
Thursday, December 2, 2021

Just a Girl in the Whirl by Annie Wood - Book Tour - Guest Post - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Just a Girl in the Whirl

by Annie Wood


GENRE:  Young Adult



A 17 year old girl is overwhelmed with responsibilities trying to keep her messy family together. Everything spins out of control when her addict actor dad who bailed on the family three years ago leaving her with her lovable but bi-polar mom and her two little sisters, comes back into town and wants to reconnect.

Writing poems is her only escape. Just a girl in the is about family, forgiveness, and having enough courage to live your own life, your own way.



What are readers saying about Annie’s new book???

Soul Touching Work Of Art!

"This book made me tear up multiple times, as I felt a real connection with the characters and their struggles. I recommend it for all ages."



In the past 747 days I’ve made 747th breakfasts for my family. I barely have to think about what I’m doing anymore, the eggs just poach themselves.  Doing the same thing, day in and day out, gives my life the feeling of being stuck in slo-mo. In fact, I’m moving so freakin’ slowly I may as well be standing still. It’s like I managed to step into a vat of cement while everyone around me is coasting along on one of those people movers they have at the airports. Also, my particular vat of cement happens to be on a carousel, going around and around and around. So, sure, there’s movement, only I’m not getting anywhere.

“Damn it.” I bend down to pick up yet another broken glass. My bad. As usual. When my mind wanders, it takes my coordination with it.

“Lauren. Don’t say damn.” my kid sis reprimands.

“You’re right, Sara. Sorry. Finish your scrambled eggs, okay?”


“Ouch.” I cut my pinkie on a sliver of broken glass.

“We’re out of Band-Aids,” Matty informs. “You should get more.”

“Gee, thanks, sis. Don’t bother getting up.”

“I won’t,” she tells me as she continues scarfing down the food I made her.

Yep, this is my brood. Not on purpose, though. I mean, I didn’t plan this brood or birth this brood, it just sort of turned out that they’re now, mostly mine.

My eighteenth birthday is in 99.3105497 days away and then I’ll be free.



What is your favorite motivational phrase and how do you apply it your writings? Life?

I’ve been a collector of quotes and positive thoughts since I was a kid. My diaries were full of them! I love feeling inspired by words from people who came before me and I aim to do the same for others. I inspire to be inspired and I inspire TO inspire. :) So, to answer this question, I’m going to say that my fav motivational phrase is my own.

I call them My Three Keeps:

Keep Creating. Keep Positive. Keep Showing Up.

I’ll break it down…

Keep Creating = You doing anything that makes you feel happy, calm and connected. The way you can choose to create is as limitless as the sky. Maybe you draw, cook or sing. Maybe you’re a great storyteller or decorator. Maybe just way you go about your days, being you, is your creation. Whatever it is I hope you know that’s important. There never has, nor will there ever be, another you. So, you being you, and creating only the way you can, is valuable, important and needed.

Keep Positive = I know that this idea sometimes receives a backlash as if positive peeps are suggesting that it’s too much pressure to always strive for happiness. Or the idea that other feelings aren’t valid. I’m not suggesting that. Go ahead and feel all your feels, but if you’re going to choose a feeling to dwell in, choosing positive is a heck of a lot more fun. And like attracts like, so I suggest you look for the good. Look for it and I promise you’ll find it. Look for the positive in a situation, in other people and most importantly- in yourself.

Keep Showing Up = This isn’t about a specific showing up to a place. It’s about showing up for yourself and your life. Don’t push your wants aside thinking that they’re unrealistic or that people won’t understand. This is your beautiful life, do with it what you choose. But if you stop, if you quit, you’ll never know how your story will unfold. Be part of the telling by choosing to show up for your dreams. Enter that contest, go to that meeting, meet that new person, learn that new skill. Show up for your life. You deserve all the rewards.

Love and Good Vibes,

Annie Wood



Annie Wood is an Israeli-American, Hollywood native, and a lifelong actress and writer. The web series she created, wrote and stars in, Karma’s a Bitch, was Best of the Web on Virgin America.


Wood was part of the NBC DIVERSITY SHOWCASE with her comedic scene, That’s How They Get You.  She’s written 100s of scenes for actors that have been used by Emmy Award-winning TV director, Mary Lou Belli in her UCLA course and casting director, Jeremey Gordon in workshops all around town.

As an author, she has three books out: Dandy Day, Just a Theory: a quantum love adventure and her first YA novel, Just a Girl in the Whirl (Speaking Volumes Publishing).

Annie’s also an Internationally exhibited mixed-media artist, a produced playwright, and was the third female solo dating game show host in the history of television with the nationally syndicated show, BZZZ! that she also co-produced. (Which just re-ran in 2020 on BUZZRTV!)

Annie writes and creates art daily.









She also runs the Twitter account for the Women of the Writers Guild West Follow us here —> @WoWGAW

She is part of the Middle Eastern Committee at WGA and a Dramatist Guild Member and an Authors Guild Member.





Annie will be awarding a $40 Amazon or Barnes and Noble Gift Card to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

**This post contains affiliate links and if clicked and a purchase is made, I may receive a small commission to help support this blog.  This does not cost you anything, it just helps pay for all those fabulous community outreach projects and awesome giveaways on here**

This contest is sponsored by a third party. Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Goddess Fish Promotions.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette. The featured author and Goddess Fish Promotions are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.


  1. Annie ~ Good morning! Welcome to FAB! It is so great to have you here! Congrats on your new book and good luck on the book tour! :)

  2. Hi Annie. What's something your character Lauren has taught you?

    1. Hi, Kim! Lauren represents a great reminder that if you forget to take care of yourself, you can't possibly be helpful to others. Self love is super important! Hope you read and enjoy the book, Kim!

  3. I think this book sounds great.

  4. Great guest post and excerpt, Annie and Just a Girl in the Whirl sounds like an excellent read for my niece and I like the cover! Thanks for sharing it with me and have a wonderful holiday season!
