
Friday, April 29, 2022

The Prairie Roses Collection Book Series by Various Award-Winning Authors - Book Series Overview - Book Trailer - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Today’s Goddess Fish Promotions Book Tour post features frequent FAB collaborator, awarding-winning, best-selling author Nancy Fraser and her exciting new book, “Ella.”  Nancy’s new book is Book Twelve in the “Prairie Rose Collection,” Book Series.  While her book tour is set to focus on her specific book, “Ella,” I always enjoy sharing Nancy’s new projects and her recent author partnerships.  I didn’t want to distract from her scheduled book tour post, so I created this additional post to showcase her exciting new series and new writing teammates.

In anticipation of this very special new book series, that features the famous Oregon Trail as the series backdrop, Fabulous and Brunette will be awarding a $10 Amazon OR Starbucks Gift Card (Winner’s Choice!!!) to ONE lucky winner!!!  See below for more details.



Check out this exciting new book series!!!

This new book series is comprised of TWENTY-THREE books and each book is written by a different author, however, a few of those authors have penned more than one book in the series.  While the featured book, Book Twelve, “Ella,” by Nancy Fraser is available NOW along with the first NINETEEN books in the series, the remaining FOUR books in the series are to be released over the next few days!!  All TWENTY-THREE books in this book series are FREE on Amazon Kindle Unlimited!!

Please note, that the remaining FOUR books still set to be released will also be FREE on Amazon Kindle Unlimited starting on their publication date.  See below for more details.



Check out the book trailer for this exciting new series!!!




Book One

by Patricia PacJac Carroll

Sadie Bluhm receives the letter to confirm she had been chosen to be the mail order bride for Conrad Frazier in America. She is delighted. Growing up an orphan, Sadie relishes the idea she has been chosen to belong to someone.

Available NOW!!


Book Two

by Caryl McAdoo

Caught between a wagon train and the deep blue sea, Agnes Remington Dalrumple--Remi for short--chooses the overland journey west. Never before on her own, she decides on California to find the father she’s never known.

Available NOW!!


Book Three

by Barbara Goss

As a mail-order bride, Hope finds herself married to an outlaw who leaves her stranded on the Oregon Trail at about the same time as Daniel’s wife dies of cholera.  The wagon train master strongly urges them to join forces and marry.

Available NOW!!


Book Four

by Vickie McDonough

Vickie McDonough is a CBA, EPCA, and Amazon best-selling author of more than 50 published books and novellas. The War Between the States may have ended, but prejudice is still strong among the families journeying together on a wagon train headed down the Santa Fe Trail. Julia Scott is traveling to New Mexico with her father and younger brother.

Available NOW!!


Book Five

by Caryl McAdoo

Forgive, and you’ll be forgiven. How can death, betrayal, a rash proposal, and revenge lead to romance? An abusive controller—ex-brother-in-law, new husband, uncle-stepfather—compels reluctant travelers—his brother’s widow and daughter--westward.

Available NOW!!


Book Six

by Patricia PacJac Carroll

A dispute between a mail-order bride and two men over the rights to a dead man's wagon and supplies on a wagon train to Oregon. Susan has no place to return to. John sees this as his chance to make a life for himself. Ed wants to put away his past for a fresh start.

Available NOW!!


Book Seven

by Donna Schlachter

Kate Benton, daughter of a saloon floozy, runs away days before her official introduction into that sordid life, straight into the arms of Tom McBride, fleeing from his outlaw brother’s past. Can these two young people, damaged and labeled by life experiences, tear down the walls of guilt and mistrust that separate them?

Available NOW!!


Book Eight

by Caryl McAdoo

The Lord works in mysterious ways. Fleeing heartache, shame, and betrayal, Ruth finds all her plans thwarted until the untimely death of a goat that gives her hope! Hired as a wet-nurse for Logan’s motherless son, she rejects his marriage-of-convenience proposal, hoping to find true love at the trail’s end.

Available NOW!!


Book Nine

by Annee Jones

A betrayal...a secret baby….an unknown imposter…will Tess survive the wagon train journey to Sunset Hills, Oregon after her life is threatened? And if so, what will she do once she gets there? 1855. Tess Findlay can’t wait to be reunited with her beau who went out west three months ago to mine for gold, saying he’d send for her soon.

