
Thursday, April 28, 2022

Gambling with Murder by Lida Sideris - Book Tour - Book Review - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Hi, lovelies!!  It gives me great pleasure today to host Lida Sideris and her new book, “Gambling with Murder,” here on FAB!!  For other stops on her Goddess Fish Promotions Book Tour, please click on the banner above or any of the images in this post.

Be sure to make it to the end of this post to enter to win a $20 Amazon OR Barnes and Noble Gift Card!!  Also, come back daily to interact with Lida and to increase your chances of winning!!

Thanks for stopping by!!  Wishing you all lots of good luck in this fabulous giveaway!!

Gambling with Murder

A Southern California Mystery Series

Book Five

by Lida Sideris


GENRE:  Mystery (Traditional, Humor)



A late-night call is all it takes for rookie lawyer Corrie Locke to kiss her day job at the movie studio goodbye, and do what she does best: flex her sweet P.I. skills and go undercover to find a senior who’s missing from a posh retirement community. One small stumbling block: skirting past security to gain inside access to the exclusive Villa Sunset. Time to call in the heavy artillery. Besides former security guard turned legal assistant—now wannabe P.I.—Veera, Corrie relies on a secret weapon: her mother, a surprisingly eager addition to Corrie’s team. Armed with enough pepper spray to take down a band of Navy Seals, Mom impersonates a senior to infiltrate the Villa, Corrie, and Veera in tow. Turns out the job’s not as easy as they’d thought. These seniors have tricks tucked up their sleeves and aren’t afraid of using them.

The action gets dicey when the missing senior case turns into attempted murder by a criminal mind who’s always one step ahead. Corrie’s hot on the trail, but finds more than she bargained for…when her mother becomes a target.



I pinned the beam of my light into a dark corner of the warehouse. Four large pieces of luggage lay side-by-side atop a folding table. Everything surrounding me was in stacks and piles. The luggage exteriors, aluminum handles, and zippers looked new. Why store unused luggage in a place with worn-out, broken-down stuff?

“Oh-oh,” Veera said.

“Hold on.” I grabbed a suitcase and slid it closer. I shone my light on a combination lock. Next to it sat a small keyhole. Pulling out a paperclip from my pants pocket, I shoved it into the keyhole and jiggled it around.

“Two unmarked vehicles drove up,” Veera whispered.

We’d parked behind the warehouse. I’d left Veera hiding near the entry to keep an eye out. I popped open the lid of the suitcase. Folded bedsheets lay on top. Easing them aside, I gaped at the blood-red cape with a stylized golden “S” on the back. “It’s Superman’s.”

“The cars parked next to each other,” Veera said.

To the side of the cape lay a pillowcase. I ran my fingers over something odd-shaped and bulky inside. I unwrapped it to find a one-of-a-kind, golden gun. “No way.” A cigarette case formed the handle. The trigger was a cufflink and a fountain pen served as the barrel. It was a prop gun from a James Bond film.

“Two muscular guys came out of a van,” Veera said. “There’s a third person taking his sweet time. Looks to be someone smaller, older by the way he moves. And he’s wearing a dress, which means he could be a her. Headed your way. If there’s a backdoor, I’d use it.”

Veera and I swung around. Taller than the fence and far meaner looking, a uniformed security guard glared down at us, head cocked to one side. His top lip curled in a snarl. I half expected his mouth to be filled with steel-capped teeth.

“Can you point us to the ladies’ room, please?” I asked. The name on his badge was Kyle.

“Get off this property.” He blinded us with his flashlight.

“Technically, this is city property.” Sounded legit to me.

“Out now.”

“Any wiggle room in the ‘now’ part?” I took a step back and limped. I stalled, hoping to conjure up a way to get in. “I hurt my foot.”

Veera pointed at my boot. “Could be a sprain. You got a doctor inside those buildings?”

“Get out before I physically toss you out,” he said.

Kyle could probably pick me up and hurl me across the street with one hand, but Veera? It wouldn’t be so easy. Together, we could take him. He leaned forward with a grunt, just as I leaned toward Veera. “You thinking what I’m thinking?” I whispered. I was betting his knees were his weak point.

Veera rolled her eyes over him and whispered back, “I’m thinking we should get going.”



This book is hands-down one of my favorite cozy mystery books of all time!!!

It’s been awhile since I have laughed this hard while reading a book and I was very happy I was reading this book at home alone or people might have thought I was crazy lol!!

About two years ago, I had the pleasure of reading and reviewing Lida Sideris’ other book, “Murder: Double or Nothing,” which is Book Three in the "Southern California Mysteries," Book Series.  I thoroughly enjoyed this intriguing cozy mystery so when I saw an opportunity to host the author and her latest book, “Gambling with Murder,” which is Book Five in the same book series, I jumped at the chance.

