
Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Happy Belated Valentine's Day Lovelies!!! - February Community Outreach Project!!!

Happy Belated Valentine's Day, Lovelies!!!  I hope you all had a fabulous day filled with fun, love, and happiness!!!

This year, I chose to celebrate this special love filled holiday with some of the BEST furbabies ever!!!  And even better – these lovebugs are available for adoption at Willamette Humane Society!!!

 Check out some of these sweethearts I met:



I was so excited to be able to spend this day sharing love with those who needed a little extra TLC today!!!



And of course, what holiday wouldn’t be complete without presents!!??  We were able to donate dozens of boxes of toys, treats, kibbles, supplies, and more to BOTH the Willamette Humane Society and Salem Friends of Felines to help give these sweet rescues a little something to brighten their day!!!  Many wishes for them to find their forever home someday soon!!!

 Here are just a few of the donations we made:


Also, a HUGE thank you to all FAB followers who not only help support this blog but help make these donations possible!!!  Every page view, every comment, every like, every share, every follow – it ALL helps!!!  Thank you for helping make a difference!!!

Can’t wait to share with you all next month’s community outreach project!!!

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