
Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Some Other Traveller by Lyn McConchie - Book Tour - TWO Guest Posts!! - Giveaway - Enter Daily!!

Hi, lovelies!!  It gives me great pleasure today to host Lyn McConchie and her new book, “Some Other Traveller,” here on FAB!!  For other stops on her Goddess Fish Promotions Book Tour, please click on the banner above or any of the images in this post.

Be sure to make it to the end of this post to enter to win a $10 Amazon OR Barnes and Noble Gift Card!!  Also, come back daily to interact with Lyn and to increase your chances of winning!!

Thanks for stopping by!!  Wishing you all lots of good luck in this fabulous giveaway!!

Some Other Traveller

by Lyn McConchie


GENRE:  Post-Apocalyptic



When the world’s civilizations collapse from a lethal pandemic, being old can mean you have the experience and wisdom to survive and to see that friends and family do as well. Donal and Sheila McArn are seventy when most of the world is dying, and they must hold the line for everything they know. They may not have long, but so long as they live, they’re going to do their best – and anyone against them had better step back. NOW!



Kaylie died an hour later. Ricky had all his things packed by then, Donal had dug a small grave, and we placed her in that, the teddy bear – a bright pink one that Ricky said she still loved – tucked in beside her. After that, he clung to my hand.

I drove home, and when I would have left the lad with Janet, he clung to me like a limpet, his eyes wide in fear of losing someone else. I put him to bed in the spare room, slept in the bed opposite, and took him with me the next morning. Janet took the accumulated cash, along with a list and several friends, utes, and her car with a trailer. We removed the Black and McMallan animals, several small portable sheds, and salvaged useful items from houses and outbuildings. During which time Ricky was never out of eyeshot, and when my hands weren’t employed, he clung to one of them.

We drove home to eat dinner, I put him to bed, and when he asked, I answered, “Yes, this is your room now. You’ll go to school here once it opens again. The place is called Glen Mhairi. It’ll be your home.” And then the tentative question that almost broke my heart. “Aye, you can call us Grandma and Grandpa if you want. We’d like that.” He fell asleep still trustfully holding my hand, and as I looked at that peaceful face, I knew the truth.

After all those years and with never a child of our own, we finally had a grandson.



The Craziest Thing I’ve Done in the Name of Research

I’m 76, and shortly before my 31st birthday, I was crippled in a motorcycle crash in 1977 when an idiot cut through a bend, hit me head-on my side of the road, and I went 40 feet from impact to landing. Before then, I did athletics, played hockey, rode horses and motorcycles, and when I felt like it, casually walked 5-10 miles.

After that, none of it. But when I started writing two of my post-apocalypse books – Another Fire, and Some other Traveller – in 2020, I attended our Viking Festival (my country was settled by people from all over the place), and I discovered something I could still do. So now, and I claimed them as expenses from the IRS, I have a beautiful set of throwing axes carved with Welsh motifs and when the weather is fine, I stroll out and throw my axes. My neighbour is a descendant of Vikings and makes gorgeous weaponry, including axes, knives, swords, shields… So any burglars are now in double jeopardy. My geese will normally get them, but if they sneak past the gaggle, I’m becoming quite accurate…



Music That Inspired My Books

I love music, unfortunately I have a voice like a cow with bronchitis, but apart from listening or singing when there’s no one with earshot, I enjoy incorporating it into my books. Many of them have an original song or a rewritten one and now and then, a poem. There are a couple of songs in Some Other Traveller, since for years I belonged to a local Folk Music Society and sang Scottish and Irish songs as well as others, and I know, too, how songs can change from country to country or century to century, so in this book at least one has.

The Key of the Keplian, one of my fantasies, has an adaption of a Comanche chant. The Duke’s Ballad uses an original song I wrote for the book, as does Silver May Tarnish, while Another Fire has quotes from Bryan Adams songs and Meatloaf. Some Other Traveller was inspired plain and simple by Scottish songs and bagpipe music. I find it stirring, and the scene where Jamie Tamman forgets he is eighty and attacks the invaders of his glen, was brought to life for me by the song, “Scotland the Brave.”

Many years ago, I lived on an island here, and when I arrived, my new neighbour came over to ask if I minded bagpipes. I told him on the contrary, I enjoyed them. And his grin was so wide, he risked his ears falling in. I told no more than the truth, I never minded. He played a couple of hours in the evenings and for several hours – after 10:00 am – on the weekends. One of his favourite pieces was “Scotland the Brave,” and I often sang along since no one could hear me, and I found I was singing it again over and over as I wrote Jamie’s scene.

My most recent book in my post-apocalypse standalones is Forever Cornwall set in that beautiful part of England, and in that I have two versions of Trelawny. The original, and a rewrite, “written” by one of the main characters, so as to have the song appropriate to the new Cornwall – Kernow – that’s come out of civilization’s destruction. But to me, humankind marches to music, and in most of my books, there is at least one song.



Lyn McConchie started writing in 1990 and within a year had short stories and poems published. In 1993, her first book – a humorous true-life work (Farming Daze) about her farm, friends, and animals appeared – this was followed by six others in that series. As a joke between them, a long-time friend of Lyn’s, Andre Norton, was given a book Lyn had written set in one of Andre’s worlds. Andre was impressed with the work and took it to her agents who sold it to Warner books. This led in turn to Lyn writing another six books in Andre’s worlds, which were published either by Warner or TOR. Lyn has won seven short story Muse Medallions from the (International) Cat Writer’s Association, and six Sir Julius Vogel Awards for her books. Since the original book, Lyn has seen almost fifty more books appear plus over three hundred short stories, and says she has no intention of stopping so long as she is able to write.





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Night to Dawn Magazine & Books will be awarding a $10 Amazon OR Barnes and Noble Gift Card (Winner’s Choice!!!) to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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This contest is sponsored by a third party. Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Goddess Fish Promotions.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette. The featured publisher and Goddess Fish Promotions are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for the lovely showcasing of Some Other Traveller and Lyn McConchie's guest post. Barbara of the Balloons
