumps.

I love stories involving the Alpha woman, financially and socially independent. The brand of woman who gets invited to the Met Gala on her own rights, not on a man’s arm. I feel that young female readers should get to know and love the headstrong woman who kneels before her man only when she herself wants to kneel, not because the man orders her to do so as part of a contract she signed when he bought her at that men’s club auction. My heroines still go for the Alpha male. That’s a given. It’s wired in every woman since time immemorial. That’s nature, not nurture. Women, Alpha or Beta, sprint away from wimps.  But writing the Alpha woman is, twenty-first century notwithstanding, still a challenge. One I revel in.

PS: Because you asked for pix and my office, here’s Speedy, my assistant, hard at work. When he’s not claiming my office washbasin for his afternoon nap, that is.



AP von K’Ory writes the kind of books she herself would like to read and is passionate about, whether romance, psychological thriller or nonfiction. She is the winner of six awards from four continents, the last one being the Achievers Award for Writer of the Year 2013 in the Netherlands. The Selmere Integration Prize was awarded her in 2014 for her engagement in helping African Women in the Diaspora cope with a variety of domestic and social problems. The Proposal, a short story, won the Cook Communications first prize in 2010 and is published in an American anthology Africa 2012. In 2012, she won the Karl Ziegler Prize for her commitment to bring African culture to Western society in various papers, theses, and lectures. Again in 2012, her book Bound to Tradition: The Dream was nominated for the 2012 Caine Prize by the Author-me Group, Sanford, and in 2013 she was shortlisted for the Commonwealth Writers Prize.

Von K'Ory is married to an aristocrat and politician of Franco-German descent, has a large extended family. She lectures Economics and Sociology in Austria, Germany and Switzerland. She’s migratory and – weather willing – lives in Germany, France, Cyprus, and Greece.

She may be reached at any of the following:


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A P von K'Ory will be awarding a $15 Amazon OR Barnes and Noble to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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This contest is sponsored by a third party. Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Goddess Fish Promotions.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette. The featured author and Goddess Fish Promotions are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.


  1. Thanks so much for hosting my book tour, Fab!

  2. Thank you for sharing your guest post, bio and book details, the cover is gorgeous and the synopsis and excerpt have intrigued me, also, I love the title! His Untameable Wickedness is a must read for me and I am looking forward to it
