
Monday, March 14, 2022

The Abdication by Justin Newland - Book Tour - Guest Post - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Hi, lovelies!!  It gives me great pleasure today to host Justin Newland and his new book, “The Abdication,” here on FAB!!  For other stops on his Goddess Fish Promotions Book Tour, please click on the banner above or any of the images in this post.

Be sure to make it to the end of this post to enter to win a Paperback Copy of the Featured Book!!  Also, come back daily to interact with Justin and to increase your chances of winning!!

Thanks for stopping by!!  Wishing you all lots of good luck in this fabulous giveaway!!

The Abdication

by Justin Newland


GENRE:  Supernatural Thriller



The town of Unity sits perched on the edge of a yawning ravine where, long ago, a charisma of angels provided spiritual succour to a fledgeling human race. Then mankind was granted the gift of free will and had to find its own way, albeit with the guidance of the angels. The people’s first conscious act was to make an exodus from Unity – they built a rope bridge across the ravine and founded the town of Topeth. For a time, the union between the people of Topeth and the angels of Unity was one of mutual benefit. After that early spring advance, there had been a torrid decline in which mankind’s development resembled a crumpled, fading autumnal leaf.

Following the promptings of an inner voice, Tula, a young woman from the city, trudges into Topeth. Her quest is to abide with the angels and thereby discover the right and proper exercise of free will. To do that, she has to cross the bridge – and overcome her vertigo.

Topeth is in upheaval; the townsfolk blame the death of a child on dust from the nearby copper mines. The priests have convinced them that a horde of devils have thrown the angels out of Unity and now occupy the bridge, possessing anyone who trespasses on it. Then there’s the heinous Temple of Moloch!

The Abdication is the story of Tula’s endeavour to step upon the path of a destiny far greater than she could ever have imagined.



2.  The Devils’ Bridge

A narrow path snaking down the steep slope linked the town to the bridge. Fearing the guards’ return, she hurried along the winding, uneven path. It was fine for mountain goats, but with her bad ankle and her walking stick, she was nowhere near as fleet of foot as they.

The bridge had a quietening effect, like a warm homecoming after a long absence. Ever since she had heard about the abandoned town of Unity, she had wanted to visit the place for herself. Within touching distance, she felt a keen sense of belonging, even though she had never been near it – until now.

A solitary wicker lantern sat in a cradle, shedding a pale light over a crescent-shaped area covered in flagstones that had been carved out of the side of the mountain. In the middle of it were the bridge pillars and a small wooden shack.

The bridge itself was a slender rope structure slung across the open chasm. Narrow matting formed the bridge deck wide enough for one person to cross. At least there were hand ropes. At the Topeth end, it was attached to two thick, green-coloured pillars. Fingers of mist rose out of the ravine, obscuring the Unity end of the bridge. The structure reminded her of a long, thin hammock tied between two pairs of massive tree trunks.

By the bridge entrance was a large sign:




It was true. She had heard rumours about the bridge, about how predatory devils prowled the dip in the centre of the rope bridge. It was forbidden to cross it.



Writing Strong Female Characters

I really enjoy writing strong female characters. All of my four novels to date feature one or another in the narrative. I set them some arduous tasks, and get them to make the most difficult decisions, but I always admire how they deal with it, and their integrity.

‘Strong’ for a woman is different to ‘strong’ for a man though. A man’s strength is physical; he can move mountains. A woman’s strength is more subtle, it’s to do with tenacity and perseverance, resilience and constancy.

The motto of Queen Elizabeth I of England (see the image of the Royal Arms) sums it up nicely: Semper Idem, which means Always the Same.

Although my novels are termed fantasy or supernatural, that’s not quite accurate. I imbue my stories with a particular kind of fantasy, in which the characters, often the female characters, are clairvoyant, telepathic, have Extra Sensory Perception, and ‘see’ dreams and visions.

One great benefit of having such characters is that it becomes possible to introduce back story, and even warnings of danger to come, through them.

My first novel, The Genes of Isis, is a piece of a mythological fiction. It’s a modern re-telling of the Biblical story of the flood from the Book of Genesis. In it, Akasha is a young woman, and an apprentice priestess. She has a vision of the flood to come, and the story unfolds from there.

My second novel was a historical fiction set in Old China in the 1400’s, The Old Dragon’s Head. China at the time was strongly paternalistic, so it was difficult to find a prominent role for a female character. But I found one. In it, Luli is a seer or clairvoyant which the Chinese call ‘having yin-yang eyes.’ She’s also a mother, and adventurous, and plays an important role in the unfolding of the plot.

