
Wednesday, September 7, 2022

The Cannibal's Guide to Fasting by Dana Hammer - Book Tour - Guest Post - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Hey, lovelies!!  It gives me great pleasure today to host Dana Hammer and her new book, “The Cannibal's Guide to Fasting,” here on FAB!!  For other stops on her Goddess Fish Promotions Book Tour, please click on the banner above or any of the images in this post.

Be sure to make it to the end of this post to enter to win a $10 Amazon OR Barnes and Noble Gift Card!!  Also, come back daily to interact with Dana and to increase your chances of winning!!

Thanks for stopping by!!  Wishing you all lots of good luck in this fabulous giveaway!!

The Cannibal's Guide to Fasting

by Dana Hammer


GENRE:   Comedic Horror



Igor Fenenko, a former research scientist, is a scary, scary man. Not only is he a massive bodybuilder with a spider tattooed on his face, he has also been infected with Pestis Manducans — viral cannibalism. Igor tried to resist indulging, but his research specimens smelled so delicious. Who did it hurt, really, to nibble a corpse?

Caught, disgraced, and sent to a ‘rehabilitation’ center, Igor is now forced to live in a government-mandated Containment Center. He spends his days pressing wildflowers, growing blueberries, and doing his best to avoid human meat. More than anything, he wants a cure for the virus that has ruined his life.

Igor’s brother, Karl, is also infected with Pestis. But unlike Igor, he does not live in a Containment Center. He lives down by the river, where he runs a cannibal rights group. At first, the group seems harmless enough, if a bit creepy and overzealous. But when Igor discovers their evil practices, he is forced to intervene.

Aided and opposed by rich eccentrics who have their own agendas, Igor must use brains and muscles to find a cure while fighting the urge to turn brains and muscles into a delicious lunch.



Igor’s home is a single-wide trailer in a “community” that the government has set up for former cannibals. Decent, lawabiding, non-infected folks do not want man-eaters to live in their neighborhoods, but they won’t go so far as to demand executions for the infected, and so the forced cannibal community was born.

For a time, the infected were held in prisons and jails, until those became too overcrowded, and the state was forced to find other solutions. Now, the official plan of action is this: identify the cannibals, send them to a treatment center, and then house them in secure, guarded communities with their own kind.

Igor’s community is one of the nicer ones. The trailers are small but clean, and the neighborhood is kept tidy and quiet. Each trailer even has a small patch of lawn, for residents to use as they please. Igor uses his for fruit and vegetable gardening. Some other people plant flowers, and some of them plant nothing at all, but fill their yards with furniture or above-ground pools.

Other communities aren’t so lucky. Igor is grateful for his home, despite the security guards who occasionally take their jobs a bit too seriously. Despite the constant scrutiny of the inspectors, despite the fact that his ID lists his address as “High Risk Containment Center” and that any time he has to show that ID to anyone, he gets glares or looks of disgust or flat refusals of service. He is grateful, because without it, and without a job, and without anyone willing to take him in, he would likely be homeless.



Stuff in My Office

As a writer who lives with two extremely disorganized and messy family members, it’s important to me to have a dedicated space where I don’t have to deal with other people’s garbage, dishes, dirty socks, and demands. Hence, my “office”. I say “office” but it’s really just a roll-top desk that I’ve situated in a corner in the kitchen. Maybe if you all buy enough copies of my book, I can level up my living situation and have a real, dedicated office, full of rich mahogany and art and shit. But for now, it’s a corner in the kitchen.

Here are a few things that are always in my office. They are there because either A) I love them, or B) I find them necessary. I’m going to tell you about five of them.

1.)  Notebooks

Any writer will tell you about the importance of notebooks. I have stacks of them, thanks to my supportive mother-in-law, who sends me large quantities of them in the mail. I also tend to buy them whenever I see them on sale somewhere. They are so random. For instance, I have five notebooks that have Marilyn Monroe on the cover. Why? Who knows?  Some are beautiful, with floral designs, and suede covers. Some of them are cheap paper notebooks with cats on them. It doesn’t matter, my stack of notebooks is the best thing in my office, and I don’t know what I’d do without my notebooks.

2.)  This specific cup

This is my favorite mug for tea. It’s the perfect size and shape. Again, it was a gift from my mother-in-law. I find it very hard to write without a beverage. Tea is my beverage of choice. I am drinking black tea as I write this.

3.)  Frida Kahlo shot glasses

These are not for drinking. I don’t take shots every time I sit down to write. (Not anymore.) These were a gift from a friend, and I keep them on my desk because I like a reminder that pain and disability are not barriers to creating art. Frida Kahlo suffered from debilitating pain for most of her life, and she created some of the greatest surrealist art ever painted. Sometimes I get upset and discouraged because of my lupus and all the medical dramas I have to deal with. Frida cheers me up.


You guys. If you haven’t written with incense burning, you are not living your best life. It doesn’t matter what you’re writing or why. You can be writing total trashy garbage, or a grocery list, but if incense is burning, you’re basically a sage, meditating in a temple, all full of wisdom. I know some people don’t like incense because they “don’t like strong smells” or they “have asthma” or they “aren’t hippies”. But honestly, if you can, burn incense while you write. Hell, burn incense if you don’t write. Just do it.

5.)  Badly drawn drawings

During the “stay inside” part of the pandemic, I decided that I would learn to draw. I’ve never been able to do it, and I thought, hey, now’s the perfect time to try. It’s been over two years since then, and I still haven’t learned to draw well. But I do it anyway, because it’s fun. So I have stacks of these weird little drawings that I shove in a drawer. Here is one for your enjoyment. You’re welcome.

And those are five of the things in my office. There are many more things, but they are boring, or they have personal identifying information on them, and cannot be put on the internet. Thanks for reading!





Dana Hammer is a novelist, screenwriter and playwright. She has won over forty awards and honors for her writing, few of which generated income, all of which were deeply appreciated. She is not a cannibal.





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Dana will be awarding a $10 Amazon OR Barnes and Noble Gift Card (Winner’s Choice!!!) to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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This contest is sponsored by a third party. Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Goddess Fish Promotions.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette. The featured author and Goddess Fish Promotions are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.