
Monday, December 13, 2021

What It Means to Be Me by Danielle Dawn Falk - Book Tour - Book Review - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

What It Means to Be Me

by Danielle Dawn Falk


GENRE:  Children's



"I am me as can be . . ."

Encouraging and heartfelt, "What It Means to Be Me" takes readers on an inspiring journey of self-discovery and self-worth. Written in rhyme, this engaging read about learning, dreaming and growing is meant for absolutely anyone to connect with the message of this sweet story.

Read along and celebrate everything it means to be your own true self.



The world is a great, big place, with billions of people here on Earth,

And trillions of stars up in space.

It may not be easy to know right from wrong,

To feel that you fit in, or to know where you belong.

It is OK to feel confused and to be unsure of where you are going,

But here is something that is worthy of knowing:

In our world, it is important to be accepting and inclusive of each other,

While also celebrating and encouraging what makes us unique from one another.

You will learn so much along the way;

Growing up does not happen in just one day.

Remember that getting to know yourself is a very good start.

Your life is full of meaning; find the wonder that sets you apart.



This book is such a fantastically charming, sweet, adorable, positive, children's read!!

This book is filled with beautiful, inspiring, motivating, encouraging passages that are sure to easily connect and resonate with young readers.

I absolutely loved how this book incorporates such important themes like diversity, acceptance, and inclusiveness throughout the story!!  Furthermore, this book not only emphasizes the significance of understanding and accepting people's differences and their unique attributes; but actually, takes it one step further, by promoting, celebrating, and even encouraging readers to stay true to themselves, to be proud of what makes them - well, them, and to be thankful for their special one-of-a-kind gifts.  Besides, it undoubtedly would be such a dark, sad, plain, empty, boring, lonely world if we were all exactly the same, "perfect little cookie cutter copies."  And why should anyone strive to simply fit into a so-called “norm,” when they obviously were chosen to standout?!

I loved the wonderful, creative, well-thought-out, and constructed rhyming sequences that clearly showcase the author’s writing talent.  Most people can rhyme; not everyone can create such strong structured, meaningful, and profound rhymes, that not only belong to make the pattern work, but also make sense and cleverly fit into the storyline.

This book will truly help young readers fully appreciate their uniqueness, and will also teach them to respect, commend, and support others to feel safe enough to do so as well.

This book provides young readers with a comfortable, accepting, non-discriminating, non-judgmental, safe space to open-up about their differences and learn to embrace their extraordinary self.

The past few years have sadly been filled with such disgusting hatred and animosity (on both sides) which has substantially divided not just the country - but the entire world.  With this complete lack of unity and total discord it can often be difficult to teach and inspire the next generation to not follow in our footsteps down the dark rabbit hole of mistakes and regrets (pretty much the do as I say not as I’ve done scenario lol).  In addition, we must encourage these future leaders of tomorrow to implement and practice more accepting attitudes towards differences and see everyone’s uniqueness as positives, not flaws, or imperfections.  So, huge props to the author, Danielle Dawn Falk, for finding an avenue to positively connect with and guide our young ones, creating a safe, comforting, approachable, and open environment for them!!!

I also loved the gorgeous, bright, uplifting, vivacious illustrations that are sure to catch and keep the reader's attention.



Danielle Dawn Falk has a lifelong passion for writing. Growing up, she often struggled with feelings of being unaccepted, as well as not fitting in with her peers. When she became a mother, some of her goals were to help her son and daughter realize how unique and special they are, while at the same time, teaching them to show acceptance and compassion toward everyone else. She hopes that through her writing, she will inspire her children, as well as many others, to do just that.

Danielle lives with her family on Vancouver Island in British Columbia, Canada.













Danielle will be awarding a $10 Amazon or Barnes and Noble Gift Card to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Danielle, I enjoyed following the tour and learning about What It Means To Be Me, which sounds like a wonderful children's book and I like the cover! Good luck with your book and I hope the tour was a success! Thanks Fabulous and Brunette for sharing your review! Have a magical holiday season!
