
Thursday, May 26, 2022

Blood of Azure Book Series by Jonathan J. Michael - Book Tour - Guest Post - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Hey, lovelies!!  It gives me great pleasure today to host Jonathan J. Michael and his exciting new book series, “Blood of Azure Series,” featuring Book One, “Season of Sacrifice,” and Book Two, “Season of Suffering,” here on FAB!!  For other stops on his Goddess Fish Promotions Book Tour, please click on the banner above or any of the images in this post.

Be sure to make it to the end of this post to enter to win a $50 Amazon OR Barnes and Noble Gift Card!!!  Also, come back daily to interact with Jonathan and to increase your chances of winning!!

Thanks for stopping by!!  Wishing you all lots of good luck in this fabulous giveaway!!

Blood of Azure Series

Books One & Two

by Jonathan J. Michael


GENRE:  Epic Fantasy



Four races with powers dictated by the seasons seek balance and prosperity. However, life instinctively primes itself for survival, and when one race commands the touch of death, all others fall in line. Tyranny plagues Azure as an immortal ruler governs the knowledge of the seasons and those wielding its power.

Four young protagonists, Stone, Jaymes, Goose, and Astor, each navigate their way to escape his shadow and reclaim their freedom. Simple ambitions for young souls. But little did they know, they would uncover the secrets the realm is built upon, and the unique talents they each carry. Their ignorance allows the knowledge of the seasons to escape into the world around them little by little, and with it, a power loosing anarchy upon the realm. A power most aren’t worthy of wielding. It is up to Stone and his companions to tame that power and reclaim the balance.

Four seasons to balance the land. Four sages to balance the life.



Courage is for the bold. It is not for Stone McLarin. He’s been in hiding for four seasons after being orphaned by the Taoiseach. He doesn’t care for the heroic antics of avenging his parent’s death or securing his freedom. He only desires one thing—to protect his sister’s life.

This proves challenging when his sister, Jaymes, possesses a rivaling power of decay to that of the tyrant ruler’s. She’s a threat to his dominance, and there will be no escaping his shadow.

When the Taoiseach manipulates his way into Jaymes’s life and steals her away, Stone has no choice but to follow. He must venture into the heart of the tyrant’s domain and figure out how to penetrate the impenetrable. And if he succeeds there, he will have to slay the most powerful man in Azure.

In a world ruled by decay, what chance does life stand?

Season of Sacrifice is part one of the Blood of Azure series—an epic fantasy full of grim encounters, heroic adventures, unique magic, and a captivating world to explore.

Author’s Note: Contains explicit language and some graphic descriptions.



A villain in his own mind, Stone McLarin is labeled the hero for murdering a man.

Not only is Stone weighted down as a hero, but he’s idolized by the dominant religion, and he’s the sole protector of the knowledge of the ages. The pressure of the entire realm is on his shoulders.

Carib Reign, a shapeshifter building an army of immortals, plans to purge the Crimson Capital to find this hidden knowledge. His motive, to give the people of Azure the freedom they deserve.

With many adventures along the way, Stone will lead the charge to defend the Crimson Capital against the Immortal Army. Should he fail, anarchy is inevitable. Death for all Azure, a possibility.

Where there is life, death anticipates. But what if death is abandoned? Life will rebel.

Season of Suffering is part two of the Blood of Azure series—an epic fantasy with both light and dark hearts. You’ll experience many fantasy tropes, clashing swords, unique magic, fantastical beasts, and a wide range of Azure’s scenic terrain.

Author’s Note: Contains explicit language and some graphic descriptions.





My heart beats heavier. I inhale and, with the back of my hand, brush a drop of sweat that has found its way down my forehead. I know what these tracks be-long to. But why now? Am I projecting my ambitions—to slay a Creature of the Night? I grab a handful of Everweed from the ground and reluctantly head in the direction of the trampled vegetation.

My experience with these beasts is nonexistent, but then again, there isn’t another who can claim otherwise. They’re the type of animal man stays far away from, which was the primary reason for choosing this location as a refuge. We chose to risk being mauled by the Creatures of the Night over the public execution we would have inevitably encountered by hiding in a small village. Some would consider us the biggest halfwits in all of Vedora, all of Azure even, for making the decision we made, but I know Harris Martelli personally, and the fact he is capable of persuading a strong-willed and morally sound man like my father to do what he did is far more threatening than any beast living in the wood.



Exploring the World of Azure

Azure is a realm of fantasy, dawned from a world of science. What does this mean? Let’s head to the flight chamber to take a ride on one of the raptors to find out.

Large ironwood doors swing outward as we step through the portal into the flight chamber. The ceiling is as high as ten buildings. Redwood pillars hold it up with large, open arches at the top, and a touch of foliage around the perches. A flag is raised, and in swoops a golden eagle more massive than a bison. A powerful gust of wind nearly knocks us to the ground as it touches down next to us. It will have to be a quick flight. Only a glimpse to see it all. We ride.

The Terrain

The raptor beats its wings as we climb to the open arches and out into the world of Azure. Ancient redwoods larger than a house dominate the forest surrounding the Crimson Capital. We climb for an eternity to get above them, and head south where we soar above a forest that is a collage of life—the Broken Forest. Rivers flow beneath us like a diluted red wine except where commerce is most abundant, in which the waters have garnished an opaque tint. Oceans are nonexistent. None can be seen. Only mountain ranges on all sides with great and small meandering rivers throughout the vast countryside. In the distance to the west, dark and ominous clouds rage with flashes of light and crashing booms. We refrain from getting too close and head north. An incredible plateau taller than the wood giants is portside with an immense red lake in the center—quite possibly the largest in Azure. To our right, crops are as far and wide as they’re needed to feed the land. Further to the north, snowcapped mountains devour the horizon. And looking up, Azure’s mother-terra hangs in the sky offering a red ambiance to the twilit sky.