Available NOW!!


Book Ten

by Patricia PacJac Carroll

Sophie Linden left her farm in New York for a chance to see this grand new country. As the last unmarried daughter of the Linden’s, she was in grave danger of ending up the spinster of Conlin County. She also yearns to see Oregon. Captain Farneswell had told everyone about the place as if it was a piece of heaven. Peter Fleming is anxious to go west to Oregon and start a new life. He is leaving his old life in Missouri and all the memories behind.

Available NOW!!


Book Eleven

by Linda Carroll-Bradd

After her father betrayed her trust by gambling away their Kentucky horse breeding business, Cadi Gruffyn salvaged the pregnant prize mare gifted for her 21st birthday. The loss of the horse farm displaces her aunt and uncle, so Cadi joins them on a wagon train to northern California where her brother established a ranch in the Diablo Valley. When her uncle dies, several men approach Cadi, insisting she needs a husband to help her finish out the trip.

Available NOW!!


Book Twelve

by Nancy Fraser

To get away from her late husband’s questionable deeds, Ella Winslow takes her three children and heads west to the unsettled Washington Territory to claim land she believes she’s inherited from her father. Tucker McAlister was fired from his position as deputy marshal for arresting the mayor’s brother-in-law for spousal abuse. His mentor has found him another job, first escorting the wagon train going west and. then, as the new marshal in the growing town of Tacoma, Washington.

Available NOW!!


Book Thirteen

by Donna Schlachter

Calli works as a nurse with the US Army at Fort Bridger, Wyoming in 1880. When a wagon train full of discouraged emigrants passes through on its way east, a pregnant widow delivers her baby then dies. Bradley Wilson, leading this train, has few options. He asks Calli to travel with them until they find a relative to take the child in St. Joe, Missouri.

Available NOW!!


Book Fourteen

by Vickie McDonough

A woman fleeing her past runs straight into her future. Laney Dawson is desperate to leave Council Grove, KS. Her abusive father is getting out of prison in a week, and she refuses to allow him to hurt her again. With few options available for a young woman, she poses as Lane, a teen boy, and hires on with a family traveling the Santa Fe Trail to New Mexico.

Available NOW!!


Book Fifteen

by Patricia PacJac Carroll

Sabra had her life planned out, until everything fell apart. Bartholomew wouldn’t know a plan if it bit him. A supply train of freight and family wagons along the southwest, an ornery camel, and a wild journey throw Sabra and Bart together.

Available NOW!!


Book Sixteen

by Zina Abbott

Man goes to mountaintops to pray. Woman, caring for hearth and home, stays too busy to climb, so God comes to her. Because Pearl has no acceptable marriage prospects, when her father decides to sell out and join her brothers in Oregon Territory, she must go, too. Her father’s assurance that he plans to travel the safer Applegate Trail to reach the Willamette Valley brings little comfort.

Available NOW!!


Book Seventeen

by Marissa Masterson

Pikes Peak Or Bust! Glory’s father catches a fever—gold fever. While it’s late in the season to start out, a wagon train forms to head to Colorado. She has no choice but to go with her father, leaving in late July. The trip will be only 6oo miles. Easily done before snow falls. What could go wrong?

Available NOW!!


Book Eighteen

by Rena Groot

Strong, determined Rose finds more than she bargained for on a wagon train headed out West on the Oregon Trail. Will she be able to leave the comforts of high society behind to survive the rigors of the trail? Will she humbly admit her need for strength, hope and courage from God?

Available NOW!!


Book Nineteen

by Shonda Czeschin Fischer

Aria Cane is headed west with her family running from a secret that could destroy them all. Creed Townsend, the son of a pastor, decides to head west to start a church of his own when the local townsfolk decide he’s too young to take over their congregation after the death of his father.

Available April 29th, 2022


Book Twenty

by KC Hart

When Elsie Kandel's wealthy, doting father dies, leaving her free to make her own choices, along with the finances to see them through, Elsie decides it’s time to prove to herself, and everyone else, that she is more than a porcelain doll in a pretty dress. She will move west to California to live with an estranged aunt and pursue what she has secretly longed to be for as long as she can remember—a midwife.

