
Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Love Potion #999 by C.S. Edwards - Book Tour - Guest Post - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Hey, lovelies!!  It gives me great pleasure today to host C.S. Edwards and her new book, “Love Potion #999,” here on FAB!!  For other stops on her Goddess Fish Promotions Book Tour, please click on the banner above or any of the images in this post.

Be sure to make it to the end of this post to enter to win a $25 Amazon OR Barnes and Noble Gift Card!!  Also, come back daily to interact with C.S. Edwards and to increase your chances of winning!!

Thanks for stopping by!!  Wishing you all lots of good luck in this fabulous giveaway!!

Love Potion #999

The Witch Doctors Series

Book Two

by C.S. Edwards


GENRE:  Paranormal Romance



Did you hear what happened when a witch doctor met a witchologist in a bar? Well, mayhem ensued! What else did you expect? It's all because everyone had too many Gnome Island Iced Teas, not to mention the cloud of intoxicating glitter that put everyone under the table even if they didn't drink a drop. But the real punch line in that fateful tale were the two potion-filled arrow toting cupids. For one witch, after that night, stuff got real.

You see, the witch doctor was none other than the famous apothecary and alchemist, Betsy Babington. She's a celebrity! Famous, successful, single, and... bored. Before she walked into that bar, Betsy was itching to change things up. So, she enlisted her coven of misfits and two mischievous cherubs to make a rogue love potion recipe — destined to be the next big thing in her famous potions brand. She never once thought about making Love Potion#999 for herself! Definitely not! Well, maybe she did, just a little...

For the whole truth, you'll have to read the story. All I can really say is some magical historians have said Betsy Babington's tangle with the trouble of Love Potion #999 was like opening Pandora's box. Now that was a little extreme. For the folks who were there, it was more like a weekend in Vegas.



She was tired of the same ole same ole. The truth was, Betsy Babington was tired of a lot of things in her life. She was tired of working so hard. She was tired of being famous. Some days, she was tired of being a witch doctor. But most everyday Betsy was tired of being alone. Of course, she had her coven, Ron, Lola, April and Jessica—which she loved. Charles, her ogre bodyguard, was truly like family. Her baby boy cherubs were total stinkers, but she totally adored them. But that one true special someone in her life was missing. She was 135, and single. That fact, coupled with the news of her younger sister falling for a hunky, mysterious, mystic angel, made Betsy jealous. Jealously was not an emotion she was used to having or liked. She’d never been jealous of either of her siblings. Bart and Betty Babington were awesome witch doctors, in their own right. But she had the life to be jealous of—that’s what she used to think. Lately, Betsy Babington felt green with envy at the mention of Betty and Gates, or any couple, and that icky feeling was stuck in her crawl.

A red blush crept across her face — brought on by envy and jealousy. She rubbed her cheek, desperate to temper the color before any member of her coven caught a glimpse of it. Ron, Lola, April and Jessica never noticed. They were oblivious, busy arguing about measurements.

“Not too much honey, that’s the key.” Ron measured the thick gooey liquid in a beaker.

“And just a drop of artemisia. We wouldn’t want to poison anyone.” April fussed. “It’s only for the silver color, anyway.”

Betsy strolled across the room to join her team as she gently folded the loose-leaf paper and tucked it in her lab coat pocket. “April’s right. Artemisia can be dangerous. But not the way we use it to tint the potion. Just a drop and a quarter should be all you need to make the Mirror Me potion sparkle.”



Where Do You Find Inspiration?

Inspiration is a fickle thing. It can be elusive, and hard to wrangle. But when you can identify your inspirational triggers, it’s like a magical wand you can whip out anytime you want! Well, maybe not anytime, but most of the time. And who doesn’t love a magic wand!!

My magic inspiration wand is fueled by randomness. Seriously, I’m all over the place with what inspires me. Sometimes, I’m inspired by a turn of phrase. Literally, just a few words that strike me as an awesome title and sounds like a great read. I’ve built entire worlds around just one phase.

But one of my favorite inspirations is music. I love song lyrics. Pop, country, classic, rock. ALL music genres give me ideas. I can get lost in a song as quickly as I get lost in a book. When I’m listening to music, I see the ‘story’ and feel the emotions. Then, I take it further and start asking what if this happened, or that? And then, the whole story just snowballs. Next thing you know, I’ve got a pretty good start on a new tale to tell.

For example, my new release, Love Potion #999 was inspired by The Searchers 1964 song, Love Potion Number Nine. If you listen to that song, you find all the elements I’ve built into this story. It’s a crazy romp about a bad love potion that causes all sorts of bad behavior. So, once I had that general feel and theme of the story as my backdrop, I could really layer in my characters. What they say. What they do. And how they feel. All of those details tie back to that gypsy-like rock tune – it’s catchy, sexy, and makes you want to sing along. I hope this book does the same for its readers.

