
Friday, December 17, 2021

Underestimate Me. – That’ll Be Fun! by Furiosa - Book Tour - Exclusive Excerpt - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Underestimate Me – That’ll Be Fun

by Furiosa


GENRE: Non-Fiction



This book is a collection of rants, opinions, and observations on random subjects that I scribbled while running away from and toward my true self.

I hope my words can show others that there is life after years of breaking rocks on society's conformity chain gang and that real empowerment is being yourself and not what others tell you that you should be. You cannot sit and read the book of your life as it unfolds. You must write the next page yourself. That is the way to growth and to peace and yes, you can be homesick for places you have never been.

Book description by my Inner voice: This is a chunk of at times incoherent ramblings on life and people one meets as they wander aimlessly on the internet and through the so-called real world... a shambolic, circumlocutious clustershtuck of a sometimes crap-infused, possibly drug-fuelled word salad.



Gratitude—grab some.

At this moment, someone is praying for what you take for granted. You once prayed for what you have now.

We tend to focus on what we don’t have without appreciating the things we do have. That is wrong and always disappointing. I find when I take stock of the fabulous things I have been blessed with, and there are many, and notice how I have taken those things for granted, I get a beatdown from my guardian angels who mock me mercilessly.

A story if I may? The first time I was told I needed to wear glasses for distance I was so depressed. I’m not old, I thought. Why me? Oh! The horror! My life is over. The things going on in my pretty little self-absorbed head were absurd, looking back. This was a few years ago when I still risked my mental and physical wellbeing by taking public transportation. I sat on the bus devastated and feeling sorry for myself, barely looking out the window and not caring if I even got off at the right stop because after all, I was now a four-eyes, a specky, a Poindexter, a geek. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

The bus lurched on, stopping too often for my liking to pick up more of the unwashed masses. One stop in particular was hacking me off. What the fuck was taking so long to get on the bus? Probably some drunk old fat fuck, I thought to myself. He better not sit next to me reeking of cheap booze and yesterday’s tobacco and piss. The door was open, it was winter, and this four-eyes was shivering. Get on the damn bus already! Then I saw a furry head and paws come up the stairs followed by…YEP! You guessed it—a blind man. I looked up to the sky and said, “Well played, angels. Good one!” So, I am grateful for my vision, and I must say I have some pretty fly glasses. Some snappy Ray-Ban tortoise shell Clubmasters and some sweet Tiffany & Co. and Dolce & Gabbanas snagged online for a quarter of what they are in the store.

Some of things we take for granted are things we have prayed for in the past. Someone is praying for those things right now. Be grateful.

Inner voice: Um, it’s probably illegal to buy those online. They might be stolen or just knock-offs, but it’s still wrong.

Furiosa: Yeah, I meant someone else bought those online. Yes, yes, that’s it… someone else did—probably that blind dude on the bus.



Furiosa has been expressing her thoughts and ideas on paper, walls, and sidewalks since she could hold a crayon. Though she only recently published her first book, Underestimate Me. That’ll be Fun! She identifies as a bestselling author.  She wants you to know that being yourself is your superpower.  Furiosa loves autobiographies, classic old movies, all genres of music, chasing stars, and visiting far-flung places via roads less travelled.















Furiosa will be awarding a $15 Amazon or Barnes and Noble Gift Card to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. TGIF everyone. A big THANK YOU to Fabulous and Brunette for sharing my book, Underestimate Me. That'll Be Fun! I will be close by if anyone has questions and would love to hear what you think of the excerpt, the cover and/or the book if you have read it. Have a great day allπŸŒ»πŸ’›πŸ’™πŸ€πŸ’œπŸ’–

  2. Congratulations on your release of Underestimate Me: That'll Be Fun, Furiosa, I enjoyed following the tour and learning about your book, which sounds like a book that I will enjoy and I like the cover! Good luck with your book and have a spectacular holiday season!

    1. Thanks so much for following the tour. It was fun and I found some great sites to meet fellow book lovers and new authors 🌸 🌞 πŸ’—

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Rita . 😊 🌺 πŸ₯€ ♥️

  4. This sounds wonderful and I love to cover too.

    1. Thank you for the feedback Sherry. Glad you like the cover- it was fun creating it Have a wonderful evening ☀️ πŸ’• πŸ₯€