Available April 30th, 2022


Book Twenty-One

by Linda Carroll-Bradd

Amity Grenville is set on reaching Oregon’s Sweet Home Valley, where her aunt and uncle have a farm. They were part of the Great Migration of 1843, and Amity saved every letter Aunt Beitris wrote, complete with advice on the journey preparations. Amity is eager for a fresh start, in the hopes that her husband, Garvey, will find a new vocation in farming and leave behind his drinking and gambling ways.

Available May 1st, 2022


Book Twenty-Two

by Angela Lain

Amy was the oldest surviving daughter of the Morrin family. Since they had fled Ireland in search of a better life she had always know they were only a few steps ahead of destitution. The Oregon Trail spelt more freedom than Amy had ever known, but arrival in Fort Laramie brought heartache. Faced with abandoning his dream, Mr. Morrin accepted the offer of restocking the wagon in return for Amy’s hand in marriage to a man of his own age.

Available May 2nd, 2022


Book Twenty-Three

by Caryl McAdoo

Trust in the Lord with all your heart; and lean not unto your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him and He will direct your path! An evil tragedy upends Jo's young life. Sickness propels the young lady and her grandfather from the thick, moisture-laden air of the Mississippi to drier desert land at the end of the Santa Fe Trail.

Available May 3rd, 2022

Find out more info about these books and their authors here:



Fabulous and Brunette will be awarding a $10 Amazon OR Starbucks Gift Card (Winner’s Choice!!!) to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter.

This giveaway event ends on May 3rd, the day the last book in this series, “Jo,” by Caryl McAdoo is released.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


****Giveaway Event Ends at 9pm (PST) on May 3rd, 2022****


Also be sure to check out today’s earlier blog post, the Book Blast event for this book series, highlighting Nancy Fraser’s new book “Ella,” plus, my book review, and enter to win a $20 Amazon OR Barnes and Noble Gift Card giveaway!!

Check it out here:


**This post contains affiliate links and if clicked and a purchase is made, I may receive a small commission to help support this blog.  This does not cost you anything, it just helps pay for all those fabulous community outreach projects and awesome giveaways on here**

**This giveaway is sponsored directly by Fabulous and Brunette.  Only Fabulous and Brunette is responsible for fulfilling the Gift Card prize.  Pre-set $10.00 USD Valued Gift Card Amount for Amazon OR Starbucks prize to be gifted to randomly chosen Rafflecopter winner.  Selected winner may choose from Amazon OR Starbucks Gift Card prize.  Please see terms and conditions tab on the Rafflecopter for any additional info.  As always, no purchase necessary to enter; you must be 18 years of age to enter; and while Rafflecopter chooses a winner at random, potential winner's entries may be checked and verified before they are officially confirmed as the winner.**

Ella by Nancy Fraser - Book Blast - Book Trailer - Fun Jigsaw Puzzle - Book Review - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Hey, lovelies!!  It gives me great pleasure today to host Nancy Fraser and her new book, “Ella,” here on FAB!!  For other stops on her Goddess Fish Promotions Book Tour, please click on the banner above or any of the images in this post.

Be sure to make it to the end of this post to enter to win a $20 Amazon OR Barnes and Noble Gift Card!!  Also, come back daily to interact with Nancy and to increase your chances of winning!!

This eBook is on available for FREE on Amazon Kindle Unlimited during the book tour!!  See below for more details.

Thanks for stopping by!!  Wishing you all lots of good luck in this fabulous giveaway!!


The Prairie Roses Collection

Book Twelve

by Nancy Fraser


GENRE:  Sweet/Inspirational Western Historical Romance



To get away from her late husband’s questionable deeds, Ella Winslow takes her three children and heads west to the unsettled Washington Territory to claim land she believes she’s inherited from her father.

Tucker McAlister was fired from his position as deputy marshal for arresting the mayor’s brother-in-law for spousal abuse. His mentor has found him another job, first escorting the wagon train going west, and then as the new marshal in the growing town of Tacoma, Washington Territory.

The trail is long and hard, yet Ella is more than up to the task. Still, Tuck feels the need to watch over her and her children, whether she wants him to or not. It isn’t until they arrive in Washington that he realizes his protection will now need to extend even further than the wagon train itself.

