
Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Daughter of Belial by Jennifer Juvenelle - Book Tour - Guest Post - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Hey, lovelies!!  It gives me great pleasure today to host Jennifer Juvenelle and her new book, “Daughter of Belial,” here on FAB!!  For other stops on her Goddess Fish Promotions Book Tour, please click on the banner above or any of the images in this post.

Be sure to make it to the end of this post to enter to win a $50 Amazon OR Barnes and Noble Gift Card!!!  Also, come back daily to interact with Jennifer and to increase your chances of winning!!

Thanks for stopping by!!  Wishing you all lots of good luck in this fabulous giveaway!!

Daughter of Belial

by Jennifer Juvenelle


GENRE:   Psychological Thriller



Some Family Trees Should Be Burned. . .

Greer Girls are special. Greer Girls are rare. Greer Girls are central to the secret Order of Belial.

Sophie Greer knows none of this. All she knows is that her now ex-boyfriend cheated on her, she’s alone working in Paris, and her mysterious billionaire boss, Edward Hughes, is way too interested in her life.

But when Sophie is kidnapped in Moscow while on a business trip, she’s plunged into the dark underbelly of the global elite and a sinister secret society with deep ties to her family; ties that lead to revelations darker than anything Sophie could have imagined.

Betrayed by the man who raised her, and targeted by the illustrious Hughes family, only one thing is certain—family history can be deadly. If Sophie is to survive, she must decide who to trust and what to believe, or risk being crushed beneath the weight of the all-powerful secret Order of Belial.



After removing his weapons, the men bind Wyatt’s hands behind his back using a zip tie before gagging him. They’ve barely glanced in my direction, so focused are they on subduing Wyatt. Subtly, I attempt to take a few steps away from the group when, of course, Mr. Leader Guy decides to switch his attention to me.

“Where do ya think you’re going, little lady?” he asks.

I freeze but don’t respond. Seems like a rhetorical question, anyway. I look to Wyatt for support. He’s backed into the wall of the tunnel with the other two men guarding his flanks. Slipping Wyatt’s gun into the back of his waistband, the asshole in charge approaches me.

His breath, a sickly sweet halitosis, poorly masked with hints of spearmint, wafts into my nostrils when he speaks. “Don’t worry, sweetheart,” he says, coming closer, “the big, bad man can’t hurt you anymore.”

“Who are you?”

“Dante Pierce,” he says, holding out a gloved hand for me to shake, “pleased to meet ya.”

I refrain from taking his hand. This miffs him. Rolling his eyes, he addresses his men, “Seems to me our fair maiden isn’t feeling too appreciative about being rescued.” His men laugh awkwardly, exchanging nervous glances.

Dante Pierce doesn’t seem to notice. Returning his attention to me, he slowly removes his helmet and gloves. Never breaking eye contact, he drops them to his feet along with his rifle, and steps so close to me our noses practically touch. My bones rattle in their sockets as he looks me up and down in a predatory manner. By the time he completes his visual perusal of my body, I could take a hundred showers and it still wouldn’t be enough to wash off the scum from his gaze.



Fun & Fab Playlist for Daughter of Belial

A lot of writers enjoy listening to music when they write, but as an intuitive writer, I need silence. Occasionally I can listen to something instrumental, but for the most part, it’s necessary for me to focus all of my attention inward without any exterior distractions. Therefore, no one was more surprised than I when, toward the end of writing Book I of DAUGHTER OF BELIAL, I began creating a playlist to accompany it.

It started organically, with one song: Regina Spektor’s Après Moi, that felt like the major theme song for the main character, Sophie Greer. In Aprés Moi, Regina sings some of the lyrics in Russian and French—each of which are languages employed at various times in my novel! She also puts into musical form an old French proverb, “Après moi le déluge” which means, “After me comes the flood”.

I listened to this song on repeat as I was gearing up to write the final climax of the novel. I kept having visions of Sophie Greer storming across this massive expanse of lawn, a large manor in the background, with the wind whipping her hair into a frenzy and a fury of powerful energy surrounding her. It’s the moment in the story where all the bridges have been burned. The protagonist is completely alone and she must face what’s next or perish. She may perish anyway, but she’s determined to not only survive but conquer the secret patriarchal order that’s targeted her and so many others.

