
Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Parentectomy by Christine Giancarlo - Book Tour - Exclusive Excerpt - Giveaway - Enter Daily!

Hi, lovelies!!  It gives me great pleasure today to host Christine Giancarlo and her new book, “Parentectomy: A Narrative Ethnography of 30 Cases of Parental Alienation and What to Do About It,” here on FAB!!  For other stops on her Goddess Fish Promotions Book Tour, please click on the banner above or any of the images in this post.

Be sure to make it to the end of this post to enter to win a $15 Amazon or Barnes and Noble Gift Card!!  Also, come back daily to interact with Christine and to increase your chances of winning!!

Thanks for stopping by!!  Wishing you all lots of good luck in this fabulous giveaway!!


A Narrative Ethnography of 30 Cases of Parental Alienation and What to Do About It

by Christine Giancarlo


GENRE: Non-Fiction



When parents separate and divorce, kids come last in family law. Should children's welfare be measured in "billable hours"? Christine Giancarlo thinks kids come first and need both parents. Parentectomy moves us toward that goal... for the sake of the children.

Based on Dr. Giancarlo's peer-reviewed research study, Kids Come Last: The Effect of Family Law Involvement in Parental Alienation, this book tells, in their own voices, the stories of thirty loving, capable and dependable parents who, nonetheless, were removed from their children's lives. It is also the author's own journey through the devastation caused by parental alienation.

This book sheds light on an urgent social crisis, enabled by a broken family law system. An equitable and just model for eliminating this form of child abuse is proposed with an urgent plea for its implementation.



Why would any parent alienate their children from the other parent?

Children share half of each of their parent’s genes. To teach a child to hate a parent is to teach that child to hate one-half of his or her self10. A child loves its parents and, from an evolutionary point of view, seeks to maximize for itself each parent’s care and attention. This strategy provides its best chance to survive and thrive; the same goes for an adopted child. A parent, in turn, dotes on his or her children out of love but also out of self-interest; to pass on his or her genes. In addition, biological and adopted children provide some care giving “insurance” for their aging parents. Children are never the winners in cases of parental alienation. One parent can only provide 50% of possible total parental investment. A parent who is an alienator is not a competent parent, prioritizing his or her needs above those of their child. Alienated parents tend to be competent, loving, and productive. In parental alienation, the child loses a good parent, and is held hostage by a dangerous one.

To date, research shows that alienators do so for one, or a combination, of three main reasons: revenge; money; and most prevalent, perhaps even ubiquitous, their own mental illness in the form of Cluster B Personality Disorders11. In cases of revenge, an ex-spouse or partner may be so overwhelmed and devastated by the relationship breakdown that hatred becomes that parent’s prime motivator. Such a parent is more fixated on destroying their former partner than on raising a healthy child. All too often, friends and family become unwitting enablers in these revenge campaigns, providing misguided support to the alienator by their actions and sympathetic comments. Enablers ramp up the campaign of denigration by agreeing with, even adding to, the insults, put-downs and obstacles thrown in the path of the targeted parent. In conversation, an outsider attuned to the tactics used by vengeful alienators will hear “red-flag” words and assertions from the “injured” ex-partner about the other party. Derogatory nicknames, claims of abuse to their children or themselves, and supposed examples of parenting incompetence are common diatribes used against the alienated parent.

10 Baker, 2007

11 American Psychiatric Association, 2013



Christine Giancarlo is an applied anthropologist at Mount Royal University since 1992. She holds a Ph.D. in Human Services from Capella University, Minnesota, and an M.A. in Primatology from the University of Calgary, Alberta. Growing up with two loving parents, four brothers and being blessed with her own children, Devon and Carmen, inform her holistic perspective on the family. Christine resides in Calgary with her partner, Bert, and their dog, Gavin.






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Christine will be awarding a $15 Amazon or Barnes and Noble Gift Card to a randomly drawn winner via Rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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This contest is sponsored by a third party. Fabulous and Brunette is a registered host of Goddess Fish Promotions.  Prizes are given away by the sponsors and not Fabulous and Brunette. The featured author and Goddess Fish Promotions are solely responsible for the giveaway prize.


  1. Christine ~ Good morning! Welcome to FAB! It is so great to have you here! Congrats on your intriguing new book and good luck on the book tour! :)

  2. Good morning, bloggers, and thanks so much for hosting me here, Ally! My book came about as a result of my witnessing parental alienation in my own family. My then-husband was a targeted dad and rarely, eventually never, saw his three daughters after his divorce from his first wife. Prior to the alienation, he had a loving relationship with the girls and was a positive, important influence in their lives. Moms as well as dads can be the targets of parental alienation. In either case, their children suffer needlessly for years, often for life. The mental health toll on targeted parents, too, is devastating. I'm happy to reply to any comments or queries you have during my guest appearance and thanks for reading!

  3. This book would be very useful to so many parents and grandparents.

  4. Thanks, Linda. Yes, this is a widespread, global issue affecting the extended family as well as immediate.

  5. This book sounds very informative. I know too many parents that are alienating their children.

  6. Hi "pippirose", You seem already informed of this issue unlike the majority of the lay-public. Thanks for your interest and for helping spread awareness that manipulation of a parent by the other only harms their children, in the short- and long- run.

  7. I love the cover and think the book sounds great.

  8. Thanks for hosting Parentectomy today! Happy reading and blogging to all and I hope you will "enjoy" my book.

  9. Much appreciated, Sherry. The cover is ambiguous due to the non-gendered origin and manifestation of parental alienation.
