
Friday, October 14, 2022

Fixed Moon by Katie Groom - Book Tour - Guest Post - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Hi, lovelies!!  It gives me great pleasure today to host Katie Groom and her new book, “Fixed Moon,” here on FAB!!  For other stops on her Goddess Fish Promotions Book Tour, please click on the banner above or any of the images in this post.

Be sure to make it to the end of this post to enter to win a $10 Amazon OR Barnes and Noble Gift Card!!  Also, come back daily to interact with Katie and to increase your chances of winning!!

Thanks for stopping by!!  Wishing you all lots of good luck in this fabulous giveaway!!

Fixed Moon

by Katie Groom


GENRE:   Paranormal Romance



After breaking her engagement and traveling 800 miles to start her life over, literature student Zoie is ready to live her life within the books she reads and the worlds she creates on the page. She will live her life solo — only her stuffed animal Judy by her side.

Werewolf and literature professor Hugh has long been wary of letting people into his life, even for someone who’s almost 200. His life in Birmingham, Alabama, and his only two friends in the world are enough to keep him content. Not happy, but as near as he figures is possible.

Neither is ready for the literal sparks that fly when they meet. But Hugh knows those sparks mean his heart belongs to Zoie, whether she wants it or not. Desperate to prove he’s worthy of her, Hugh takes Zoie to places mortals are forbidden, drawing dangerous attention to them both.

Now, together with their closest friends, Hugh and Zoie fight against ancient foes and even more ancient laws for their lives and their love.



Stevie placed her hands in front of her as if she was holding a big beach ball and closed her eyes. The boat shook ever so slightly and then the water started to rise above the sides of the boat.

Terrified that they were going to take on water, Zoie latched onto Hugh’s arm. She watched as either the water continued to rise above the boat or, maybe, the boat was sinking below the water.

As the water arched over their heads and created a ceiling, a fish fell at their feet. “Do I release it back or will that be an issue?” Zoie picked it up and waited for the signal — a nod from Stevie. Then she tossed it back towards the wall of water before it wiggled out of her hands.

The boat travelled further down into the depths of the ocean, slowly at first — as Stevie gauged Zoie’s potential reaction to increased pressure around the boat. The water grew a darker and darker blue until the only light was what was held in their own bubble.

Zoie was standing at the edge of the boat, holding the railing, when she saw a small light. She leaned forward to get a better look. Squinting her eyes, she tried to make out what was holding the light. She leaned further forward only to be inches from the wall of water — and inches from many rows of giant, pointy teeth.

Jumping back, she gasped and placed her hand over her mouth.



Some of My Favorite Items in My Office

It’s nice to have you in Birmingham!

I’m so excited to share what my office space is like in my apartment. I live outside of the city of Birmingham, AL — in a suburb — and I’ve been in the same apartment for more than four years; in March 2023, I will have been living in the Birmingham area for seven years, which is five more than I had ever anticipated when I moved here from Pittsburgh, PA.

Aaaaaanyways, on to the point! Everyone has certain things that they must have to do their work (or, in this case, writing), and I am no different. I haven’t even attempted to write in public yet because I make faces and scribble things and talk to myself. So, in that case, I write in two places: my couch or my home office.

My office has triple use, as a guest room; my office for work (Human Resources); and my office for writing, so there’s lots of things in it that aren’t dedicated to writing. I do dedicate one desk and monitor to work and the other desk and monitor to writing. I would like to nerd out for a moment and point out the Hanson poster that is framed above my work area; I have no shame in admitting that I am a Hanson fan club member — HAHA! That little factoid has absolutely nothing to do with actual writing and more to do with how important music is to me (and, as you’ll find out later, to my writing process).

I do have one specific mug that I use for my tea when I write. I can’t remember where I got this mug, but it is *vital* for the writing process (hahaha). Additionally, I am not sure who it’s telling that message to; I live alone (well, it’s just me and my dog, Delta). I love tea — many, many different flavors, but, sometimes I get into the zone and I let my tea go cold. I have a lot of different kinds of teas to enjoy (my favorite bagged tea is Dandelion and Peach flavored by Steep) and looseleaf. My brother gifted the literary teas to enjoy, and I’m still working through them. So far, all of them have incredible flavors. Pictured is the Beatrix Potter blend. And, yes, I have a kettle; even as an American, I know that microwaving tea is a crime!

I’ve gotta have snackies! I like to enjoy some almonds with chocolate chips and shredded coconut. The brand of these doesn’t matter. I make the mix myself. It’s like a little deconstructed almond joy!

