
Monday, August 29, 2022

Poetry from My Heart: A Journey through Feelings by Paul Guerin - Book Tour - Guest Post - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Hi, lovelies!!  It gives me great pleasure today to host Paul Guerin and his new book, “Poetry from My Heart: A Journey through Feelings,” here on FAB!!  For other stops on his Goddess Fish Promotions Book Tour, please click on the banner above or any of the images in this post.

Be sure to make it to the end of this post to enter to win a $15 Amazon OR Barnes and Noble Gift Card!!  Also, come back daily to interact with Paul and to increase your chances of winning!!

Thanks for stopping by!!  Wishing you all lots of good luck in this fabulous giveaway!!

Poetry from My Heart:

A Journey through Feelings

by Paul Guerin


GENRE:  Poetry – Inspirational



Poetry: writing that formulates a concentrated imaginative awareness of experience, in language chosen and arranged to create a specific emotional response through meaning, sound, and rhythm.

Poetry means different things to different people. For me, it is all about feelings. If it captures the emotions of the reader, a poem will resonate and fill the soul. It can mean everything to one person and not much at all to another. The mood of the reader and no-one else determines the outcome.

For example, love poems are wonderful when you are in love and their passion is amazing. If you are facing adversity, however, love poems likely will just annoy or even anger you.

In "Poetry from my Heart", I have attempted to divide the poems into categories which will fit your mood no matter what you are experiencing at the time you choose to explore them. There should be something for everyone, no matter whether you are in love, out of love, you hurt, you are lonely, angry, abandoned, or you are facing other challenges in your life.

Poetry has a healing power that nurtures the soul and quietens the mind, and so I hope that whatever your situation is in life, you will find something here that helps you safely on your journey.



You awoke my world

I met you and you awoke my world

Suddenly the birds sang louder

And the music seemed more magical

Our souls touched and our hearts beat as one

We both know that this is not possible

We will pinch each other to see if it is real

We both know there are hurdles ahead

But just now we do not care

I promise you I will never control you

Promise me you will love me always

Let us promise each other forever friendship

Let’s become the best friends of our dreams

I promise you can be free with me

That I will always want you to fly on your own

I will always be here for you no matter what

I swear these promises to the God inside my soul

Time will pass and we will climb mountains

We are a team of simple, pure, amazing grace

The changes we have made in our lives are huge

Let’s move forward with the speed of mutual lightening

At times I feel afraid of the pace and the risks this change may bring

At times I simply want to be alone to figure the right path

At times I stagger, falling and getting back up

Always, I have been there for you without a word

When you need space, it is freely yours to have

I will never hold you when you need to be free

My soul will never smother your free spirit

I will always hold you when you need to be held

Why does reality block the way

Why can’t I find the right path

Which way shall I go



Reasons You Should Read My Book

My name is Paul Guerin, the author of “Poetry from My Heart; A Journey through Feelings”. Thank you for inviting me to your Blog to talk about my book of poetry, which was published earlier this year!

Making a decision to “let the inner poet emerge” wasn’t easy.  I am a professional person, somewhat outwardly conservative and known for providing down-to-earth advice to business clients over several decades. My fear was that my inner poet might not be taken seriously.

The other consideration in deciding to publish, was that it takes considerable courage to write about one’s innermost thoughts and feelings and then a huge leap of faith to actually proceed to publication and share those secrets with the world at large. Scary stuff!

But I proceeded, throwing fate to the wind and published Poetry from my Heart; A Journey through Feelings. Shortly after the book came out, my four adult children, almost in unison, told me how proud they were of the courage I showed in sharing my life’s experiences with the world.  That was both humbling and the icing on the cake that affirmed I had made the right decision to come clean and share the real me!

Poetry means different things to different people. For me, it is all about feelings. If it captures the emotions of the reader, a poem will resonate and fill the soul. It can mean everything to one person and not much at all to another. The mood of the reader and no-one else, determines the outcome. 