Will Ella’s faith allow her to trust again and make a safe home for her family, while welcoming Tuck into her heart?



Whispering Willows Farm

Maryvale, Missouri

April 16, 1870

Ella Winslow turned toward the kitchen door, the loud crash of wood on wood causing her to startle. Raising her head, she met her brother’s angry glare.

“What the devil are you thinking, Sis?” Connor Miller asked. “You can’t just up and take off with your children. And crossing the country in father’s prized possession, no less? Have you lost your senses?”

“I’ve never understood why everyone claims it’s women who are moody, hysterical even. We can’t hold a candle to a flustered man.” Narrowing her gaze, she gave Connor the same no-nonsense look she often used on her daughter and two sons. “It’s my decision to make. With my husband dead and buried, there’s nothing holding me here. As a matter of fact, given the legacy Peter Winslow left behind, I’d say taking my children away from this town is the right thing to do.”

“So, I’m nothing, am I?” Connor asked angrily.

The hurt she could see in his eyes caused her a small niggle of pain, a moment’s pause.

“Of course, you mean the world to me. You’re my brother, the only family I have left, other than my precious children.”

“Then, why are you leaving?”

Her shoulders heaved on a deep sigh. “You know why. I’m tired of having the good people of Maryvale stare at me with pity, while gossiping about me behind my back. Not to mention the way the children have been teased in the schoolyard.”

“This whole mess will blow over soon enough.”

“I’d like to believe you... that the people I’ve known my entire life will come to their senses and realize I had nothing to do with Peter’s abhorrent business dealings. And, his...” Her voice lowered before trailing off. She couldn’t bear thinking about all the secrets her late husband had harbored. All the evil deeds he’d done.

“He was a liar, a cheat, and—assuming the reports from the marshal’s office are accurate—a cold blooded killer. His actions were his own. You had nothing to do with them.”

“Tell that to the townsfolk who treat me, and my children, like steamy piles of horse dung.”

“Now who’s being hysterical?” Connor teased, his familiar grin firmly back in place.

“Not hysterical, just fed up with being treated so poorly.” She dipped her hand into the pocket of her apron and produced a piece of paper, waving it in the air. “The farm, the last of father’s workshop projects, and this... it’s all that’s left of any value.”

Connor snatched the deed from her grasp and unfolded it, scanning the page for what was likely the hundredth time.

“You don’t even know if this paper is valid. Didn’t you say the land office never responded to your letters?”

“No matter,” she insisted, swishing her hand in the most dismissive way she could manage given her own doubts. “The solicitor who handled the sale of the house and the disposition of claims against Peter’s estate said it’s a legal document. And, thankfully, never part of Peter’s holdings so it couldn’t be used to cover his debts.”

Connor’s voice softened. “You and the children are welcome to stay here with me and Millie.”

Ella reached up and cradled his cheek in the palm of her hand. The threat of tears warmed her eyes. “You’re sweet to offer, but you and your new wife don’t need us hanging around when you’re just starting out. The children and I will be fine.”

Connor shook his head, pulling away from her caress, and dislodging his thick dark curls until they fell across his forehead. “It’s not safe, setting out in a wagon train all alone. Four months—maybe more—on a dusty trail is no way for a lady to travel.”

“I won’t be alone. I’ll have my children, and at least seven other wagons.”

“What if they’re not all going as far as you are? You may be the only wagon on the Naches Pass Trail. You should wait for a year or two, until the railroad is finished. They plan to reach Olympia and Tacoma by 1872.”

“They haven’t met their previous expectations, what’s to say they’ll make this one?” Ella asked. “I don’t want to risk losing out on my claim once the population starts growing.”

“You can’t live in a wagon.”

“According to our father’s notes, he... they... built a small cabin on the property.”

“I wouldn’t be putting any faith in the jabbering of that old fool.”

She gave Connor’s cheek another pat. “Sometimes, dear brother, faith is all we’ve got. I trust the Lord will protect us on our journey.”



Check out Nancy’s exciting new book series trailer below!!!



Nancy has created a fun jigsaw puzzle for her readers to play!!!

