
Wednesday, May 25, 2022

I'll Go the Length of Meself: The Story of Newfoundland's Daring Rascal, Captain Guy Earle, North America's Youngest Master Mariner by Dr. Philip Earle - Book Tour - Exclusive Excerpt - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Hello, lovelies!!  It gives me great pleasure today to host Dr. Philip Earle and his new book, “I'll Go the Length of Meself: The Story of Newfoundland's Daring Rascal, Captain Guy Earle, North America's Youngest Master Mariner,” here on FAB!!  For other stops on his Goddess Fish Promotions Book Tour, please click on the banner above or any of the images in this post.

Be sure to make it to the end of this post to enter to win a $15 Amazon OR Barnes and Noble Gift Card!!  Also, come back daily to interact with Dr. Philip Earle and to increase your chances of winning!!

Thanks for stopping by!!  Wishing you all lots of good luck in this fabulous giveaway!!

I'll Go the Length of Meself:

The Story of Newfoundland's Daring Rascal, Captain Guy Earle, North America's Youngest Master Mariner

by Dr. Philip Earle


GENRE:  Memoir, Non-Fiction



"Guy's life was a living adventure: he was a mariner and navigator of the first order, a character with the bravery of a Viking and the kindness of Robin Hood. Generous to a fault, he could never turn his back on someone in need, and would risk his life in a flash to save the life of another. He was like a godfather to the coastal people.

~ Philip Earle

"Guy Earle commanded ships when he was a boy. He had the qualities admired by Newfoundlanders, and created maximum employment in the family business wherever he could. He was truly a Newfoundland hero."

~ Geoff Stirling, (1921–2013), founder, CJON-TV (NTV)

"Guy had a mind of his own. He was a terrific leader and he played hard to win at anything he did. He was quick to size up a situation and quick to take action. He never, ever accepted the word 'can't'; if it was possible, it had to be done."

~ Fred Earle (1924–1999), Guy's brother and partner in business

"Skipper Guy could take charge on anything. He had no fear and believed in himself. He could make friends with the Queen, as they say, if he wanted, and get anything he wanted."

~ Fred Rossiter, (1905–1985), shipmate and friend of Guy.

"It must be a beautiful thing to know you saved someone's life. Guy Earle saved me. I've had a long life, a successful business, and raised a family because of him. He was a great man."

~ Ed Wahlen, businessman and friend of Guy

"Guy Earle was the exemplification of courage in everything he did. His trade was with people and his warmth spread as widely as his countless business negotiations. He gave his life to his vision of the fishery; it was his gift to his homeland, a gift few men can claim to better."

~ Maurice Quinlan (1910–1983), co-founder, Quinlan Brothers Ltd

"Guy Earle was sent here by God to give to people."

~ Pasteur Harold Slade

"Captain Guy was a daring seafarer whose legendary adventures rivalled those of the heroes in such Hollywood films as Captain Blood, Down to The Sea in Ships, and Captains Courageous."

~ Gordon Lore, author

"There will never be another Guy Earle; there couldn't be."



The skipper didn’t necessarily need an audience to do some of his hare-brained stunts, nor did age appear to diminish the delight he took in doing them. One warm summer morning in 1948, young Heber McGurk was on W.J. Moores’ wharf in Carbonear when Skipper Guy happened to come along. For no apparent reason—other than to please himself—he took off his shoes and dove off the head of the wharf with his clothes on. He swam out to Moores’ schooner, the Cathelia, anchored in the harbour.

He went to the head of the vessel, pulled himself up the anchor chain and got aboard. Then he made his way up the rigging. He climbed to the top and stood out on the crosstrees, holding onto nothing. He looked around the harbour, enjoying the view, steadying himself for a few moments. Then, like he had been doing since he was a teenager, with the ease of a cliff diver he dove seventy feet into the harbour. He took a leisurely swim back to the wharf, climbed up, dried his clothes off somewhat, put his shoes on, and strolled off as contented as you please!.

Anyone good at a sport or game loves to play it—not necessarily to win but because of the enjoyment it brings. Skipper Guy was a strong natural swimmer and he loved the water. And, with his daring nature, it made him a perfect fit to do unusual aquatic feats. The skipper did unusual things all his life, things that might have appeared “crazy” to most people but were easy for him. He was always motivated to test himself, and when he succeeded at a stunt—which was nearly always—he got great satisfaction from it. If there was anyone who loved the pleasure of a game for the sake of pleasure and nothing else, it was Skipper Guy.



My father lived an exhilarating life. With I’ll Go the Length of Meself, my hope is to showcase his legacy as a great mariner, businessman, humanitarian, and exhibitionist, along with many other attributes. There will never be another Guy Earle, there couldn’t be. This is his story, and I’m proud to share it.




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Amazon US Kindle eBook:

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Kobo US eBook:

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Dr. Philip Earle will be awarding a $15 Amazon OR Barnes and Noble Gift Card (Winner’s Choice!!!) to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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This contest is sponsored by a third party. Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Goddess Fish Promotions.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette. The featured author and Goddess Fish Promotions are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.


  1. Replies
    1. The true story of a remarkable man, whos adventures unfolded through out his life...each one more exciting than the one before. The book is a page turner...once you start reading it, you can't stop. thank you, phil earle

  2. Dr. Philip Earle ~ Good morning!! Welcome to FAB!! It is so great to have you here!! Congrats on your new book and good luck on the book tour!! :)

  3. very nice for you to host my book about the fasinating life of capt Guy earle, my father. Thank you, phil earle

  4. Sounds like an interesting read and like a book I will enjoy.

    1. Hi Sherry, if you like adventure and daring, this book has it. Its hard to believe Guy, my father, did the things he did, but growing up in the roaring 20's as he did, the sky was the limit on personal challenges and accomplishments. He took to it, in his case the sea, like a gull to sea! thank you. phil earle

  5. This sounds like a very good read.

    1. Many people who bought the book , told me once they started to read it they couldn't stop. The next story is as exciting and interesting as the one just read. Hope you enjoy the fansinating true stories of a most remarkable man. thank you..phil earle

  6. I love the title and enjoyed reading the synopsis and excerpt, I'll Go the Length of Meself sounds like a wonderful memoir and I am looking forward to reading it. Thank you for sharing the author's bio and book details

    1. Thank you Bea, this is a one of a kind life story of my father, who was Newfoundlands last folk hero. He did things all his life in the moment, and no one in his day , in the 1900's, every saw anyone like him. Hope you get the book..and you will see ..the book is one of a kind..because no one was like capt Guy. thank you, phil earle

  7. I would not describe the stories about my father as plots...they were all real life actions in the moment. He was a man larger then life, and courage was one thing that defined his character every day of his life. thank you, phil earle

  8. Hope you have an amazing weekend~

  9. Do you have a favorite place to vacation?

  10. How do you handle writing slumps?