First off, I have to admit, that I can’t believe I haven’t completely devoured this entire book series.  As I said, I enjoyed Book Three, but I loved Book Five!!  Clearly Sideris has found the perfect book formula of mystery, suspense, intrigue, with a splash of humor and a dash of misdirection.

This book follows Corrie and her BFF and co-worker, Veera, as they work for a Hollywood studio legal department by day, and moonlight as unlicensed private investigators.  This book begins with Corrie and Veera hilariously wrapping up a black-market studio prop bust.  Quickly followed by Corrie receiving a letter from Holly, a former client of her dad’s PI Firm, requesting help finding a missing friend.  Corrie and Veera agree to take the case and look for Holly’s friend, Dominic, a resident at the luxurious Santa Barbara’s Villa Sunset, a high-end retirement community.  Dominic, a retired UN Ambassador who has been missing for four days seems like a simple missing person case, but Corrie and Veera quickly learn that it is anything but as they get caught up in the many twists and turns that leaves them in need of a secret weapon to solve this case – their own undercover senior citizen and new team member, Corrie’s mom!!

Adding Corrie’s mom to the character line up was simply brilliant!!  She has quickly become my new favorite character!!  She is hilarious – a total riot!!  And exactly what this book and this book series needed for a perfect five-star score!!

I think my favorite thing about this book, and well, honestly, this book series are the characters, Corrie, Veera, and Corrie’s mom.  They are likable, genuine, and realistic.  I loved the strong female protagonist theme in this book.  These three women are smart, friendly, funny, opinionated, caring, compassionate, driven, reliable, and respectful.  They are characters to enjoy reading about and ones that you'll want to be friends with; characters that are easy to relate to and identify with; and characters to invest in, root for their success, development, and growth.

This book is Book Five in the Southern California Mysteries Book Series.  It can easily be read as a standalone.  While I had only previously read book three in this series, I had no trouble keeping up.  Of course, as with most book series there does seem to be character and story line overlaps.

All in all, I really enjoyed reading this book and would absolutely recommend it!!  I think all mystery and suspense readers and cozy mystery fans will like this book too!!  So, add it to your TBR List and get to reading - you won't be disappointed!!

**Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy of this book and have voluntarily provided an honest, and unbiased review in accordance with FTC regulations**

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Lida Sideris' first stint after law school was a newbie lawyer's dream: working as an entertainment attorney for a movie studio...kind of like her heroine, Corrie Locke, except without the homicides. Lida was one of two national winners of the Helen McCloy Mystery Writers of America Scholarship Award and a Silver Falchion Award Finalist. She lives in the northern tip of Southern California with her family, rescue dogs and a flock of uppity chickens.








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Lida will be awarding a $20 Amazon OR Barnes and Noble Gift Card (Winner’s Choice!!!) to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

**This post contains affiliate links and if clicked and a purchase is made, I may receive a small commission to help support this blog.  This does not cost you anything, it just helps pay for all those fabulous community outreach projects and awesome giveaways on here**

This contest is sponsored by a third party. Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Goddess Fish Promotions.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette. The featured author and Goddess Fish Promotions are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.


  1. Lida ~ Good morning!! Welcome back to FAB!! It is so great to have you here again!! Congrats on your new book and good luck on the book tour!! I really enjoyed reading and reviewing your book, thanks for providing the copy!! :)

    1. Hello, Ally! I'm so happy to be back, and THANK YOU SO MUCH for the fabulous review. You absolutely made my day, my week, maybe my whole year! I love it! :)

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you, Goddess Fish for hosting my tour. I appreciate it!

  3. Thank you for sharing your awesome review of Gambling with Murder, this sounds like an excellent cozy mystery read and I am looking forward to it

    1. Thank you, Bea, for taking the time to write such a lovely comment and for stopping by!

  4. I've got this downloaded to my Kindle. Can't wait to read it!

    1. Awww, thank you so much, Tracy! Hope you enjoy it!

  5. Congratulations on your release of Gambling with Murder, Lida, I enjoyed the excerpt and I enjoyed following the tour and learning about your book, which sounds like a mystery that I will enjoy reading and I like the cover! Good luck with your book and I hope the tour was a success! Thanks for sharing it with me and have an awesome day!

    1. Thank you, Stormy, for your very kind words! This is the last day of my tour and what a wonderful tour it's been! I appreciate you taking the time to visit and comment. Many thanks again!

  6. This sounds like a really great read!

    1. Thanks very much, Sherry! I appreciate your visit and comment!

  7. Thank you for stopping by and taking time to comment, Rita!

  8. Wonderful review! Wishing you continued success with the book, Lida!

    1. Thank you so much, Judy! And thanks for the visit!