Check it out here:



This book is an enjoyable, quick read filled with sweet romance, wholesome, kindhearted characters, intriguing story lines, and beautiful blind faith inspiration.

While I must admit I was a tiny bit hesitant that this book might be on the slower placed side or even a tad bit boring.  However, I should know by now that those words are never associated with a Nancy Fraser book – and this book was no different.  Nancy’s superior writing skills continue to impress me, I feel like I don’t even need to read the book blurb – I already know I’m going to like it and enjoy reading every page.  And at this point, I think Nancy could even find a way to make college textbooks intriguing lol.

This book starts off with the main character Ella, and her brother, Connor, arguing over Ella’s decision to “just up and leave town.”  Ella tries to explain to Connor how things have been so uncomfortable after her late husband’s death and finding out his abhorrent and illegal business dealings and bad behavior.  Ella confides in Connor about the whole town of Maryvale turning on her, constantly staring at her and gossiping about her, not to mention the ripple effect it’s had on the kids being teased and bullied at school.  While Connor continues to try to talk Ella out of making such a drastic change, he finally realizes she has made up her mind and she and the kids are moving out West to Washington Territory.

This book follows Ella and her three children, Callie, Jacob, and Thomas, over their extensive and complicated covered wagon journey from Maryvale, Missouri to Washington Territory and the people they travel with and meet along the way – including a dashingly handsome Tuck, who finds the need and desire to want to protect Ella and her children helping them reach their final destination safely.

This book is a super-fast read at only 119 eBook pages over the course of fourteen short chapters.  I was able to read this book in just one quick sitting as I didn’t want to put it down.

This book is fast paced, strongly written with many intriguing plot points, and well-developed, genuine characters.

As always with Nancy's books, I loved the characters, especially Ella, Tuck, and the kids.  Regardless of the genre, Nancy always seems to find a way to create such multidimensional, strongly developed, likable, authentic characters that readers are such to quickly connect with.

As someone who has spent quite a bit of time on the Oregon Trail I was excited and intrigued by this story line.  While this was always a hot topic in school I found Nancy’s story quite interesting and informative.  And I honestly started to fill a little bit spoiled and guilty recalling how easier and way more comfortable my travels across the states were by car.  Not to mention, how my family often rented a giant U-Haul to move all our stuff, while Ella tells her kids they are only allowed to bring one toy, two books, two changes of clothes, one nightclothes, and two underclothes – that is all to last them the entire five or so month trip!!!  Wow!!  I don’t even pack that light for just an overnight trip lol!!  Very enlightening!!  Of course, Ella does mention that her brother plans to ship their other items to their new home in due time and the main reason for so few items is the wagon is only so big and needs to be mostly filled with pantry items, which does make sense.

This book is Book Twelve of Twenty-Three in “The Prairie Roses Collection,” Book Series.  This book can easily be read as a standalone.  Before reading this book, I had not read any of the other books in this series and was able to easily follow along.  Nancy has teamed up with her author friends to create this exciting new book series as each book is written by a different author, but all books follow strong-willed inspiring female characters and their intriguing adventures along the Oregon Trail.

All in all, I really enjoyed reading this book and would absolutely recommend it!!  I think all historical romance readers, sweet romance readers, and inspirational book fans will like this book too!!  So, add it to your TBR List and get to reading – you won’t be disappointed!!

**Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy of this book and have voluntarily provided an honest and unbiased review in accordance with FTC regulations**

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If so, please, please, please mark it as helpful on Amazon here:



Nancy Fraser is a best-selling and award-winning author who happily jumps across multiple romance genres with gleeful abandon.

She's also the granddaughter of a Methodist minister known for his fire-and-brimstone approach to his faith. Nancy has brought some of his spirit into her Christian romances. And, her own off-beat sense of humor to her clean & wholesome books.

When not writing (which is almost never), Nancy dotes on her five wonderful grandchildren and looks forward to traveling and reading when time permits. Nancy lives in Atlantic Canada where she enjoys the relaxed pace and colorful people.











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**The Ella eBook is available for FREE on Amazon Kindle Unlimited during the book tour!!!**

Amazon US Kindle eBook:

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Nancy will be awarding a $20 Amazon OR Barnes and Noble Gift Card (Winner’s Choice!!!) to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Also be sure to check out today’s other blog post, featuring an in-depth look at Nancy Fraser’s exciting new book series, “The Prairie Roses Collection,” and enter to win a $10 Amazon OR Starbucks Gift Card giveaway!!

