
Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Lady and the Tribe: How to Create Empowering Friendship Circles by Brenda Billings Ridgley - Book Tour - Guest Post - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Lady and the Tribe:

How to Create Empowering Friendship Circles

by Brenda Billings Ridgley


GENRE: Non-Fiction, Self-Help



Wives, mothers, and career women—we have all fallen victim to the silent epidemic that is, literally . . . letting ourselves go. Not the makeup free, yoga pants, weight gain routine. Little by little, we have allowed our preferences, interests, and individuality to slip away until we no longer recognize ourselves outside of our role as wives, mothers, or professionals. Who we are has become what we do.

In the process, our friendships have become the casualty of a “busy life” and lack consistency and depth. We have a gaping hole inside us that longs to be filled. How do we reclaim who we really are and fill this empty space that seemed to appear from nowhere? The answer lies in our Tribe. Our best friends see us more clearly than we see ourselves and are representations and extensions of our individuality. They are our companions, cheerleaders, and counselors—always in our corner. They are the branches of our tree of life that lift and support us, so we can flourish. Our Tribe is the family with whom we choose to live our life . . . with no strings attached.

Lady and the Tribe is a blueprint for building deep connections. As you read, you’ll be swept away on a journey of friendship as the author shares her own personal stories and those of other women. In the process, you’ll discover how to find, nurture, and deepen friendships and create a Tribe culture that is unique to you.

We can become whole again through the power of connection.

When three or more gather, we are Tribe.



The Tribe

Traditionally, a Tribe is a social division in society consisting of families or communities linked by social, economic, religious, or blood ties. Some Tribes have a common culture and dialect, and typically they have a recognized leader. A customary Tribe is a face-to-face community, relatively bound by kinship relations, reciprocal exchange, and strong ties to place.

The term Tribe should be utilized only with great respect and consideration of its origins. It is with the term’s heritage in mind that I aspire to create that culture with my closest friends. This social division, group, or pack are linked by common social patterns, interests, and sometimes, goals. As the group connects together over time, they establish the Tribe’s personality, lingo, patterns, and rituals.

Your Tribal space feels like home when you arrive. It is safe, encouraging and makes you feel relevant because you are truly seen. Your Tribe cares about your opinions and what you have to say. They are proud of your talents and strengths and are not threatened by your success. Your Tribe will promote rather than ignore or diminish your wins. Although these close friends can be a great influence for you to be better and do better, there is no contest; you do not feel competitive with one another. The experience of finding your Tribe can be life changing. It becomes a mirror reaffirming who you are and where you belong.



Fabulous and Brunette Meets Lady and the Tribe

Good day and thank you so much for inviting me to share with you and the Fabulous and Brunette readers today. I love your question asking about Lady and the Tribe’s book cover and how it came about! I have received so many compliments on it and am so grateful to designer Victoria Wolf for helping create my vision.

The tree of life that is front and center on the cover represents the woman who is living her full, whole, best life. Some people do not see it at first, but the trunk is a woman rooted deep and wide, and her branches are reaching, and growing and supporting the season’s inflorescence. The colors reflect that she is blossoming and at her peak and best self. In Lady and the Tribe, I use the tree of life as a metaphor for our own individual beings.

The Roots that Nourish and Anchor

Our parents provided the seed and soil for our trees of life. Our internal environment—genetics, traits, and characteristics—all stem from the seed. The soil is our external environment. It includes the lessons we were taught, the role models we observed, and the experiences that created our values, ethics, and morals. It also includes where we lived and the individuals and activities to whom we were introduced. Everything about us stems from nature and nurture.

The Trunk – The Connector

The trunk is the part of a tree that connects the leafy crown with its roots and that is what we do individually as we grow through life. We carry everything with us as we expand and create anew and become unique. We are given specific terroir from which we can choose how we would like to evolve and blossom.

The problem is sometimes our own growth is stifled when we give-away our interests, preferences, and friendships when we take on the roles of wife, mother or even professional. Over time we may lose touch with who we really are and wonder “Who am I without this role?

The answer lies within our connections to other women. Relationships not bound by blood, vow, or contract. Relationships that do not NEED anything from us other than friendship.

The Branches that Lift and Support

Our closest friendships become the branches of our tree of life. These relationships strongly resemble tree branches because they grow stronger with time and attention. They hold you up in high regard and stay strong with the winds of change. As the seasons of your life pass through, the branches of your relationships remain growing, supportive, and ready to lift you higher the next season.

Taking another look at the cover now, I hope you find a new reason to appreciate the design. I love the back cover as well. It features my Tribe and they inspired me to write Lady and the Tribe, How to Create Empowering Friendship Circles. Please consider adding it to your reading list and connect with me! I would love to hear your thoughts.



BRENDA RIDGLEY is an author, speaker, and girlfriend guru who loves helping women connect, find success, and discover joy through friendship.  Her mission is to start a movement: women coming together to build thousands of new Lady Tribes around the globe.  Through her workshops, vlogs, blogs, and book clubs, Brenda helps women connect and communicate with respect, love, and trust. She holds an MA in human resources and has spent decades cultivating her own Tribe.  A Colorado girl at heart, Brenda lives in the Carbon Valley area with her husband, Parker, two kids, Parker Jr. and Gillian, and pooch, Perry.  She enjoys hiking and has conquered Longs Peak and several other 14’ers. 



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Brenda will be awarding a Cape Diablo Wrap Bracelet and a $25 Amazon Gift Card (US ONLY) to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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This contest is sponsored by a third party. Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Goddess Fish Promotions.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette. The featured author and Goddess Fish Promotions are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.