
Wednesday, July 27, 2022

The Final Crossing: A Tale of Self-Discovery and Adventure by Vince Santoro - Book Tour - Guest Post - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Hi, lovelies!!  It gives me great pleasure today to host Vince Santoro and his new book, “The Final Crossing: A Tale of Self-Discovery and Adventure,” here on FAB!!  For other stops on his Goddess Fish Promotions Book Tour, please click on the banner above or any of the images in this post.

Be sure to make it to the end of this post to enter to win a $15 Amazon OR Barnes and Noble Gift Card!!  Also, come back daily to interact with Vince and to increase your chances of winning!!

Thanks for stopping by!!  Wishing you all lots of good luck in this fabulous giveaway!!

The Final Crossing:

A Tale of Self-Discovery and Adventure

by Vince Santoro


GENRE:  Historical Fiction



In this tale of self-discovery and adventure, we are connected with a history we've come to know as the cradle of civilization.

Nenshi, an Egyptian house servant, raised in nobility, is well-schooled, a master huntsman and hungers to be free. His master agrees to grant his freedom but while the petition is set to be heard, Nenshi's indiscretion gets in the way. He is caught in a secret love affair with a woman above his social status.

As punishment, he is exiled to labour in the Nubian gold mines. His life turns upside down as he is thrust into a world for which he had been ill prepared. He escapes from the mines and vows to return to Thebes, but his attempts push him farther and farther away on a journey that redefines him – a journey mired with cruelty, bloodshed, and the discovery of a new deity.

In the end Nenshi learns his freedom has been granted and must decide whether to return to his homeland or start a new life.



Check out what readers are saying about Vince’s new book, “The Final Crossing,” below:

"I greatly enjoyed this well written story by Vince Santoro. He takes us across the Ancient World through the protagonist, Nenshi, an exiled Egyptian servant who struggles with class structure, both around and within himself. Santoro weaves a story of ideas – a sense of belonging, monotheism, and the human soul - told through Nenshi's rite of passage through to his final crossing. The setting is visually evocative of "spirit of place" as the novelist and travel writer Lawrence Durrell called it. It's a story worth reading."

~ Terry Stanfill

Award winning historical fiction author of The Gift from Fortuny, Realms of Gold, The Blood Remembers and other works.

"Vince Santoro is a gifted storyteller. I found The Final Crossing difficult to put down because it is well written. As an historian and author of non-fiction books, I am impressed with the amount of research that Santoro has done to prepare this story of adventure and romance set in the ancient Middle East. The customs, the beliefs and even the character names are all authentic to that region and era. With so many plot twists and turns, Santoro will keep you guessing about what might happen next to the protagonist until the very end!"

~ John Charles Corrigan

Author of The Red Night and "Love Always"



The sound of dragging footsteps along the pebbled path grew louder. The morning heat would soon turn into an inferno and drain any enthusiasm from the simplest of pleasures. But it was not enough to hamper a hunting expedition.

“Finally,” Nenshi said as he bent down to grab his bow and arrows nestled between his feet. “Must you always be late?” He looked up to the sky and squinted to get a reading of the sun’s position. “I don’t have all day. Unlike you.”

“Don’t scold me like a child. I keep forgetting,” Hordekef replied and wiped his clammy hands on his shirt.

Nenshi shook his head. “You keep forgetting you’re a free man and I am not?”

Hordekef shrugged his shoulders and turned to look down at his hunting dog. “Precisely,” he replied as he tugged at the leash to nudge the dog to come closer. It refused. “I have known you as a nobleman’s son, not a servant.”

Nenshi frowned, hated to be reminded of his status. Unlike most servants, even raised in nobility had its burdens. Hordekef gave the leash another tug. The dog still refused to budge. “Perhaps one day you will call me to celebrate your freedom rather than go hunting.”

There was silence, save for the sound of the dog’s pant.

The yearning for freedom had grown over time but the longing was not enough to set Nenshi free. Even though it was uncommon for servants to ask for their freedom, if warranted, in time, it would be granted. But Nenshi could not wait to be accorded such benevolence.

“Well … when will you ask your master to grant you your independence?” Hordekef asked. “You have told me, repeatedly, you would.”

Nenshi was reluctant to answer but felt the obligation to provide his friend with an explanation. “I have tried, several times. Something always gets in the way, his work, visits from old friends. I don’t know what else to do. He has been good to me. You know that. I don’t want to disrespect him.”

“Tehuti is aging. After he enters the underworld, you will still respect him. Unfortunately, your status will not have changed.”

Nenshi remained silent. The dead air surrounding him fell on his shoulders and caused him to be still, immobile. The heaviness could only be shaken with distraction. “Let’s go, we’re wasting time,” he said, tipping his head sideways in the direction of the wasteland.



My Favorite Scene in This Book…

Trying to come up with my favourite scene in my book is not easy. There are so many to consider. But if I had to choose one, it would be this. But first here’s a little background for context.

The protagonist, Nenshi, and his best friend Hordekef had gone to see a fortuneteller to help Nenshi understand a disturbing dream he had earlier. We also know from previous chapters that Hordekef has always been envious of Nenshi and his prowess as a huntsman. Nonetheless, their lifelong friendship is strong. And we also know that Nenshi is a servant, raised by a nobleman and hence afforded some privileges including private tutors and how to use a bow and arrow.

