
Tuesday, January 11, 2022

It's OK to Have Feelings by Aileen Pound and Michaela Robertson Keane - Book Tour - Guest Post - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Hi, lovelies!!  It gives me great pleasure today to host Aileen Pound and Michaela Robertson Keane and their new book, “It’s OK to Have Feelings,” here on FAB!!  For other stops on their Goddess Fish Promotions Book Tour, please click on the banner above or any of the images in this post.

Be sure to make it to the end of this post to enter to win a $15 Amazon or Barnes and Noble Gift Card!!  Also, come back daily to interact with Aileen and Michaela and to increase your chances of winning!!

Thanks for stopping by!!  Wishing you all lots of good luck in this fabulous giveaway!!

It's OK to Have Feelings

by Aileen Pound


Michaela Robertson Keane


GENRE: Children's



It's OK to have feelings.

Everyone has feelings. Happy, sad, and angry are feelings we all have felt at one time or another. As you grow up, you start to feel other feelings. Can you guess what some of them might be?

What happens to our bodies when we start to feel these feelings? When you're happy, you feel like the sky is blue, the sun is out and you can see unicorns and rainbows. Your smile is bigger, and your eyes have a sparkle in them. What happens to your body when it's a feeling you've never felt before?

Come along and join in with all the other children learning how to identify feelings and what happens to their bodies when they feel those feelings.

Remember, it's OK to have feelings!



Have you ever felt scared ? Perhaps you’ve seen

something scary on T.V. Maybe you have to go to the

doctor’s office for an injection you know is going to hurt.

It’s not nice to feel scared, is it? Your body tenses,

your heart races, and your eyes widen like saucers.

Just remember, though...

It’s OK to have feelings; this feeling of being

scared will pass (and usually rather quickly).

Have you ever been talking to a friend and they just won’t listen?

Has someone ever kept following you in the playground even when

you’ve asked them to stop? You start to glare, your voice becomes

gruff, and your face becomes warm. You are feeling angry .

Just remember, though...

It’s OK to have feelings. It’s ok to feel angry. In fact, it’s

normal to have this feeling. Your anger will go away.

Tomorrow is another day.



Writing this book has taught me so much.

I have always been very open with Michaela (my daughter) about everything, and I’ve always taught her that it’s OK to express all her feelings. From very young I’ve let her know it’s OK to be angry, or it’s OK to cry all feelings are normal. However, it wasn’t until COVID hit and we had to quarantine that we really started talking about feelings and how they affect your body.

Michaela was feeling things she had t felt before and some feelings stronger than she had before. Michaela was feeling confused and angry. The thing I learnt though when Michaela and I started writing this book, is how resilient children are, and that they understand much more than we sometimes give them credit for. It was Michaela who said to me wouldn’t I t be good if we could help other children understand their feelings? So, I said why don’t we write a book and help other children; and so, It’s OK to have feelings was born.

As we wrote the book, I was blown away by how much she contributed and how clear a direction she had. Michaela gave me all the examples that went with the feelings, she described to me in detail how she wanted the pictures to look and even helped with the font and picture for the biography.

This book has been such a journey and the things I learnt along the way I will never forget. Mostly I learnt that my daughter is capable of absolutely anything she sets her eyes to. and that teaching your child that anything is possible is such an important lesson. l for their future. Stepping out of my comfort zone not only helped me, but it strengthened my bond with my daughter.



Aileen Pound and Michaela Robertson Keane are a mother and daughter team.

Michaela, who is six, is Aileen's only child, and they spend a lot of time doing lots of fun things together: going on adventures, creating and being imaginative at home. So last year, when they were housebound during COVID, they started talking a lot about feelings, especially ones that Michaela had never felt before. So they decided to write a book together to help other children with their feelings.

Aileen and Michaela spent a long time talking about what feelings to put in the book, and Michaela provided Aileen all the examples that are in the book. As with everything, they wrote this book together, and Michaela had a very clear image of how she wanted the illustrations to look.







Goodreads Author Page – Aileen Pound:

Goodreads Author Page – Michaela Robertson Keane:

Goodreads Book Page:



Amazon US Kindle eBook:

Amazon US Paperback:

Amazon US Hardcover:

Amazon CA Kindle eBook:

Amazon CA Paperback:

Amazon CA Hardcover:

Barnes and Noble Paperback:

Barnes and Noble Hardcover:

The Book Depository Paperback:

The Book Depository Hardcover:

BAM! Books-A-Million Paperback:

BAM! Books-A-Million Hardcover:



Aileen and Michaela will be awarding a $15 Amazon or Barnes and Noble Gift Card (Winner’s Choice!!!) to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

**This post contains affiliate links and if clicked and a purchase is made, I may receive a small commission to help support this blog.  This does not cost you anything, it just helps pay for all those fabulous community outreach projects and awesome giveaways on here**

This contest is sponsored by a third party. Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Goddess Fish Promotions.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette. The featured author and Goddess Fish Promotions are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.


  1. Aileen & Michaela ~ Good morning!! Welcome to FAB!! It is so great to have you BOTH here!! Congrats on your new book and good luck on the book tour :)

  2. Sounds like an interesting book.

  3. I wish I would have paid attention to this book earlier. This would have made really good stocking stuffers for my nephews and niece.

  4. The book sounds wonderful. I love the cute cover.

  5. I liked the excerpt and It's Okay to Have Feelings sounds like a wonderful book for children to read! Thanks for sharing it with me and have a wonderful day!