Of course, staying hydrated is important! I have this motivational water bottle to make sure I’m getting in enough water because, at times, I can start writing and just get in the zone and forget to eat, drink — even get up and move! This water bottle (“the 64 ouncer” — yes, that’s a slightly off reference to “The Great Outdoors” starring John Candy) — I just ordered it online. I do have other sizes because this one doesn’t fit in a cupholder in the car (pro-tip: do consider that when buying beverage vessels; I’ve now made this error twice!).

For office supplies, I absolutely must have Pilot G-2 (10) pens in either blue or black. They are the absolutely most perfect pen I’ve ever had. They write at the perfect thickness and smoothness for me. Additionally, I need some paper to write random ideas on. Right now, I’m using this large floral notepad (that, honestly, is a weekly planner) to jot down quick ideas. I don’t write them in any particular direction or order — or even level of neatness. It’s a wonder that I can read some of the notes or even understand what I was referencing!

I do have a lap desk because sometimes I like to work from the couch for a change. It’s nothing special. I do have another that’s a little bit bigger, but I like the texture of the one pictured here, so I used it much more often.

I also have a blanket that my mom made for me that I use if I’m cold or am writing a particularly cozy scene. Delta likes to cuddle in it — so it’s become her blanket. She is also a requirement, no matter where I write. I sometimes read things to her aloud. She doesn’t really speak her opinions, but she’s a good listener and a total Velcro dog. She’s also absolutely fantastic at providing encouragement or cheering me up with kisses after writing a particularly difficult or emotional part.

Another must have is music. I can’t work when there is a movie or TV show playing, but I’m more likely to get connected to a character if I’m listening to music. I do listen to different music depending on the character’s POV that I’m writing in, and I have playlists that are at least four hours long for each. Fixed Moon has dual POVs: Zoie is a woman in her mid-twenties, and Hugh is a nearly 200 year old werewolf. Below is a sample list for each of them, with a few notes for some of the songs to help you get to know Zoie, Hugh, and me.


The Weakness in Me by Joan Armatrading

Never Really Over by Katy Perry

Adore You by Harry Styles

Ain’t It Fun by Paramore

Madness by Muse

I’m on Fire by Bruce Springsteen

Leather and Lace by Stevie Nicks & Don Henley (Bonus piece of info: if Zoie & Hugh had “a song”, this would be it.)

Cecilia and the Satellite by Andrew McMahon in the Wilderness

Slow Hands by Niall Horan

Jolene by Dolly Parton

Bonus Hanson Track: Dancin’ in the Wind (Note: This song includes the lyric “this music is a place to hide”, and that hits me — and Zoie — to the core.)


Transatlanticism by Death Cab for Cutie (listen to this during the last ~1/3 of the book; it’s so long that you probably could read that entire section of the book during it — jkjk it’s only about 8 minutes)

In the Air Tonight by Phil Collins (I know this song is about a relationship gone sour, but to Hugh, it’s about the two parts of him — the man and the wolf — battling it out.)

Beast of Burden by The Rolling Stones

Caught Up in You by 38 Special

Beth by Kiss

Happy by Bruce Springsteen

Fortunate Sun by Creedence Clearwater Revival

Free Fallin’ by Tom Petty

Legs by ZZ Top

Nothing Else Matters by Metallica

Bonus Hanson Track: A Minute Without You (Author’s note: This is my all time favorite song, and I’m listening to it right now).

Thank you for virtually visiting my writing HQ! I hope you enjoyed a peek into my writing process — and I truly hope you listen to the playlists! Fixed Moon is available as of October 4, 2022, and I can be found on social media via Twitter at @vintage_katie_ and Instagram at @katiegroomwrites.



Katie Groom grew up in rural Pennsylvania, where she received her bachelor’s degree in Business Management from PITT and her master’s in Employment and Labor Relations from Indiana University of Pennsylvania. In 2016, she decided to move to Alabama in order to avoid as much snow as possible (and to advance her career in Human Resources).

When she isn’t working, Katie enjoys reading, writing, jokingly critiquing movies and TV, and campaigning that the plural of moose should be meese. She also loves to take in live music (especially Hanson) and traveling, with the goal of reaching each of the continents. Katie’s favorite pastime, however, is spending time with her beloved Shih tzu, Delta.





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Cinnabar Moth Publishing LLC Paperback:

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Katie will be awarding a $10 Amazon OR Barnes and Noble Gift Card (Winner’s Choice!!!) to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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This contest is sponsored by a third party. Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Goddess Fish Promotions.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette. The featured author and Goddess Fish Promotions are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.