My third novel, The Coronation, is set in the 1760’s in King Frederick the Great’s Prussia, a now-defunct Baltic state between Poland and Lithuania. The main female character is a mother, and an aristocrat; her name is Marion, Countess von Adler. She is based on a real-life personage, Marion, Countess von Dönhoff (see her photograph) who lived at a Junker family estate at Castle Friedrichstein near Löwenhagen, East Prussia For reasons of discretion, I changed the name in the novel to Castle Ludwigshain.

Much of the inner detail in the novel is derived from the real Countess’ autobiography, Before the Storm: Memories of My Youth in Old Prussia (tr. by Jean Steinberg. NY: Alfred A. Knopf, 1990).

Although she lived during the 20th Century, I was able to add a rare touch of authenticity to my novel.

It allowed me to enter her pre-Second World War world and imagine what it might have been like to live on the Friedrichstein estate during the 18th Century.

And so, to my latest novel, The Abdication. In it, Tula is a young woman on a spiritual journey of self-discovery. She heads for the town of Topeth, on the opposite side of a ravine to the town of Unity, where angels are supposed at one time to have lived. The two towns are joined by a slender rope bridge. She believes the angels still exist, but the people of Topeth don’t, in fact they now think that Unity is occupied by devils.

Tula is sassy, quick-witted, and courageous, as well as being kind, considerate and warm. She was a pleasure to write and spend time with. I did put her through some really difficult situations, but she came through them, and, to her credit, learned from them.

Some of my female leads are young, 18-21 years old, and in exploring their characters, they are effectively coming of age in the story. This allows Akasha or Tula’s coming of age story to be mirrored by a bigger coming of age, or maturing.

Strong female leads will always capture the imagination, and perhaps, because of the way of the world, they have not been explored as much as they could have been. In which case, there’s plenty of opportunity to do so in a novel.  And long may the strong female character stride across our pages!



Justin Newland is an author of historical fantasy and secret history thrillers - that’s history with a supernatural twist. His stories feature known events and real people from history which are re-told and examined through the lens of the supernatural. He gives author talks and is a regular contributor to BBC Radio Bristol’s Thought for the Day. He lives with his partner in plain sight of the Mendip Hills in Somerset, England.


The Genes of Isis is a tale of love, destruction and ephemeral power set under the skies of Ancient Egypt. A re-telling of the Biblical story of the flood, it reveals the mystery of the genes of Isis – or genesis – of mankind. ISBN 9781789014860.

“The novel is creative, sophisticated, and downright brilliant! I couldn’t ask more of an Egyptian-esque book!”

~ Lauren, Books Beyond the Story.

The Old Dragon’s Head is a historical fantasy and supernatural thriller set during the Ming Dynasty and played out in the shadows the Great Wall of China. It explores the secret history of the influences that shaped the beginnings of modern times.  ISBN 9781789015829.

“The author is an excellent storyteller.”

~ British Fantasy Society.

Set during the Great Enlightenment, The Coronation reveals the secret history of the Industrial Revolution. ISBN 9781838591885.

“The novel explores the themes of belonging, outsiders… religion and war…  filtered through the lens of the other-worldly.”

~ A. Deane, Page Farer Book Blog.

His latest, The Abdication (July, 2021), is a suspense thriller, a journey of destiny, wisdom and self-discovery. ISBN 9781800463950.

“In Topeth, Tula confronts the truth, her faith in herself, faith in a higher purpose, and ultimately, what it means to abdicate that faith.”

~ V. Triola, Coast to Coast.






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Justin will be awarding a Paperback copy of the book (International giveaway) to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

**This post contains affiliate links and if clicked and a purchase is made, I may receive a small commission to help support this blog.  This does not cost you anything, it just helps pay for all those fabulous community outreach projects and awesome giveaways on here**

This contest is sponsored by a third party. Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Goddess Fish Promotions.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette. The featured author and Goddess Fish Promotions are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.


  1. Justin ~ Good morning!! Welcome to FAB!! It is so great to have you here!! Congrats on your new book and good luck on the book tour!! :)

  2. Hey Ally, you're so kind to say so. Love the website. I mean FAB - how can a Brunette not be Fabulous? Keep safe, now, and all the best. Justin.

  3. Great cover and the book books good.

  4. Great excerpt and giveaway. :)
