
Friday, June 10, 2022

Broken Wings Book Series by M W Arnold - Book Tour - Guest Post - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Broken Wings Series

by M W Arnold


GENRE:  Historical, Saga, Mystery, Thriller, Romance



The Air Transport Auxiliary Murder Club!

Four ladies of the Air Transport Auxiliary bond initially by solving the mystery of who was responsible for the death of one’s sister, finding along the way a mutual love for solving mysteries, which have an unerring knack of landing in their laps. Battling both internal forces and those of the country’s mutual enemies, these are sweeping stories of love, mysteries and hope, set against the backdrop of war when ties of friendship are exceptionally strong.



“Mind the duck!”

Mary’s warning was a smidgeon too late. Betty turned her head toward the shout just when she needed to do the exact opposite and keep her eyes on the path.

“Aargh!” cried Betty as she was sent sprawling to the ground.

A loud, angry, “Quack! Quack!” was followed by a flurry of wings and feathers as the slightly stunned duck half flew and half staggered to the sanctuary provided by the river.

“I did tell her to watch out for the duck,” Mary muttered in her own defense as they rushed to help Betty to her feet.

Penny and Doris took an arm each as Mary reached to retrieve Betty’s handbag. It had landed precariously close to the edge of the river, and the dastardly duck was snuffling at it before Mary seized it and handed it back to Betty.

“Mary!” cried Betty. “Grab that envelope!”

Swiveling, Mary saw a large brown envelope and stooped for it before it could fall into the water. “Got it!” she yelled, waving it in the air. Unfortunately, the envelope being upside down, the contents spilled onto the ground around her, luckily missing going into the river. She bent down to pick them up and was surprised to discover they were all newspaper cuttings.



I’m delighted to be on the ‘Fabulous and Brunette’ blog so, let’s all sit down, grab a coffee and a pastry (it doesn’t matter what the time of the day is, go grab some) and let me tell you about why you should consider reading ‘A Wing and a Prayer’ and, perhaps, the follow ups in my ‘Broken Wings’ series.

Mick next to the memorial to the Air Transport Auxiliary in Hamble

PC: M W Arnold

Firstly, it’s chock full of strong female characters. Well, a high number of them are pilots in the Air Transport Auxiliary service for a start and that’s job which took a lot of courage. For those of you who aren’t aware of them, these were a group of civilian pilots who were responsible for delivering all the aircraft which flew with the Royal Air Force and the Fleet Air Arm during World War Two. My books are mainly set at an airfield on the south of England called, RAF Hamble, and was crewed by entirely women pilots! The aircraft they flew were unarmed and there was no radio so, if they got into trouble, they could only rely on their flying skills to stay alive. Throughout the various books, the girls do get into trouble whilst out on delivery, though I can’t go into too much detail, as that would spoil the surprises. Suffice to say, you should remember, this was wartime so not every incident will turn out well.

For those who love a mystery, congratulations! Not only do you get a historical/saga for your money, but I’ve thrown in a murder/mystery too. When I began to write this book, that wasn’t my intention, but as I don’t plan my stories, this all turned out for the best. Despite the setting, this is more along the ‘cosy’ mystery/murder level; now you know what you’re getting.

The memorial to those Americans killed whilst serving at RAF Polebrook, flying B17’s into combat

PC: M W Arnold

By a good happenchance, one of the locations for book 2, ‘Wild Blue Yonder’, is only about thirty minutes from where I live – and I didn’t know that when I began writing the book! In this story, the girls get involved with a Hollywood heartthrob who actually flew combat missions in B17 Flying Fortresses from RAF Polebrook. I’ve visited the location of the airfield and though 99% is gone, there is still a hanger (in civilian use and therefore I wasn’t able to visit) and some hard-standings for the bombers I could look around. On one, there’s a lovely memorial to everyone who was killed in action whilst serving on the base. I took great pride in being able to sign the book of remembrance.

From what I’ve read, it seems that every series has a Christmas story, so I set out to write mine and came up with, ‘I’ll be Home for Christmas’. Here, we continue to find out more about each of the character backgrounds and even get introduced to a new member of one of their families who, unwittingly, brings great danger into their lives. I like to think I’ve done my research well for this one too and hope you enjoy learning about how a typical (perhaps not so typical in this case) British family celebrated a wartime Christmas, right down to the chicken wire Christmas Tree!

You may have noticed a pattern in my book titles? They’re all taken after popular wartime songs and book 4 is no different. ‘In the Mood’ is, I like to think, action-packed, yet romantic and central to the story is the imminent marriage of one of the couples. Typically, not everything goes to plan, but you wouldn’t expect it to, would you. In this story, I take a couple of the girls up to the depths of Scotland where, just as typically, they manage to embroil themselves in a most unusual situation. I shall say no more, as I like to tease (lol) but I don’t think you’ll be disappointed.

Finally, why did I decide to write under a gender-neutral name? Quite simply, most books in the historical/saga genre are written by women and I didn’t want to write under a pseudonym. If there ever comes a time when I’m invited to speak, I don’t wish to have to explain why I need different ‘facilities’ to what is provided. Plus, you only have to look at my photograph on Amazon to see what I look like. Also, it hasn’t done J K Rowling any harm!



Mick is a hopeless romantic who was born in England and spent fifteen years roaming around the world in the pay of HM Queen Elisabeth II in the Royal Air Force before putting down roots and realizing how much he missed the travel. This he’s replaced somewhat with his writing, including reviewing books and supporting fellow saga and romance authors in promoting their novels.

He’s the proud keeper of two Romanian Were-Cats, is mad on the music of Brian Wilson and the Beach Boys, and enjoys the theatre and loving his Manchester-United-supporting wife.

Finally, Mick is a full member of the Romantic Novelists Association. A Wing and a Prayer will be his second published novel, and he is very proud to be welcomed into The Rose Garden.






YouTube Blooper:

YouTube Prologue:

YouTube Extract:



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M W Arnold will be awarding a $10 Amazon OR Barnes and Noble Gift Card (Winner’s Choice!!!) to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

**This post contains affiliate links and if clicked and a purchase is made, I may receive a small commission to help support this blog.  This does not cost you anything, it just helps pay for all those fabulous community outreach projects and awesome giveaways on here**

This contest is sponsored by a third party. Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Goddess Fish Promotions.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette. The featured author and Goddess Fish Promotions are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.


  1. Hi Ally. I love what you've done for this post of my books! Thank you so very much and I hope you have a wonderful, safe weekend! Mick (M W Arnold)

  2. Replies
    1. Most kind of you to say, Rita. Mick (M W Arnold)

  3. Replies
    1. I'm most pleased to hear you say so. Thank you, Kim. Mick (M W Arnold)

  4. I enjoyed the post the book sounds really good.

    1. Hi Sherry. Sorry to be a wee bit late. Thanks so much and I really hope you enjoy the book, if you decide to read it.