The Science

We soar above the northern portion of the Scarlet River where it cuts through the Great Oak Forest and the Garnet Plains. Time—not measured by years, but by seasons—flows by at a rapid pace for the sake of this journey. The oaks below change from a vibrant green to an array of oranges and reds before they go dormant. Seasons rule the land.

Each race is determined by the season in which they were born. Not by color, stature, culture, or anything of the physical sense. And each of the four races harness a power of the seasonal sciences.

We drop down to get a closer look at the Garnet Plains. Wind presses into our cheeks. Lahyf—those born in Spring with the ability to heal—are seen sowing the fields. Sprhowt—those born in Summer with the gift of growth—follow behind the Lahyf to enhance growth of the crops. Famine is nonexistent in Azure because of these talents. Our golden eagle banks left, nearly tossing us, and circles around a giant oak in the field. Dihkai—those born in Autumn with the power of decay—hollow out the inside of the massive tree. And Hiberneyt—those born in Winter with the skill of dormancy—work by their side to reinforce and petrify the hollowed structure. The races of Azure wield the talents of the seasons and work together to manipulate the world around them. Crops flourish. Shelter is grown from wood giants. With the power of the seasons at their fingertips, their culture is prosperous and indefinite. Life on Azure lives in harmony. That is, until human nature steps over itself.

The Culture

Our golden eagle, named Ifera, heads east to the Crimson Capital. We dive between the large organic structures to witness the culture in the streets. Like an iron-age, the structures are massive, some reaching as tall as the trees, but they do so without iron. We fly past a unique building crafted from oak trees and topped with colorful wisps spewing from four towers and a central dome. Like the art of the renaissance era, except crafted from trees, flowers, and blown glass. It is the House of Seasons where they worship the deity, Susy. Zipping past the market and to the port where industry thrives, at the end of the piers arborcranes are rooted deep into the river. These living cranes transport goods from ship to land, powered by the talent of the Sprhowt race. We head back to the Academy where the flight chamber is housed, swiftly dive between the arches, and come to an abrupt, yet delicate landing. The golden eagle lowers itself and we stumble down its outstretched wing, back to where our feet belong.

There isn’t one era in human history to relate Azure to because, as you’ve witnessed, the people harness their own era. Azure thrives by and through the seasons. But at the helm of this culture is a tyrant. The knowledge of the world and its seasonal sciences are governed by the Taoiseach, a man of science who holds the power close. In a way, Azure is a dystopian world in disguise. The Taoiseach intentionally removed them from the height of civilization to gain control of their potential. The people are oppressed without realizing it, controlled by fear of the Dihkai, the most powerful race exploiting their touch of death.

And where they’re headed, an age of discovery and enlightenment, as a few rebels push to uncover Azure’s secrets. Welcome to Azure.



Jonathan J. Michael was born and raised in the greater Seattle area in the scenic state of Washington. Jonathan is an advocate of science, nature, and exploration, which has a heavy influence in his debut series, Blood of Azure.

When I drive down the freeway, I often want to veer onto the backroads and head for the mountains. When I'm at an evening gathering, I'm eager to step outside and gaze at the stars. When I'm on a ferry, I'm at the guardrail staring into the depths wondering what kind of leviathans lurk below. I'm an explorer, and since I'm not on the next Crew Dragon headed for the ISS, fantasy novels let me have what I seek. I write to explore a world of wonder.







Goodreads Author Page:

Goodreads Book Page – Season of Sacrifice – Book One:

Goodreads Book Page – Season of Suffering – Book Two:

Amazon Author Page:



Amazon US Kindle eBook:

Amazon US Paperback:

Amazon CA Kindle eBook:

Amazon CA Paperback:



Amazon US Kindle eBook:

Amazon US Paperback:

Amazon CA Kindle eBook:

Amazon CA Paperback:



Jonathan will be awarding a $50 Amazon OR Barnes and Noble Gift Card (Winner’s Choice!!!) to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

**This post contains affiliate links and if clicked and a purchase is made, I may receive a small commission to help support this blog.  This does not cost you anything, it just helps pay for all those fabulous community outreach projects and awesome giveaways on here**

This contest is sponsored by a third party. Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Goddess Fish Promotions.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette. The featured author and Goddess Fish Promotions are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.


  1. Thank you for hosting, Ally. Much appreciated.

  2. Thank you for sharing your guest post and books' details, I appreciate the way that you have broken down the major aspects of the world building of Azure, I am truly looking forward to reading this series

    1. My pleasure, Bea. The world building is the fun part. Thanks for following along with the tour. I hope you enjoy the series.

  3. This sounds like a really good read. What was the hardest part about writing your book?

    1. Great question. I'd have to say the hardest part was scaling back the awesomeness, so I didn't outperform the greats like Tolkien, Rowling, and George RR Martin. JK! The hardest part in a book/series of this length is keeping track of the details. (i.e. Did her left hand get cut off or was it her right?). I still don't know. I'd have to go look it up. Lol. I'm learning to be somewhat vague with tidbits that don't matter in order to avoid this.

  4. The book sounds fantastic. I love the covers.

  5. This sounds like an excellent series! Great covers!