Check it out here:


**This post contains affiliate links and if clicked and a purchase is made, I may receive a small commission to help support this blog.  This does not cost you anything, it just helps pay for all those fabulous community outreach projects and awesome giveaways on here**

This contest is sponsored by a third party. Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Goddess Fish Promotions.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette. The featured author and Goddess Fish Promotions are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.

Thursday, April 28, 2022

Gambling with Murder by Lida Sideris - Book Tour - Book Review - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Hi, lovelies!!  It gives me great pleasure today to host Lida Sideris and her new book, “Gambling with Murder,” here on FAB!!  For other stops on her Goddess Fish Promotions Book Tour, please click on the banner above or any of the images in this post.

Be sure to make it to the end of this post to enter to win a $20 Amazon OR Barnes and Noble Gift Card!!  Also, come back daily to interact with Lida and to increase your chances of winning!!

Thanks for stopping by!!  Wishing you all lots of good luck in this fabulous giveaway!!

Gambling with Murder

A Southern California Mystery Series

Book Five

by Lida Sideris


GENRE:  Mystery (Traditional, Humor)



A late-night call is all it takes for rookie lawyer Corrie Locke to kiss her day job at the movie studio goodbye, and do what she does best: flex her sweet P.I. skills and go undercover to find a senior who’s missing from a posh retirement community. One small stumbling block: skirting past security to gain inside access to the exclusive Villa Sunset. Time to call in the heavy artillery. Besides former security guard turned legal assistant—now wannabe P.I.—Veera, Corrie relies on a secret weapon: her mother, a surprisingly eager addition to Corrie’s team. Armed with enough pepper spray to take down a band of Navy Seals, Mom impersonates a senior to infiltrate the Villa, Corrie, and Veera in tow. Turns out the job’s not as easy as they’d thought. These seniors have tricks tucked up their sleeves and aren’t afraid of using them.

The action gets dicey when the missing senior case turns into attempted murder by a criminal mind who’s always one step ahead. Corrie’s hot on the trail, but finds more than she bargained for…when her mother becomes a target.



I pinned the beam of my light into a dark corner of the warehouse. Four large pieces of luggage lay side-by-side atop a folding table. Everything surrounding me was in stacks and piles. The luggage exteriors, aluminum handles, and zippers looked new. Why store unused luggage in a place with worn-out, broken-down stuff?

“Oh-oh,” Veera said.

“Hold on.” I grabbed a suitcase and slid it closer. I shone my light on a combination lock. Next to it sat a small keyhole. Pulling out a paperclip from my pants pocket, I shoved it into the keyhole and jiggled it around.

“Two unmarked vehicles drove up,” Veera whispered.

We’d parked behind the warehouse. I’d left Veera hiding near the entry to keep an eye out. I popped open the lid of the suitcase. Folded bedsheets lay on top. Easing them aside, I gaped at the blood-red cape with a stylized golden “S” on the back. “It’s Superman’s.”

“The cars parked next to each other,” Veera said.

To the side of the cape lay a pillowcase. I ran my fingers over something odd-shaped and bulky inside. I unwrapped it to find a one-of-a-kind, golden gun. “No way.” A cigarette case formed the handle. The trigger was a cufflink and a fountain pen served as the barrel. It was a prop gun from a James Bond film.

“Two muscular guys came out of a van,” Veera said. “There’s a third person taking his sweet time. Looks to be someone smaller, older by the way he moves. And he’s wearing a dress, which means he could be a her. Headed your way. If there’s a backdoor, I’d use it.”

Veera and I swung around. Taller than the fence and far meaner looking, a uniformed security guard glared down at us, head cocked to one side. His top lip curled in a snarl. I half expected his mouth to be filled with steel-capped teeth.

“Can you point us to the ladies’ room, please?” I asked. The name on his badge was Kyle.

“Get off this property.” He blinded us with his flashlight.

“Technically, this is city property.” Sounded legit to me.

“Out now.”