What happens when your wand poops out? Well, sometimes, as with all authors, my magic inspirational wand’s batteries die and there’s not a charger to be found. Even my ‘old trusty’ music does nothing for me. The world is cold and dark, and my mind is blank. Those are scary times, indeed. That’s when I turn to pictures. I don’t mean movies – although a great flick can definitely pull me out of a funk. I mean photographs. I’ve been taking photos since I was eight. That’s the year I got my first Polaroid camera for Christmas. Looking through that lens is transformative. And sometime you just need a new viewpoint to get you back on track. So, when I’m stuck. I dig out the Canon (I’ve got a fancy version now), and start clicking away. Before you know it, my brain is flooded with ideas and images… and my story begins again.

There’s one more place I go to get lost creating new lives and worlds for my novels. It might sound trendy, but Pinterest is my virtual best friend. I bet I spend more time scrolling stuff on Pinterest than any other form of social media. I love it. It’s like all the magazines and pictures in the universe at your fingertips. And yes, I do make book boards! These help a ton when ironing out tricky story problems or just getting a sense of who your characters are, what they look like, how they act, and where they live! Yes, I’ll say it again, I love Pinterest! Find me here:

So funny, just chatting it out about all these magical inspirational things has got my wand all fueled up! So, I hate to run and write… but when the page calls, I answer.



Author Pic – C.S. Edwards

PC: C.S. Edwards

I was born in Ashland, Kentucky, the youngest of three children, and grew up in the small Eastern Kentucky town of Inez. I moved to Lexington to finish high school. Attending Transylvania University for two years, before graduating from Hollins University in Roanoke, Virginia - with a degree in Economics - go figure! After a stint in New York City, I moved back home to Kentucky and have since built my life around family.

C.S. Edwards’ beautiful five children

PC: C.S. Edwards

Living just outside of Cincinnati with my husband, Sean, and our five amazing kids, and a precious goldendoodle, I work hard to find time to balance family, work, and writing.

My first passion is weaving mysteries and I'm working on several new fiction projects now. This past year, I also found great joy in creating useful journals, trackers, and planners. I have big plans for publishing more of these creative notebooks in the future! As always, I cannot wait to share my next novel with you. I hope you enjoy, and welcome hearing from you!

C.S. Edwards’ adorable Goldendoodle, Ginger

PC: C.S. Edwards



C.S. Edwards and her husband enjoying a fun night out

PC: C.S. Edwards



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Magic and Mayhem Universe Author Page:


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Amazon US Kindle eBook:

Amazon CA Kindle eBook:

Barnes and Noble NOOK eBook:

Kobo US eBook:

Kobo CA eBook:

Universal – Books2Read:



C.S. Edwards will be awarding a $25 Amazon OR Barnes and Noble Gift Card (Winner’s Choice!!!) to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

**This post contains affiliate links and if clicked and a purchase is made, I may receive a small commission to help support this blog.  This does not cost you anything, it just helps pay for all those fabulous community outreach projects and awesome giveaways on here**

This contest is sponsored by a third party. Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Goddess Fish Promotions.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette. The featured author and Goddess Fish Promotions are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.


  1. C.S. Edwards ~ Good morning!! Welcome to FAB!! It is so great to have you here!! Congrats on your new book and good luck on the book tour!! :)

    P.S. ~ Thanks for sending in the additional pics!! I often think pics add that little extra something to the post and allow readers to get you know you better!! Hope you are happy with the placements and captions :)

  2. Thank you for sharing your guest post, bio and book details, I have enjoyed reading about you and your work and I am looking forward to reading Love Potion #999, it sounds like an awesome story

  3. The cover is so cute! I love the cauldron! Adorable 🥰

  4. I enjoyed reading the guest post and the excerpt, Love Potion #999 sounds like my kind of book and I am looking forward to reading it!

    Thanks for sharing it with me and have a terrific TGIF!

  5. What’s your favorite ice cream flavor?

  6. Thanks for the great excerpt. The book sounds very interesting. Love the cover!

  7. Where is your favorite place to be?

  8. What is your favorite comfort food? Mine is chicken and dumplings

  9. I tried to comment at Viviana McKade’s blog but it was a loop of me signing in and it wouldn’t publish it. My question for the author is, are you a fan of pumpkin spice? I personally lose my mind and drink it until they don’t re stock it anymore 😂

  10. Do you have any fun plans for the weekend?