The lyrics “I must go on standing. You can’t break that which isn’t yours. I must go on standing. I’m not my own, it’s not my choice,” so perfectly encapsulated the feelings I sensed in the character in those final scenes. Feelings of being cornered between a rock and a hard place with no good choices available, surrounded by predators and liars. The feeling of having no one to rely on but yourself. It’s that do or die moment in the story that so many of us have perhaps experienced in our own lives.

I thought that might be it, one theme song for the book and done, but very quickly a second song appeared and then a third, and before I knew it I had thirteen songs to accompany the book. An auspicious number considering the significance in the story!

So, without further ado, I present to you the official playlist of Book I of my debut thriller, DAUGHTER OF BELIAL. The link above the list is to my Spotify playlist for the book. For your convenience, if you don’t have access to Spotify I’ve linked each individual song to its corresponding video on YouTube.

I highly recommend listening to the songs in order. I created the playlist as I was finishing the writing process whereby each song came to me intuitively and is listed in the order it was received.

Every one of these songs speaks to my heart and soul in some aspect or another. I hope you enjoy the playlist and that they’ll speak to you as well. I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!

Spotify Link:

1.)  Aprés MoiRegina Spektor

2.)  Broken BonesKALEO

3.)  Dark SideBishop Briggs

4.)  A Better Son/DaughterRilo Kiley

5.)  YouthDaughter

6.)  HeavyBirdtalker

7.)  Where’s My LoveSYML

8.)  Ain’t No ReasonBrett Dennen

9.)  Small ThingsBen Howard

10.)  I Wish I Was the MoonNeko Case

11.)  The DarkSYML

12.)  Seven DevilsFlorence + The Machine

13.)  A Little WickedValerie Broussard

P.S. A fun little game to play for those who read the book is to listen to the playlist and try to figure out which song fits best with which scene and/or character.



JENNIFER JUVENELLE is a Native American/French author born in Hollywood, raised in Detroit, and fashioned in France. Formerly an actress and model, Jennifer now splits her time between crafting psychological thrillers and the magic of motherhood. A survivor of childhood sexual abuse, Jennifer made healing from trauma a priority when her life became untenable. Daughter of Belial is the unexpected product of her journey from trauma to triumph. An eager explorer, she currently lives in a remote Mexican seaside-jungle village with her debonair Aussie author husband and their young son.






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Jennifer will be awarding a $50 Amazon OR Barnes and Noble Gift Card (Winner’s Choice!!!) to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

**This post contains affiliate links and if clicked and a purchase is made, I may receive a small commission to help support this blog.  This does not cost you anything, it just helps pay for all those fabulous community outreach projects and awesome giveaways on here**

This contest is sponsored by a third party. Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Goddess Fish Promotions.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette. The featured author and Goddess Fish Promotions are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.


  1. Hi Ally! It's so good to be back! Thank you so much for hosting, I'm excited about this tour and giveaway!

    To all the Fabulous readers out there, I'd love to hear from you! What do you think of the playlist? Which song speaks to you the most?

    1. Hey Jennifer!! I really enjoyed the guest post and appreciate you taking the time to create such a fun and fabulous playlist for my readers - especially tracking down all those video links!! I have always loved the song Youth by Daughter, so beautiful!! Have you seen the SYTYCD routine for that song?? It featured Season 12 runner-up winner Jaja (who was a fav) and all-star Alex. It was choreographed by Tassandra Chavez and shines light on early onset Alzheimer's. Definitely check it out if you haven't seen it. Found it on YouTube here - I also like KALEO, Florence + The Machine, and Valerie Broussard. Thanks again for stopping by and hanging out with FAB readers :)

  2. Sounds great, thank you for sharing.

    1. My pleasure, Rita! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Thank you for sharing your guest post, bio and book details and for offering a giveaway, the cover synopsis and excerpt have intrigued me and I am looking forward to reading this thrilling story

    1. Thanks Bea! It's good to connect with you again. I hope you have a chance to listen to the playlist!

  4. This sounds like an interesting story.

    1. Thank you, Kim! Much appreciated :)

  5. Congratulations on you release of Daughter of Belial, Jennifer, the cover is cool, I like the playlist and I enjoyed the excerpt, your book sounds like a very thrilling read! Good luck with your book and the tour!

    Thanks for sharing it with me and have a splendid day!

    1. Thanks Stormy! I'm so glad you're enjoying the details about my book and liked the playlist!

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks, Sherry! I'm so glad you like it!