“Any wiggle room in the ‘now’ part?” I took a step back and limped. I stalled, hoping to conjure up a way to get in. “I hurt my foot.”

Veera pointed at my boot. “Could be a sprain. You got a doctor inside those buildings?”

“Get out before I physically toss you out,” he said.

Kyle could probably pick me up and hurl me across the street with one hand, but Veera? It wouldn’t be so easy. Together, we could take him. He leaned forward with a grunt, just as I leaned toward Veera. “You thinking what I’m thinking?” I whispered. I was betting his knees were his weak point.

Veera rolled her eyes over him and whispered back, “I’m thinking we should get going.”



This book is hands-down one of my favorite cozy mystery books of all time!!!

It’s been awhile since I have laughed this hard while reading a book and I was very happy I was reading this book at home alone or people might have thought I was crazy lol!!

About two years ago, I had the pleasure of reading and reviewing Lida Sideris’ other book, “Murder: Double or Nothing,” which is Book Three in the "Southern California Mysteries," Book Series.  I thoroughly enjoyed this intriguing cozy mystery so when I saw an opportunity to host the author and her latest book, “Gambling with Murder,” which is Book Five in the same book series, I jumped at the chance.

First off, I have to admit, that I can’t believe I haven’t completely devoured this entire book series.  As I said, I enjoyed Book Three, but I loved Book Five!!  Clearly Sideris has found the perfect book formula of mystery, suspense, intrigue, with a splash of humor and a dash of misdirection.

This book follows Corrie and her BFF and co-worker, Veera, as they work for a Hollywood studio legal department by day, and moonlight as unlicensed private investigators.  This book begins with Corrie and Veera hilariously wrapping up a black-market studio prop bust.  Quickly followed by Corrie receiving a letter from Holly, a former client of her dad’s PI Firm, requesting help finding a missing friend.  Corrie and Veera agree to take the case and look for Holly’s friend, Dominic, a resident at the luxurious Santa Barbara’s Villa Sunset, a high-end retirement community.  Dominic, a retired UN Ambassador who has been missing for four days seems like a simple missing person case, but Corrie and Veera quickly learn that it is anything but as they get caught up in the many twists and turns that leaves them in need of a secret weapon to solve this case – their own undercover senior citizen and new team member, Corrie’s mom!!

Adding Corrie’s mom to the character line up was simply brilliant!!  She has quickly become my new favorite character!!  She is hilarious – a total riot!!  And exactly what this book and this book series needed for a perfect five-star score!!

I think my favorite thing about this book, and well, honestly, this book series are the characters, Corrie, Veera, and Corrie’s mom.  They are likable, genuine, and realistic.  I loved the strong female protagonist theme in this book.  These three women are smart, friendly, funny, opinionated, caring, compassionate, driven, reliable, and respectful.  They are characters to enjoy reading about and ones that you'll want to be friends with; characters that are easy to relate to and identify with; and characters to invest in, root for their success, development, and growth.

This book is Book Five in the Southern California Mysteries Book Series.  It can easily be read as a standalone.  While I had only previously read book three in this series, I had no trouble keeping up.  Of course, as with most book series there does seem to be character and story line overlaps.

All in all, I really enjoyed reading this book and would absolutely recommend it!!  I think all mystery and suspense readers and cozy mystery fans will like this book too!!  So, add it to your TBR List and get to reading - you won't be disappointed!!

**Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy of this book and have voluntarily provided an honest, and unbiased review in accordance with FTC regulations**

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Lida Sideris' first stint after law school was a newbie lawyer's dream: working as an entertainment attorney for a movie studio...kind of like her heroine, Corrie Locke, except without the homicides. Lida was one of two national winners of the Helen McCloy Mystery Writers of America Scholarship Award and a Silver Falchion Award Finalist. She lives in the northern tip of Southern California with her family, rescue dogs and a flock of uppity chickens.








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Barnes and Noble NOOK eBook:

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Bookshop Paperback:

Kobo US eBook:

Kobo CA eBook:



Lida will be awarding a $20 Amazon OR Barnes and Noble Gift Card (Winner’s Choice!!!) to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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This contest is sponsored by a third party. Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Goddess Fish Promotions.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette. The featured author and Goddess Fish Promotions are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.