For example, love poems are wonderful when you are in love and their passion can be amazing. However, if you are facing adversity or falling out of love, love poems likely will just annoy you.

I believe that poetry has a healing power that nurtures the soul and quietens the mind. Whatever my situation was in life, poetry helped me to identify and release my feelings. Once I identified and released my feelings, I could let them go and move forward as a free man.

I have divided the poems in my book, into five principal categories which will fit your mood, no matter what you are experiencing at the time you choose to explore them. There should be something for everyone, whether you are in love, out of love, you hurt, you are lonely, angry, abandoned, or you are facing other challenges in your life.

My poems were written over several decades and were inspired by my own life experiences. I call those experiences “designer moments”. The poems cover the entire spectrum of feelings including these five – love, adversity, hope, inspiration and solitude.

Thanks again for inviting me. I hope you enjoy my book!


Paul Guerin



As a very young boy, I lived in a small Irish townland village called Castletownroche. The village was situated in the very beautiful and pastoral County Cork. I had an Irish uncle who played in a showband and who taught me to fish at age four. I wrote a poem about that. My mother was absent and I never knew my father. I wrote another poem about that. We lived in abject poverty. I survived by the grace and loving kindness of an old Irish grandmother sporting a black dress, black shawl and a wicked temper driving a razor-sharp tongue. I called her Nana.

Nana taught me to fear her retribution and used it to keep me safe and provide security that I could find nowhere else. Well into my teens, my inner world was cast in fear and I had no real sense of belonging or attachment to anyone or to anything. The inability to handle those feelings eventually led me to substance abuse. My journey along that road has generated much of the poetry of adversity, hope, and inspiration that you will find in this book. I truly hope that those poems in particular will salve the souls of those of you who are still trudging that happy road to destiny on your way back from hell.

Not surprisingly, I have had difficulty in maintaining healthy relationships throughout my life, and much of the love poetry is about those failures and many, many, sorry attempts to return to love. Those painful/happy experiences had a major influence on my writing.






Goodreads Author Page:

Goodreads Book Page:



Amazon US Kindle eBook:

Amazon US Paperback:

Amazon US Hardcover:

Amazon CA Kindle eBook:

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Amazon CA Hardcover:

Barnes and Noble Paperback:

Barnes and Noble Hardcover:

Book Depository Paperback:

Book Depository Hardcover:

Indigo Chapters CA eBook:

Indigo Chapters CA Paperback:

Kobo US eBook:

Kobo CA eBook:



Paul will be awarding a $15 Amazon OR Barnes and Noble Gift Card (Winner’s Choice!!!) to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

**This post contains affiliate links and if clicked and a purchase is made, I may receive a small commission to help support this blog.  This does not cost you anything, it just helps pay for all those fabulous community outreach projects and awesome giveaways on here**

This contest is sponsored by a third party. Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Goddess Fish Promotions.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette. The featured author and Goddess Fish Promotions are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.


  1. I love the cover and think the book sounds good.

  2. This sounds like a terrific book of poetry. Beautiful cover.

  3. Here's to a sensational September!

  4. Replies
    1. Lots more to enjoy in the book - thanks for your feedback

  5. Thank you for sharing your poetry with us

  6. I hope you had a nice and relaxing Labor Day weekend

  7. Thank you for sharing the excerpt, I really enjoyed it

  8. I hope everyone has a great weekend!

  9. Did it take you a while to develop a style of writing that is all your own? I feel like my writing is stream of consciousness

    1. Yes I think it evolved over many years as I experienced the ups and downs of life's journey - it definitely is a stream of consciousness and emotion driven

  10. Do you have a favorite cartoon as an adult?

    1. Still Popeye - "I am what I am ...I'm Popeye the sailor man". A great mantra!

  11. What inspired you to write this book?
    digicats {at} sbcglobal {dot} net