  7. This sounds like a really great book!

  8. Really nice cover and excerpt, looking forward to reading this!

  9. Hey Jennifer... Not sure if you saw my above comment, it kind of got hidden among our earlier messages... So, thought I'd repost it down here... Again, thanks for continuing to stop by and chat with FAB readers :)

    Hey Jennifer!! I really enjoyed the guest post and appreciate you taking the time to create such a fun and fabulous playlist for my readers - especially tracking down all those video links!! I have always loved the song Youth by Daughter, so beautiful!! Have you seen the SYTYCD routine for that song?? It featured Season 12 runner-up winner Jaja (who was a fav) and all-star Alex. It was choreographed by Tassandra Chavez and shines light on early onset Alzheimer's. Definitely check it out if you haven't seen it. Found it on YouTube here - I also like KALEO, Florence + The Machine, and Valerie Broussard. Thanks again for stopping by and hanging out with FAB readers :)

    1. Hey Ally! I'm just catching up on comments now, sorry for the delay. I'm so glad you liked the playlist! I have not seen the SYTYCD routine, I will watch it asap, thanks for sharing! And yes, omg the KALEO song is one of my faves. The Valerie Broussard song I have Spotify to thank for recommending it. It came at the perfect time and fits in with my book in a way that's so perfect I can't even comment without giving too much away, ha! I really enjoy your blog and am having such a blast on this tour! Thanks again for hosting :)

  10. Is there a season you tend to write more in?

    1. Hmm... not that I've noticed. Although I think I tend to have writing "seasons". For example, I have long periods where I'm not writing anything but I'm taking in a lot of information through reading, or having a lot of life experience, like becoming a mom last October. This is usually followed by intense periods of writing where the alchemy of all that input gets mixed together in some exciting and creative way. I'm actually gearing up for a new writing season now!

  11. Replies
    1. Skinny Legs and All by Tom Robbins is an all-time favorite of mine. It forever changed my perspective on inanimate objects and Tom Robbins is a literary genius who writes about the sacred feminine in a way that only a man who truly loves women could do.

  12. Do you have any plans for Thanksgiving?

    1. Gosh, no! I miss Thanksgiving! I live in Mexico and am married to a rogue Australian so we've dropped off on a lot of the American holidays. But what I wouldn't give for some good ol' Stove Top stuffing and mashed potatoes! Might have to make my own little American T-Day :) What about you, do you have any plans?

  13. Have a wonderful Friday and weekend!

    1. Thank you! I had a lovely weekend with my family. I hope your weekend was fabulous and that you're off to a brilliant start this week!

  14. Replies
    1. Funnily enough, it's always been Thanksgiving! I'm a foodie, love all the foods :) But since having a child, I think I'm most excited for Christmas these days. What's yours?

  15. What is your favorite part of fall?

    1. I don't live in a climate that gets this anymore, but I love the changing of the leaves. I grew up in Michigan and the fall colors are so beautiful.

  16. Replies
    1. Life! I write from the heart and I write what scares me. I'm fascinated by the areas of life and of ourselves that we seek to hide, that we fear to look at. It's been immensely healing in my own life to look at those areas of myself and my history that I was in denial about or ashamed of, to bring them to the surface and clear them. I love fiction that carries a nugget of truth in its center, and my writing reflects this.

  17. Great question! Sorry for the delay, I haven't checked the comments in a few days. If I weren't a writer, I would definitely be in the personal development world full time. I'm super passionate about personal growth and healing from trauma so I would likely be a therapist or a personal coach of some kind.

  18. Where there any parts of this story hard to write?

    1. Oh gosh, yes! Lots of it were hard to write, particularly in later parts of the book. Daughter of Belial is a dark psy thriller and it takes some very unexpected turns. I had to dive deep into the shadows to bring out some of the narrative and I had to be willing to write about things I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. It was at times an excruciatingly visceral experience but I knew that if I was feeling it emotionally then readers would as well, and isn't that what makes the best stories? The ones we lose ourselves in, the ones that stick with us long after we've finished them.

  19. What is your favorite book of all time?

    1. See my answer to your question above when you asked about my favorite book. Same answer! Although, if I added a second book, it would be Shantaram by David Gregory Roberts. It's an epic masterpiece of literature.

  20. We're not planning a trip this year. Maybe next!

  21. What is your favorite holiday tradition?


  22. Do you have any advice for new writers?

  23. Do you plan to release another book this year?

  24. What is your favorite genre to read when you're not writing?

  25. What was your favorite book that you've read this year?