Also, prior to the visit to the fortuneteller, the petition to set Nenshi free had been completed and ready to be submitted. Hordekef had volunteered to deliver it himself to the court’s scribes. But instead, he decided to hold on to the petition for a little while and didn’t tell Nenshi.

On their way home from the fortuneteller, while workers were raising blocks during the construction of a house, ropes snapped and caused the rock to plummet to the ground. A broken piece struck Hordekef.

So now here comes my favourite scene. Nenshi visits Hordekef where he’s recovering from the injury.

I focus on the emotions but not from what is said. In fact, nothing is said between Nenshi and Hordekef. Nenshi’s thoughts project his emotions. He feels guilty for agreeing to have his dream interpreted. If he had not gone, Hordekef would not be fighting for his life. Hordekef, heavily sedated, is hardly aware his friend is in the room.

I like this scene because it highlights the deep friendship between the characters. Emotions are expressed without words. It begs the question, will Hordekef survive to deliver the petition, or will he die and keep Nenshi enslaved forever?

Here is the scene. I’d love to hear your take on it.

Outside Hordekef's room Nenshi sat distraught. With his hands cupped to his chin, his elbows rested on his knees, he reflected and blamed himself for having told Hordekef about his dream. And he should have refused to seek the interpretation of a witch. The remorse strangled every thought, every breath.

The physician walked out from the room accompanied by Hordekef's parents. A look at their faces, their eyes, revealed their pain from the deepest recesses of their hearts. They gave no sign that the worst had passed. It was left to the physician to opine.

"His injuries are serious," he said, in typical physician's fashion. "His leg is broken. Internally, he is bleeding. He's in significant discomfort. I have given him a sedative and a potion to help stop the haemorrhaging. The hours ahead are crucial. I will remain and keep watch."

Hordekef's mother wept, stricken by the accident. His father questioned Nenshi. "Why would you go to that part of the city? Didn't you know it's not a place for our kind, nor yours?"

The accusation cut deep. "Forgive me," Nenshi said. "We should not have gone there."

Hordekef's father shook his head and walked away. Nenshi turned to Hordekef's mother. "I must see him?" His eyes begged for the visit. She understood the friendship and nodded.

The physician put out his hand. "Be aware that he is under heavy sedation. He may not recognize you or even acknowledge your presence. Please be brief."

Nenshi sat by the bed and stared at his friend, immobile and peaceful; a sign the sedative took control. Hordekef’s leg and lower abdomen were wrapped to prevent movement. His sallow face invited death and his breathing became slow and rhythmic. Nenshi wiped the tears from his cheek fearing Hordekef would open his eyes to see his friend, broken.

He held Hordekef's hand. The touch, warm and comforting, caused it to twitch. Hordekef's eyes opened, as slow as the morning sun peered from the horizon. His pupils were dilated, his senses fogged. A short smile acknowledged Nenshi's presence. Hordekef's lips quivered, wanting to speak, wanting to tell his friend not to worry. They exchanged a glance. For that moment the sedative had paused from its purpose, long enough, to allow friends to greet each other. Then Hordekef closed his eyes. Serenity accompanied his long and deep breaths.

Nenshi took a damp cloth and dabbed the perspiration from Hordekef’s forehead. A tear fell and landed on Hordekef's hand. Nenshi gently wiped it with his finger, then rose and left the room.

If only Nenshi had turned around just before he exited, he would have seen Hordekef open his eyes again. He would have noticed his friend struggle to speak and raise his hand. He would have noticed Hordekef point to the corner of the room, to a wooden chest that rested on a small folding stool. In it were the documents, the petition intended to set Nenshi free.



Vince is an Italian-born Canadian who grew up in Toronto, Canada, and now lives in Pickering, a suburb of Toronto.

In his youth, education and sports became a priority. A private boys' school, St. Michael's College in Toronto, provided the opportunity for both. He graduated from York University, Toronto, with a degree in history and a minor in behavioural science.

Vince was always up for new challenges. After completing his studies, he set his eyes on Europe and played professional basketball in Italy. When he returned home, he shifted gears and worked in the aerospace industry in several capacities. The most rewarding was managing internal communications for a large aircraft manufacturer. It was during this time he decided to hone his writing skills by studying journalism at Ryerson University, Toronto, and he had several articles published.

His career in communications along with studies in history and journalism prepared him to take on his next challenge: to write a book. His debut novel, The Final Crossing, has been a labour of love, one he worked on for many years. It reflects life experiences, woven into a story that inspires and entertains, and perhaps even show the world in a different way.







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Vince will be awarding a $15 Amazon OR Barnes and Noble Gift Card (Winner’s Choice!!!) to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

**This post contains affiliate links and if clicked and a purchase is made, I may receive a small commission to help support this blog.  This does not cost you anything, it just helps pay for all those fabulous community outreach projects and awesome giveaways on here**

This contest is sponsored by a third party. Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Goddess Fish Promotions.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette. The featured author and Goddess Fish Promotions are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.


  1. Thank you for sharing your guest post, bio and book details, I have enjoyed reading about you and your work and I am looking forward to reading The Final Crossing: A Tale of Self-Discovery and Adventure. I will be sure to share my favorite scene from the book with you once I have read it

  2. Really nice cover and excerpt.

  3. This book sounds interesting.

  4. Thanks for the great excerpt. The book sounds very interesting. Great cover!
