
Thursday, May 5, 2022

The Finest Lies by David J. Naiman - Book Tour - Book Review - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Hello, lovelies!!  It gives me great pleasure today to host David J. Naiman and his new book, “The Finest Lies,” here on FAB!!  For other stops on his Goddess Fish Promotions Book Tour, please click on the banner above or any of the images in this post.

Be sure to make it to the end of this post to enter to win a $20 Amazon OR Barnes and Noble Gift Card!!  Also, come back daily to interact with David and to increase your chances of winning!!

Thanks for stopping by!!  Wishing you all lots of good luck in this fabulous giveaway!!

The Finest Lies

by David J. Naiman


GENRE: Young Adult



2021 Best Teen Book Award Finalist Indies Today

High schooler Nicole Hallett has just about had it with her brother Jay, so when a mysterious man appears with an offer to replace him with a better one, she doesn't hesitate. Nicole has always been impulsive, but this time, she finds herself in a predicament far worse than anything she's experienced. Just like that, an average snow day—usually filled with hot cocoa and snowball fights—is commandeered by the stranger, who forces the siblings into a dangerous game.

Confronted by past reflections, tested by present complications, and threatened by future possibilities, Nicole has until the end of the day to disentangle the riddle of her life.

This suspenseful, yet winsome novel by award-winning author David J. Naiman explores the power of family and forgiveness. But take heed. The truth can cut like shards of glass, especially for those who'd rather avoid it. Sometimes, only the finest lies will do.



Maybe I should call, Nicole thought. A brand new brother sounds perfect.

“That’s it. New and improved! Call now.”

Nicole smiled, sensing a personal connection as though this commercial spoke directly to her. She cradled her phone in her hands. A fingertip flicked across the screen without her even needing to concentrate. Her phone had long ago become an appendage, as integral as a foot or a kidney.

After Nicole entered the number, her finger hovered above the dial icon. Something held her back, but she couldn’t imagine what it could be. She might have guessed self-preservation had she any means to gauge the lurking danger. Had she any inkling her impetuous nature would fix her on a chaotic course beyond her control.

She did want a new brother. As long as he wasn’t like Jay, who always said things to upset her and never did what she wanted him to do. She thrust aside her unease and tapped the icon. Instead of a ring, Nicole heard more of a choking sound, a gasp as if someone strangled.

“Hello, Nicole. Are you ready to change your life?”

The voice on her phone was identical to the voice-over in the commercial. Nicole figured this guy must own the company or something. “Maybe,” she said. The man on the TV screen stared at her while she spoke. Nicole leaned to the left and right, and the man’s face tracked her each time. She hesitated. “How much does it cost?”



This book is an interesting, intriguing, amusing, and entertaining read!!

This book is truly a fun and enjoyable read filled with many LOL moments, OMG I can totally relate details, and SMH no way did that just happen scenes!!

This book follows Nicole, “Nic,” a dramatic, selfish teenager who has had enough of her older brother, Jay, constantly getting in her business, personal space, and well, basically, just being an annoying, obnoxious brother.  So, when Nicole sees an ad on TV for the perfect brother, a BroBot 3000, she can’t dial the number fast enough.  Could a new brother finally be the solution to all her sibling problems and frustrations?  Or will JayBot, the 2.0 brother version cause Nicole to realize her brother isn’t so terrible, maybe he was right, and him wanting to be involved in her life is actually thoughtful, caring, and loving?

This book also follows Jay, Nic’s older brother, who acknowledges having a strained relationship with his sister, having drifted apart over the years, no longer spending time together, and not having much in common anymore.  Jay also stumbles upon the same TV ad for a new and improved sibling, the SisBot 4000.  Jay seems hesitant, uncertain, and doubtful that this freaky guy, Phin, staring him down on the TV can actually replace his sister.  Irritated that the TV ad guy won’t leave him alone so he can play his video games, Jay sarcastically and somewhat reluctantly agrees to accept the offer to replace his annoying little sister with a brand new and improved sister.  Could a new sister finally be the answer to all his sibling problems and frustrations?  Or will this NicBot, the 2.0 sister version cause Jay to realize his real sister isn’t so pesky and troublesome after-all and that they still have plenty in common and time to repair their relationship?

This book has many fun, silly, and entertaining themes that help carry out this book’s key messages of essential and noteworthy lessons.

This book is immensely full of valuable life lessons like the importance of family, the strength of the sibling bond, being considerate and respectful of others, not to make snap judgements or jump to conclusions as things may not be always be as they seem, to have open communication, honesty is truly the best policy, to look out for each other, to take responsibility and own up to past behaviors, to always be there for each other and support one another, that actions speak louder than words, to be willing to give and strong enough to ask for second chances, to apologize, forgive and make amends, and to love unconditionally, along with many more essentially paramount life teachings.

I really enjoyed the main characters, siblings Nic and Jay.  They were likable, genuine, and easy to relate to.  I really liked that these characters were realistically flawed, insecure, and vulnerable.  I appreciated the author’s ability to create these witty characters while also actively continuing to strongly develop them over the course of the book.  I enjoyed following along with these characters and watching them learn, grow, mature, and thrive.  Oh, and of course, I loved the ever-so sweet, adorable, Scruffy, the family dog that was quite entertaining, full of life, and with big personality!!

One of my favorite silly scenes in this book was the one with Nic, JayBot, and the devoured cell phone.  Nic had already caught JayBot loudly munching on his cell phone.  So, while Nic was reviewing the homework assignment she had JayBot complete for her, Nic looked over and noticed a bite-sized piece missing out of her cell phone.  As Nic began hyperventilating over her damaged phone, JayBot snaps her phone in half, politely offering Nic the larger of the two pieces to snack on while JayBot quickly gobbles down his smaller portion.  I could just see Nic’s eyes getting bigger and feel her rage skyrocket off the page.  Honestly, I probably would have been furious too as I’d be lost without my cell phone lol, especially since I rarely remember to have the data backed up.  In addition, on the other side, this scene is played out with Jay and NicBot.  Jay looks over to see NicBot grazing on her game controller, and albeit shocked and confused he politely offers her his game controller to eat.  NicBot has now quickly scarfed down both game controllers plus her cell phone when Jay catches her “drooling at the TV as though it’s a pizza with all the toppings.”  LOL!!  I don’t think I could be as nonchalant as Jay after watching NicBot wolf down my favorite and only two game controllers, but it was easy to picture him quickly flying off the couch to protect the TV from becoming dessert lol.

Another favorite entertaining scene was listening to Nic trying to stealthily convince her dad about getting about a new phone.  She uses phrases like “hypothetically speaking, if I were to need a new phone…” with her dad replying that her birthday is only eleven months away; followed by Nic pleading, “what if, hypothetically speaking, something happened to my phone…?” with her dad quickly responding in a panicky non-hypothetical tone, “did something happen to your phone?!”  LOL!!  I have certainly had this exact conversation with my mom and am all well too familiar with using hypothetical questions lol!!  Nic’s dad continues on trying to suss out the truth about Nic’s phone, and goes off on a silly tangent about hoping Nic didn’t channel some movie scene where the character gets angry and throws their phone across the room, and that if she ever must throw something – let it be a pillow lol!!

While I enjoyed the sibling replacement story line it somewhat reminded me of movies like The Stepford Wives, always having the perfect, on their best behavior family member; Disney’s The Other Me, where a young boy accidentally clones himself and sends his smarter, well-behaved version to school so he can stay at home and play video games.  This book certainly plays on some of these themes, but overall, still creates a uniquely fresh story line of the perfect sibling stand-in.

This book provides in-depth reflection of past moments and inspires the reader to see both sides of disputes and disagreements.

Also, like other readers and reviewers have mentioned, I agree that this book includes strong “A Christmas Carol,” story lines as Nic is given the chance to go back and watch previous memories and events play out.  This helps show Nic how wrong and immature her behavior was as it allows her to see the other side of the quarrel and what she missed when she had quickly jumped to conclusions.  Furthermore, like Dicken’s character, Scrooge, Nic is given a shot for a second chance, to make amends, and set things right – will she take this golden opportunity and rebuild her life and her relationships?

While I am technically an only child, my mom’s best friend had a daughter the same age as me.  With two single full-time working moms it forced us kids to spend lots of time together.  Deena and I were often alike in ways that made us competitive and crash; and too different in ways that kept us drifted apart.  Even though she wasn’t officially a sibling, I’m not gonna lie, the idea of trading her in more than likely would have appealed to my younger self lol.  So, it was easy to identify with the characters and find common ground.  However, I’d like to say that today as an adult I wouldn’t have those kinds of nefarious thoughts lol, but then again, there are many days that I am very thankful to be the only child lol.

There are some predictable scenes.  However, there are still a few very unexpected twists and turns that you won’t see coming but will enjoy watching unfold!!

This book falls on the slightly longer side as it is divided up into six parts, spanning over 34 chapters, and covering 276 eBook pages.

This book is not currently listed as part of a book series.  It can easily be read as a standalone.

All in all, I enjoyed reading this book and would recommend it!!  I think all young adult readers, especially readers with siblings will like this book too!!  So, add it to your TBR List and get to reading - you won't be disappointed!!

**Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy of this book and have voluntarily provided an honest, and unbiased review in accordance with FTC regulations**

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David J. Naiman is a best-selling independent author of award-winning books for children, teens, and adults including The Finest Lies and Jake, Lucid Dreamer, first place winner of the Purple Dragonfly Book Award and the Moonbeam Children's Book Awards in pre-teen fiction and Didn’t Get Frazzled, humorous medical fiction written under the pen name David Z Hirsch. He is also a successful physician specializing in internal medicine and an unsuccessful speller specializing in vowels that sound identical to other vowels. He lives with his wife and two children in Maryland.






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David will be awarding a $20 Amazon OR Barnes and Noble Gift Card (Winner’s Choice!!!) to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

**This post contains affiliate links and if clicked and a purchase is made, I may receive a small commission to help support this blog.  This does not cost you anything, it just helps pay for all those fabulous community outreach projects and awesome giveaways on here**

This contest is sponsored by a third party. Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Goddess Fish Promotions.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette. The featured author and Goddess Fish Promotions are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.


  1. Hi Ally,
    Thanks so much for your great review. I'm thrilled you enjoyed my book! Now I need to put The Stepford Wives and The Other Me on my watch list :)

    1. David ~ Hi, good morning!! Welcome to FAB!! It is so great to have you here!! Congrats on your new book and good luck on the book tour!! I enjoyed reading and reviewing your book, thanks for providing the copy!! :)

      P.S. ~ Thank you for your kind words :) And yes, hope you check out the movies, they are entertaining :)

  2. I look forward to reading this it sounds like my kind of book.

  3. The book sounds intriguing. Love the cover.

  4. Great excerpt and giveaway. :)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Thank you for sharing your awesome review of The Finest Lies. I like the cover art, synopsis and excerpt, this sounds like an excellent book to share with my teen-aged grandchildren

  7. What are your tips for getting through writing slumps?

  8. The sounds great. Thank you for your review.

  9. Do you have a favorite writing space?

  10. Hope you have a great Memorial Day!
